7 Mind Games Emotionally Insecure Men Play on Women

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Are you sick and tired of men playing mind games with you?

Maybe you see your guy has a text from a woman and you ask who it is…and he goes off, saying you’re accusing him of cheating (when you weren’t) and demands you apologize for not trusting him.

Maybe a guy strings you along by texting you constantly and making you feel like a queen…and then ghosts for days or weeks….before coming back and adoring you again.

What gives?! You’re not 12-year-olds, so why do men insist on messing with your mind when all you want is a loving relationship with a nice guy??

It’s frustrating, heartbreaking, and annoying, and it makes you worry that there are no good men out there.

In this week’s video, I’m going to show reveal the 7 mind games emotionally insecure men play on women so that you can avoid the players and find the healthy relationship you deserve.

Guilt trips. Jealousy. Gaslighting. There are many mind games that some men play, but frankly, you don’t have time for them. Yes, it can be disappointing for a man who seemed to have potential to suddenly start jerking you around, but look at it like this: at least you can filter him out quickly and move on.

Enough. You’re done putting up with men who don’t value you enough to be genuine and forthcoming. It’s time to take control of your love life.

There’s no room for mind games in a real, loving relationship. A true partnership requires both of you putting in energy and supporting one another in a balanced way. It’s not about one-upping your partner or trying to have control.

Have you dealt with men playing games? Leave a comment below and share your story.

Your Coach,




P.S. If you’re truly sick of the mind games, check out my Little Love Steps free training, which will help you meet quality men who don’t play games.

Editor’s note: Ready to attract love with a proven strategy? Watch this free video to learn the 7 powerful steps

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4 years ago

I absolutely love your videos! Please keep em’ coming… I just recently got out of a 4yr relationship and I am heartbroken. However he played a lot of mind games/ gaslighting. I didn’t even know what that was until I met him. He wasn’t a bad guy, I just felt deep down he wasn’t ready for a real relationship.

4 years ago

Adam, You’re amazing. Thank you for the sanity check!

4 years ago

Thank you! I don’t feel as crazy now! I dated a 60 year old man for a year, kind of. He would use an excuse to start tension, usually before he took a trip and wouldn’t talk to me. Two weeks went by most times. I would think it was my fault because that’s what he wanted me to feel. He did it Everytime he left. One time he took me out to dinner, asked what I was doing the next day. I would say I don’t know, what are you doing? Oh I’ll be in Seattle, I’m leaving in… Read more »

4 years ago

I love it! I dated a man briefly that would turn things around on me & try to make me feel insane pretty frequently. When I finally told him I was done & the relationship was over for me, he accused me of gaslighting. At the time, I didn’t even know what it meant. He told me I was “lighting a match on the relationship, watching it explode, & walking away”. Of course I looked it up later & realized he was the “gaslighter” all along. Comical, really…can’t make this s**t up…smh Thanks for your vids, I love the fun… Read more »

4 years ago

I was single for a long time because I got the wrong attitude. I decided to upgrade my skills by following some courses. It’s much better now.
Maybe it can help you too 🙂

Nobody's Victim
4 years ago

I dated a guy who had an endless supply of ways to try to make me jealous…I saw it for what it was: his insecurity — and I ignored all those mind games. He then started saying I was “lacking in awareness” (LOL) – a criticism I also ignored. I’m pretty sure he was a full-fledged narcissist, as he displayed all the patterns, right down to silent treatments. I’m so glad I left.

1 year ago

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9 months ago

I’m not against games, but it’s better when they generate income

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7 months ago

Perhaps a man makes you feel like a queen by his incessant messaging…goes into a trance for a few days or weeks… before returning to your adoration.

5 months ago

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