The premiere dating coaching program for women

Love Accelerator™

  • heart

    Attract quality men

  • heart

    Build confidence

  • heart

    Flirting & Social Skills

  • heart

    Understand man

  • heart

    Find companionship

  • heart

    Unleash femininity

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As seen on:

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The goal

Long-term relationship

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The Love Accelerator


What is it?

This relationship coaching program walks you through the 7 Little Love Steps™ to attract the relationship you desire. Get premier coaching, unlimited support, and custom feedback to successfully attract long-lasting love.


Who is it for?

This program is for smart successful women who are ready to attract the man they want to spend the rest of their life with. This is a focused group relationship coaching program for women who are committed to finding love.


Where does it happen?

The Love Accelerator program is online and consists of training videos, scripts, handouts, weekly mastermind sessions, and a private mastermind online community.


How does it work?

Go through the online training, complete the exercises, use the strategies. Get feedback in the private community and on coaching calls. Follow the framework and get results.


When does it start?

Because the Love Accelerator is accessible online, it starts immediately when you’re accepted into the program. Availability is extremely limited in this program and is only available by application.


Why does it exist?

We created the Love Accelerator because many women struggle to navigate today’s confusing scene. We developed our methodology to provide a simple yet effective way to find love.


Here's how it works


Proven Strategies

We took the guesswork out of love and turned it into a framework. Get instant access to practical, step-by-step tools and techniques to enhance your love life.


Mindset Shifting

We developed a new way of building confidence to attract love. Discover how healthy relationships work. Reprogram your mind to connect with men on a deeper level.


Supportive Community

It’s hard to change your life surrounded by the wrong group of friends. Join an active group of confident, successful women who are all focused on improving their love life.


Expert Mentorship

Never go another day wondering what to do next in your love life. Join the live Q&A sessions to get your questions answered, gain encouragement, and connect with experts.

The Little Love Steps™


Our step-by-step program will show you how to find, attract, and keep the relationship of your dreams. It’s not a fairytale. It's a proven coaching program for women.


Build your sexy confidence

In this first step, your goal is to tap into your feminine energy and recognize your value. The most attractive quality in a woman is when she deeply loves herself and knows how to position herself as a high-value woman.


Create your love vision

Next, it’s time to deeply reflect on the man and the relationship that’s compatible with your future. You’ll discover how to choose the right men and how to avoid the wrong relationship.


Start meeting quality men

You’re now ready to get out the door! Become more deliberate about where you’re going to meet men, and how you’re meeting them. Use your newly-learned flirtation skills to attract the high-quality man you defined in your love vision.


Qualify your options

It’s time to start going out with guys and exploring new connections. Don’t forget, you are in the power seat qualifying the man to see if he meets your love vision. Never chase. Remember, you are the prize he’s trying to win over. These men will begin to pursue you for a relationship.


Pace the progression of your connections

By this step, you’re talking to multiple men and exploring your options. This is when you slow things down even further, which naturally makes men pursue you harder. You don’t “play hard to get”, you are actually hard to get because you now have options. This step gives you the time to decide which man is worth exclusivity.


Set boundaries for a committed relationship

Now, you’re ready for an exclusive relationship with a man who meets your love vision. The very first boundary in any relationship is commitment. Learn how to have “the talk” and set the foundation of your new relationship. Without setting clear, healthy boundaries, the relationship is destined to fail.


Align the relationship with a shared life vision

You’re now in a committed relationship and are deeply in love with this man. Now it’s time to start building a shared life vision with your partner. We call this relationship alignment, and it requires ongoing communication skills to make the relationship last.

Tested and proven results

We don’t teach mainstream pop relationship advice. We provide powerful strategies that get real results in your love life: companionship, marriage, and long-lasting love.

Happy Clients
Active Followers
Total Women Reached

4.9 stars from client reviews

Learn how to find love with confidence

Learn these powerful love strategies anytime, anywhere in the comfort of your own home.

Love Education

Watch inspiring and engaging training videos to learn proven strategies for love. Access the information from any mobile or desktop device anywhere in the world, whenever convenient.

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Interactive private community

Finding love can get lonely when you don’t have a caring support system. Join an energetic group of thousands of other women who are following the same journey toward life long fulfillment in their love life.

Expert Masterminds

Get personalized mentorship from relationship experts who can guide you toward a successful outcome. We provide Q&A calls, recordings, transcripts, and live streaming sessions to provide the ultimate support for your love life.

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Learn how to find
long lasting love

Love Accelerator™

  • heart

    Attract quality men

  • heart

    Build confidence

  • heart

    Unleash Femininity

  • heart

    Meet Quality People

  • heart

    Enjoy the Process

  • heart

    Get results

Apply for a complimentary love strategy session