Unlock the Mystery: 11 Signs He Likes You More Than You Think
Ready to Attract the Love You Deserve?
Dating can be confusing at the best of times, and trying to figure out whether a guy likes you is challenging – especially if he’s the kind of guy who keeps his cards close to his chest or is a little shy or nervous around you. So, if you’re looking for signs he likes you more than you think he does, you’ve landed in the right place.
11 Signs he likes you more than you think
1. He’s curious about you
One of the clear signs he likes you more than you think is if he’s constantly asking you questions and listening intently to your answers. For example, does he ask about your relationship status and the kind of man and relationship you’re looking for? Does he ask about your childhood, likes and dislikes, dreams, and goals?
If a man frequently asks you questions like this (in person, through text, and on social media), he wants to feel more emotionally connected to you. Understanding your past, present, and future helps him do this.
2. He follows through
When you’re first getting to know a guy, it isn’t easy to know his intentions. Is he genuine, or is he just looking to hook up?
Editor’s note: Ready to attract love with a proven strategy? Watch this free video to learn the 7 powerful steps
If a man tells you he’s going to do something like take you on a date, or help you carry those heavy boxes to the donation store, or meet you somewhere at a certain time, and then follows through and does what he says he would, it’s one of the strongest signs he likes you more than you think. Pay less attention to what a guy says (the audio) and more attention to his actions (the visual).
3. He’s consistent
Two things help build trust: time and consistency.
What do I mean by consistency?
His behavior is consistent. He’s not hot on you one minute, then freezing cold the next. You’re not constantly confused, dealing with him being all over you and then pulling away or disappearing for days or weeks. One of the signs he likes you more than you think is he is predictable (in a good way). His communication is clear. He’s not playing games, you can count on him to show up for you, and he keeps his promises. He remains in contact with you, whether in person or through phone calls and texts. You feel secure because his actions show that he cares, and the trust between you is building each day.
4. He is incredibly thoughtful
Did he send you a good luck text right before a big day at work that you told him about weeks ago? Does he surprise you with your favorite candy bar or flowers or turn up at your house unexpectedly with your favorite pizza and a bottle of wine? Does he make an effort to cook you a romantic dinner, even though the last time he cooked was in 2005? Does he regularly perform small acts of kindness and grand gestures to show you how much he cares? And even if you’re not much of a romantic, the lengths he goes to do make you feel special.
When a guy isn’t interested in you, he won’t pay attention to the finer details or go out of his way to do thoughtful things. So if he is, it’s because he likes you a lot and wants to shower you with affection, gifts, and small gestures that brighten your day.
5. He makes plans with you in advance
If a guy hits you up at the last minute and asks if you want to hang out, it’s probably because he’s bored and has nothing better going on. In other words, you’re not a priority, and he’s not making any real effort to see or spend time with you regularly. On the other hand, if a guy is making plans in advance, it’s a sign of intent and a sign he likes you more than you think.
For example, if he asks what you’re up to next week or whether you want to go to dinner next Saturday. A high-value woman is busy, and her schedule gets booked up in advance. And men know this. So if he is making plans with you in advance, it’s because he doesn’t want to risk you being busy.
6. He wants to spend time with you during the day
This might sound a tad strange, but hear me out on this one!
If a guy only wants to hang out at night (usually at his place or yours), he’s probably more interested in your body and sex rather than you and building a real connection with you.
When a guy really likes you and wants to progress toward a relationship with you, he will want to be around you as much as possible. He’ll want to spend time with you during the day because he wants to get to know you better, chat with you, and hear more about your life.
To recap:
Night-time-only hang-outs = booty call.
Day-time hang-outs = he likes you more than you think.
7. He is a modern gentleman
Another sign he likes you more than you think is if he always treats you with kindness and respect. He’s attentive, treats you like a Queen, and tries to do everything right because he doesn’t want to blow his chances with an amazing woman like you.
One thing to remember is when a guy really likes you, he will naturally want to speed things up. But I don’t recommend moving too fast too soon. Once you reach Little Love Step #5, slow things down even more so you have the time and space to get to know a guy and decide whether he’s worth exclusivity. Another sign that he’s a modern gent is if you have this conversation with him and tell him that you like him but want to take things slow, and he respects that instead of trying to prod your boundaries.
8. He is protective over you
Look out for signs of this guy being protective over you. That includes physically and emotionally protecting you. When you’re going through a rough patch, he will be there to offer advice, support you through it, and do his best to make you feel better. He’ll also check in with you when he knows you’re out late on your own or after a date to ensure you return home safely. Maybe he holds your hand as you cross a busy road or always makes sure he walks on the sidewalk nearest the road so that he physically protects you.
Men are biologically wired to protect the people they love. So if he behaves like this around you, it’s because he has strong feelings. Like, he would be seriously upset if you got hit by a bus, so he goes above and beyond to make sure no moving buses get anywhere near you.
9. His body language will show he is attracted to you
If you’re ever confused about whether a guy likes you, pay attention to his body language. What he says could be misleading, but what his body says is always clear.
Look for signs like strong eye contact, smiling, leaning in toward you, mirroring your body language, standing up tall and straight (so he appears strong and more masculine), touching his face or grooming himself, wanting to sit close to you, and even breaking the physical touch barrier (in a non-creepy way).
This is his way of communicating his attraction and interest in you.
10. He tries to impress you with his personality
Looking for signs he likes you more than you think? Look no further than his continual attempt to impress you. Not in a flashy surface-level way with money, fancy cars, or his job title, but with his knowledge about various things, his interests, and his goals. And he won’t do it in a way that talks down to you.
When a guy likes you and wants to pursue you, he wants to stand out from all the other guys you’re dating or could be dating. To do that, he will go out of his way to be interesting and engaging, which helps build emotional attraction between you. And this is essential if you want your relationship to last long-term.
11. He introduces you to his world
The final sign that he likes you more than you think is if you have met his nearest and dearest, including his best friends and some of his close family. This is a big step for anyone, and it demonstrates strong interest and intent on his part. You wouldn’t take any old guy home to meet the fam, nor would he.
A guy won’t introduce you to his world if he doesn’t see you in his future. So if he does this, you can be sure he isn’t interested in other women and has strong feelings for you.
Now that you know the obvious (and more subtle) signs to look out for, the question is, does he like you more than you initially thought? Share your story with our community in the comments below!
I don’t thank much of that is true
Unfortunately, it seems like I’m in a situationship, rather than a relationship, as the guy I’m dating basically embodies the opposite of each of these. I think I only answered yes to 1 out of 11.
Biogreenfuture.pl to blog dedykowany fotowoltaice i innowacjom w dziedzinie odnawialnych źródeł energii, który oferuje praktyczne informacje i inspiracje dla osób zainteresowanych zrównoważonym rozwojem. Na naszym blogu znajdziesz szczegółowe artykuły wyjaśniające, jak działają panele fotowoltaiczne, ich instalacja oraz jak maksymalnie wykorzystać ich potencjał. Oferujemy również wiedzę na temat magazynów energii i akumulatorów, które wspierają efektywne zarządzanie energią. Biogreenfuture.pl dostarcza cennych porad dotyczących pomp ciepła, obejmujących ich wybór, instalację i optymalne ustawienie, aby zapewnić najlepszą efektywność. Analizujemy koszty inwestycji w panele fotowoltaiczne oraz omawiamy dostępne dotacje i programy wsparcia finansowego, które mogą pomóc w obniżeniu kosztów początkowych. Nasze artykuły poruszają również kwestie… Read more »
Some of these points are dependent on the guy’s personality in my opinion. For instance, the man I am seeing right now is uncomfortable with prolonged eye contact but he shows the other signs of body language. We usually just chill and watch movies and he holds my hand almost the entire time of the movie. We have been dating for around 5 months now and I already know he is not much of the romantic type which is OK with me. He does think of me by giving me small gifts of things he knows I’d like according to… Read more »
Glad I read this as I have been dating this guy for 2 months now and most of the items applies except he haven’t introduced me to his world yet or given me any gifts. However, he did offer to introduce me to his daughter after few weeks but I said it was too soon. He’s already planning trips and weekend getaway and wants to spend lots of time with me. I do feel like he’ s moving too fast and decided to slow things down. Sometimes I feel like I need my space. We haven’t been intimate yet, just… Read more »
No I don’t think he like me like that reading what you say make me realize that this man doesn’t have any liking for me at all
Dotacjenasolary.info to blog dedykowany tematyce fotowoltaiki i odnawialnych źródeł energii, z naciskiem na dotacje i wsparcie finansowe dla inwestycji w solary. Publikujemy artykuły wyjaśniające, jak działają panele fotowoltaiczne oraz jak efektywnie zarządzać energią w domu. Na naszym blogu znajdziesz informacje o magazynach energii, rodzajach akumulatorów oraz ich roli w systemach solarnych. Oferujemy również szczegółowe poradniki na temat pomp ciepła, ich ustawienia, montażu i eksploatacji. Przedstawiamy koszty inwestycji w fotowoltaikę oraz omawiamy możliwości obniżenia tych kosztów poprzez dotacje i programy wsparcia. Poruszamy kwestie związane z kosztami serwisowania paneli oraz długoterminowymi oszczędnościami wynikającymi z korzystania z energii odnawialnej. Dotacjenasolary.info to także miejsce,… Read more »
So much of these examples are spot on!! If he’s emotionally stable, these are textbook examples… stay away from the ones who are not into you!! I have experienced all these and more- there is no doubt when a man digs me. The question is, how much do I dig him??
Ecomanager to ekspert w dziedzinie fotowoltaiki, pomp ciepła i energii słonecznej, oferujący szeroką gamę artykułów edukacyjnych. Nasza misja to dostarczanie rzetelnych informacji i praktycznych porad, które pomagają w zrozumieniu i wykorzystaniu odnawialnych źródeł energii. Znajdziesz u nas szczegółowe opisy technologii, krok po kroku przewodniki instalacyjne oraz porady dotyczące maksymalizacji efektywności energetycznej. Dbamy o to, aby każdy artykuł był wartościowy i przydatny, niezależnie od poziomu zaawansowania czytelnika. Ecomanager to nie tylko wiedza, ale także inspiracja do ekologicznych zmian i świadomego zarządzania energią. Dołącz do nas i odkryj, jak proste mogą być oszczędności oraz ochrona środowiska dzięki nowoczesnym technologiom OZE. Strona internetowa:… Read more »
I wish I could read this blog sooner before I broke up with my boyfriends. I used to think that he didn’t love me.
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So my guy is in prison and he has shown that he likes me but also says he doesn’t want to lead me on. I know his friends but have not met his mom or dad. He tells me about them though. He is protective of me the best that he can be from there. We’ve known each other for several years and he just recently went to jail. He calls me all day, every day. I love talking to him. He says he loves me but I’m not sure if it’s a friend way or more. I think it’s… Read more »
Great advices, but anyway everyone has other preferences.
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To figure out what your love language test is, consider the way you express affection to the people you love—whether friends, family, or romantic partners. Do you tend to cuddle with them on the couch? Or do you like to shower them with compliments and verbal affirmation?