How To Tell If a Guy Likes You: 11 Proven Signs He Is Into You!

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If you want to know how to tell if a guy likes you, allow me to give you a little advice: you’re probably overthinking it.

romantic gestures

Want to know how to tell if a guy likes you? This probably won’t happen.

You’re looking for grand gestures.

You want him to show up at your door with a dozen red roses.

You want him to call you his girlfriend after just one date.

You want him to introduce you to his mom.

You want him to write a song about you, expounding on your beauty and wit.

I can tell you’ve been watching a lot of rom-com movies, and that’s a shame. I hate how pop culture gives women a skewed idea of what romance is like.

Unfortunately, we guys rarely make such large romantic efforts. You know who writes those scenes in romantic movies?


Yep. Not men. We wouldn’t even think about running across a field of flowers so you can leap into our arms. It’s just not how we operate.

And the truth is: we don’t need to be Mr. Romantic for you to know if a guy likes you. We tell you that we like you in subtle ways.

You just have to pay attention to know how to tell if a guy likes you. But don’t worry; I’m about to give you the 411 on what to look for as signs he does.

How To Tell If a Guy Likes You Sign #1: Body Language

body language

A man’s body language tells you he’s into you.

One of the best ways to tell if a guy likes you is to pay attention to what he does with his body when he’s around you. Body language has scientifically been proven to communicate attraction.

In a study by Vacharkulksemsuk and associates, speed daters who used expansive body language (like widespread limbs or a stretched torso) were 76% more likely to be chosen for a date.

Clearly, body language says something to a person you’re interested in. No words needed.

So when you’re with your guy, pay attention to how his body is positioned. Does he lean in toward you when you talk, as if hanging on your every word? Does he mirror you, meaning if you, for example, cross your legs, he also crosses his?

If you want to know how to tell if a man likes you, see if his feet are pointing in your direction. Generally, when there is attraction or interest, he will point his body toward you.

On the other hand, his body language can also tell you that he’s not interested. If he crosses his arms while talking to you, or points his body away from you, he may not be interested in you romantically.

Pay attention to what he’s saying with his body language. It may speak volumes about how he feels about you.

How To Tell If a Guy Likes You Sign #2: He Gets Nervous Around You

While you might get butterflies whenever you see your crush, you have to realize that he, too, may get nervous around you. Anything you’re feeling, he probably is feeling too.

So, if he likes you, he might act nervous.

Editor’s note: Ready to attract love with a proven strategy? Watch this free video to learn the 7 powerful steps

Nervousness is portrayed in different ways by different people.

He might talk super fast and not pause for a breath or to let you say something.

He might stutter.

His hands might shake.

He might tell dumb jokes.

Realize that what might come off as self-centered — like him doing all the talking, or not asking you questions — might just be a case of the nerves, so think twice before writing him off as not interested.

Just think about what you do around a man that you like when you get nervous. Look for signs like those to know that he’s feeling the same!

How To Tell If a Guy Likes You Sign #3: He Makes Eye Contact

eye contact

A guy who likes you will make eye contact a lot.

Above all, you will know a guy likes you if he maintains eye contact with you. This can happen when you first catch one another’s eyes across the bar as well as on a first date. If he’s got you locked in his sights while you talk, it’s a great sign!

If he is into you, he may sweep your face from right to left with his adoring gaze. He might even lift his eyebrow at you.

However, here’s something interesting: eye contact isn’t the only way to know how to tell if a guy likes you. There are other areas he may look if he’s interested. In a recent scientific study, researchers at Wellesley College and the University of Kansas discovered that both men and women who were romantically interested in someone would stare at that person’s head or chest frequently. If they considered that person just a friend, they looked at feet or legs more.

So before you slap him for looking at your chest (my eyes are up here, buddy), know that this is another sign that he is interested in you romantically.

How To Tell If a Guy Likes You Sign #4: He Gives You A Lot Of Attention

This tip is a good one if you’re in a crowd of people, where it can be challenging to gauge his interest. If he’s giving you more attention than anyone else and exhibiting some of these other signs, there’s a good chance he does.

Test it out. If you’re at a party, move away from the crowd that he’s in. Say you need to get a drink or something. Then don’t return. See if he catches your eye across the room, or, even better, follows you to where you are.

The key here is confidence. If you are confident of your power to draw him, he most certainly will follow you. But if you look like you’re doing everything you can to not rush back over into the glow of his attention, that will turn him off.

If, however, you leave his area and he doesn’t seem to notice, he’s either playing games or isn’t interested in you. More research is needed.

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How To Tell If a Guy Likes You Sign #5: He Smiles A Lot

smiling man

He will smile at you frequently if he’s into you.

Not only does smiling attract others to you, but it’s also an indicator of attraction.

The next time you’re with the man you’re interested in, notice how often he smiles. Then: what kind of smile is he giving you? Is it a polite smile to just show interest in what you’re saying?

A fake smile that totally doesn’t fool you?

Or a smile — that includes his eyes — that says he’s having a great time and is enjoying his time with you?

Want to get him to smile more? Do more smiling yourself. They’re contagious. I promise.

How To Tell If a Guy Likes You Sign #6: He Finds Excuses To Touch You All The Time

Look, guys like to touch on ladies.

Some do it in a pervy manner that gets them slapped. This isn’t the kind of touching you’re looking for. Instead, you’re looking for little innocent touches like on the arm or shoulder. A man who is into you will find excuses to touch you. Here are some examples:

Oh, cool. What does your tattoo say? [he gently grabs your wrist and rubs his thumb over your tattoo.]

Wow, you’re tense. Need a massage? [he squeezes your shoulder.]

After you. [he gently grazes your low back with his palm as you walk through the door.]

Oh, you’ve got something in your hair. [he gently brushes your hair back.]

Trust me: if a man does not like you, he doesn’t want to give the wrong impression by touching you in a way that might make you think he’s interested. So if he’s finding ways to touch you, he’s clearly trying to communicate his feelings.

So if you want to tell if a guy likes you, pay attention to how he finds an opportunity to touch you or make it seem accidental. That arm wrestling match he coerced you into? Yea. That was planned.

How To Tell If a Guy Likes You Sign #7: Pay Attention To His Friends

a guy's friends

A guy’s friends can give you an indicator of his interest.

First of all, if you’ve met his friends already, this is an excellent sign. That alone indicates that a) they know about you and b) he’s proud to show you off to them.

But maybe you met this guy at the same time that you met his friends. Maybe you already knew them. Either way, they can provide clues for how this man feels about you.

Are they surprised at your presence when you show up with him for events? Or do they greet you comfortably, like they fully expected you to be there?

Do you get the sense that he talks to them about you? Do they say things like you’ve got a real winner with John? Overall, you’re looking for clues that this man is comfortable enough with his bros to talk to them about the lady in his life. You don’t want to be a secret. You want him to be so stunned that a looker like you is interested in him that he shouts it from the rooftops to anyone who will listen.

If you haven’t met his friends yet, tell him you’d like to meet them. Suggest a beer meetup with them and see what he says. If he’s not into you or hasn’t told them about you, he may be hesitant to make plans with them. If a guy likes you, though, he’ll be quick to include you in plans with his closest friends.

How To Tell If a Guy Likes You Sign #8: He Teases You A Lot

Look, I’ll be the first to admit: men can sometimes be juvenile. When we were kids, we got a girl’s attention by teasing her. Calling her names, pulling her pigtails, you name it.

So can you really wonder why some of us still use this tactic to get your attention as grown women?

Yea, I admit it’s probably not the best strategy, but there you have it. Wanna know how to tell if a guy likes you? He teases you incessantly.

Now, to be sure, there’s a right way and a wrong way to tease a woman. Obviously, if his teasing is mean or makes you uncomfortable, let him know and he should back off. But a gentle teasing tells you he’s feeling playful around you and wants to make you laugh.

Him: Wow, you look great.

You: Aw, thank you. That’s sweet.

Him: How much does it cost to hire Beyonce’s makeup artist? Because she did such a fantastic job on you, I might hire her myself!

If you’re game, tease back. It’s a great way to get some real chemistry going on between you two.

How To Tell If a Guy Likes You Sign #9: He Compliments Often

man gives compliments

If a man gives compliments, he likes you.

You look fantastic today.

Wow, that dress looks amazing on you.

You’re the funniest woman I ever met.

I have such a good time with you.

Men don’t usually dole out the compliments unless they mean them. If the guy you’re dating is quick to say nice things about you, he’s most likely into you.

Do pay attention to assess whether the compliments are sincere. And watch out that not all the compliments he gives you are about your physical looks. Certainly, it’s nice to hear that he is physically attracted to you, but if he’s not talking about your brain or your wit, you might wonder if all he wants is a fling.

And consider how you take the compliment. Recently, author, social worker, and activist Feminista Jones conducted a social experiment and found out that men don’t like it when you agree with their compliments. They often expect you to demurely blush, lower your eyes, and say, Why, this old thing? It’s what I do my housecleaning in!

What she did was pretty funny, actually. A guy would tell a woman that she had a great body, and she’d reply I know, right? 

Needless to say, the unsuspecting men were thrown off by this reaction. So take the compliment. Say thank you. Even if you feel uncomfortable when he tells you you’re beautiful because you don’t agree, accept that he thinks so. Say thanks and move on with your life.

How To Tell If a Guy Likes You Sign #10: He Connects With You On Social Media

We live in a world where being connected on social media is an indicator of connections in real life. Strange, I know. And while many men aren’t even on Facebook (whereas you post every day to keep up with friends and family), if he starts following you or connecting with you on social media, it’s because he wants into your world.

He likely will dig through your past posts and photos to get a sense of who you are (don’t even front; you’re doing the same!). Really, this is a good thing, because it gives him the opportunity to get to know you sneakily. So let him do it.

If you start noticing that he’s liking your Instagram posts and commenting on your shares, you can tell he likes you!

And if you’ve been on a few dates and you bring up connecting on social because he hasn’t, you might ask yourself why. Sometimes a man who won’t friend you on Facebook or tag you on Instagram has something to hide.

How To Tell If a Guy Likes You Sign #11: He Doesn’t Use His Phone Around You

man on phone

If he likes you, he’ll put down the phone.

I know, I know. The fact that this is a sign that a guy likes you is a testament to how glued to our mobile phones we all are today.

But phubbing is a real thing. The slang term for “phone snubbing,” it describes how someone can totally ignore you, instead opting to scroll through social media feeds or checking the news or texts on their phone.

It’s insulting. And yet, for many, it is extremely hard to put down the phone and focus on the real, live human in front of us.

But if his phone never leaves his pocket, or even if it sits face down on the table, he is clearly ready to give you his undivided attention. He only does that with people he likes and respects. So count yourself among this exclusive group.

The best thing you can do is to reciprocate. Leave your phone in your purse. You can even compliment him on his self-restraint: Wow! Most guys totally ignore me for their phones. I love that you aren’t glued to yours.

(That also sets a precedent for him to understand that you don’t like it when you get ignored for a phone, in the off chance that he simply hasn’t gotten around to gluing his face to his phone just yet.)

How To Tell If a Guy Likes You Sign #12: He Can Regurgitate What You’ve Told Him

In my experience as a dating coach, I can’t tell you how many women have told me how important it is that a guy listens to them. Not just listens but actually hears. That means a guy doesn’t look at you with a glazed expression on a date. He’s actually interested in what you’re saying.

Even if you’re talking about rocket science or a recently discovered type of mold.

And if a guy likes you, he’ll go one step further: he’ll refer back to something you said previously. Maybe when you texted on the dating app last week, you told him about that time that a llama sneezed in your face when you were five. When you meet for coffee, he brings it up when the barista sneezes.

See? He’s paying attention, and that’s great news for you.

How To Tell If a Guy Likes You Sign #13: He Asks Questions

Another big fail many guys make on first dates is talking about themselves incessantly. This flaw doesn’t necessarily mean you’re dating a narcissist, but it may indicate that he’s not all that into you.

A man that likes you will want to get to know you. How can he do that? By asking you questions. About your work. About your family. About your upbringing and friends.

Good chemistry flow has both people on a date asking and answering questions back and forth.

So if you’re mid-date and wondering how to tell if a guy likes you, consider how many questions he’s asked you versus talked about himself. Are you doing all the asking? Or is he genuinely showing interest in what you’re telling him and coming up with more followup questions?


how to know if a guy likes you

Trust your gut. You’ll know if he likes you.

Look, men aren’t great at communicating that we like you. It’s intimidating, putting ourselves out there. So we make it a little challenging for you to figure out if we are into you.

For that, allow me to apologize for the entire male species.

But if you get out of your head a bit and pay attention, you’ll see that we’re giving off signs that we’re into you. It’s in our body language. In the things we say. In how comfortable we are with you. In how fast we respond to your text or ask you out again.

Sure, some of us are into playing games, and you’ll have to accept that or keep looking for a man who won’t play games to win your affection.

But let me give you this piece of advice: trust your gut. If you’re sure that a guy likes you, he probably is. He might be shy or scared of getting hurt, so he might be slow to make a move.

If you think he’s a guy that’s worth the wait, be a little patient.

And make sure you’re giving off your own signals that you’re into him. Because while in your head you might be gaga for him, you might not be showing that outwardly. So give us a few signs that you’re into us, ladies. It’ll boost our confidence and help us express our own interest better.

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Kate smirnes
7 years ago

I just would like to know one thing I met this really nice very shy guy we became good friends kept in touch everyday we talked we joke around he teased me alot he made me smile and laugh then all of a sudden he quits talking to me never said or did anything wrong WHATS THE PROBLEM HERE ?

6 years ago
Reply to  Kate smirnes

Omg this happened to me too, I just tried talking to him about it and let him explain and try to set things up

6 years ago
Reply to  Lisa

This same exact thing happened to me with a guy I had been friends with for 8 years. He don’t contact me anymore, an I ask him about it an never got a response. Sadly all these had occurred before he just quit talking to me randomly..

6 years ago
Reply to  Lisa

Is probably because his busy or he may. Not know what to say or he may be. Avoiding is best for him to text. You first and to wait until his ready.

4 years ago
Reply to  Lizzie

It’s naive to think that it’s because he’s busy or he doesn’t know what to say if he doesn’t know what to say then he needs to mature and become a man but you’re making excuses men are pretty straightforward if they’re into you they’re calling you they’re attentive to the situation don’t kid yourself and don’t let your heart break for no reason

6 years ago
Reply to  Kate smirnes

Happened to me too. The next day his friends said he was talking to someone new.

Nguyen Thao
6 years ago
Reply to  Kate smirnes

OMG… I was stucked in a very weird situation. Like hes a shy overthinking guy. We’re han’ out almost two months till now. And he said he really likes me. I came to every dinner or party that having his friends. His friends they all know me. I also stay at his place and his roommate knows about me too. Everything was so fine. Two days ago, he just took me to his bff engagement and his birthday party as a date. His colleagues and students they all know me now. Ppl think that we’re dating. He said himself to… Read more »

6 years ago
Reply to  Nguyen Thao

From what your telling me, it sounds like his wasting your time. Playing games cuz be knows that you like him alot, so he can do whatever he wants. Let him that his not irreplaceable. You deserve better than that. Don’t stand for that nonsense.

5 years ago
Reply to  Suzan

A man came to do some work in my home. then he finished he said take down my first name and my number and think of me as your life line. I kept the number for a while and then threw it away. i called the cable company made a appointment for the end of the week . Guess who came back to my home two days early. I never called him but, he was able to see my address. Anyway , I let him in he did the work very nice and he said why did you not call… Read more »

5 years ago
Reply to  Haley

You’ve probably done the damage now… place some check up call with the same company to inspect or something dumb, and if he shows up, fix it, otherwise you lost the opportunity.

5 years ago
Reply to  Suzan

I have a crush on a bad boy but he’s nice around me but if I’m around him and his friends then he’s an asshole I need help idk if he likes me or not

5 years ago
Reply to  Takomea

honestly that happened to me as well.. he probz does like u but just wants to act cool by treating u like shit in front of his friends,i stopped liking the boy who did that to me becz if thats how he acts in front of ppl just to show off hes got a shit personality and wont be committed to a relationship

4 years ago
Reply to  Takomea

I think a bad boy has a crush on me cause when hes around me hes really Nice…… Even kind of protected me from a really mean boy at school(we go in the same glass) and told me when the mean boy was taking my stuff…. But when he’s around his friend he dosent even speak to me…. I need help??

4 years ago
Reply to  Takomea

Well if he’s acting like an a****** around his friends he’s acting juvenile and he’s a little boy do you have time to train don’t you want a real man? Also if you are co-signing his bad behavior in front of his friends then you’re teaching him how to treat you your silence is your message to him that it’s okay to treat you this way that’s either his real heart and he’s acting when he’s with you being nice or doesn’t it can’t be both call him out or call a cab

6 years ago
Reply to  Nguyen Thao

Honesty I deserve better ,Do u mind if I ask u what his name was ,just curious

5 years ago
Reply to  Emilie

hi i need an opinion. i knew someone that he’s always texting me, calling me.. but im confuse if he really like me or just want to fill his loneliness??

6 years ago
Reply to  Nguyen Thao

Slow down , your alright same thing happened to me I liked him he liked me but then he stopped an started talking to another girl I asked her and that happened she said that he liked me for my look so don’t let him judge you by your looks he needs to like you for being yourself HOPE IT WORKS)

5 years ago
Reply to  Nguyen Thao

I suggest confronting him and convince him that you like him , and you obviously really like him and you two get along, I suggest saying something like “ hey (whatever his name is ) um I really like you and I think you already know that but anyways I know your into someone else but I was hoping we could just give it a chance , please I really like you “

Myss Doubleu
5 years ago
Reply to  Emily

That sounds really desperate! Just leave the dude alone and find someone new.

5 years ago
Reply to  Nguyen Thao

Before I start, I just want to say I’m not trying to defend cheating or any sort of masochist romancing, I just want to speak up for the other guys like me. Just because a guy is good, close friends with you and might even enjoy hanging out with you one-on-one, they (depending on the guy), might not be looking for anything more than a casual friendship with someone they can talk to without worrying about guy stuff. I have a couple female friends like this, and I tease and joke with them pretty much the same way I would… Read more »

super star
5 years ago
Reply to  Jonah

WRITE LESS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

5 years ago
Reply to  super star

YEAH !!!!!!!!!!

6 years ago
Reply to  Kate smirnes

He has learnt that, you don’t fit in to his shoes.
You have not invited him to be alone
JUST TOO FLIRTING. It depends on
the country and culture.

Barbie Dream House
5 years ago
Reply to  George

? What does that mean ?????????????????????????????????????/

4 years ago
Reply to  George

I disagree country and culture have nothing to do with a man having Integrity ‼️‼️

Lesley Andersen
6 years ago
Reply to  Kate smirnes

I am into this guy. We spent time together. Had lunch together Sat right next to me. Everything was great. Within two weeks he said he had feelings for me but said he wasn’t ready for a relationship and didn’t want to hurt me. I have seen him since he watches me. My gut instinct is he still is into but I am nor sure if I am fooling myself. Want do you thinking

6 years ago

What do I do? I’m in love with someone! he loves me to, he asked me to be his girlfriend and I said no when I was meant to say yes… Now he’s ignoring me. I also like this other guy, I’m OBSESSED with him and I really don’t know if he likes me. He’s so cute and funny but I’ve been avoiding him when I’m not trying to! Somebody please help with my love life!!! :C

5 years ago
Reply to  Alexa

Hmm okay, so just think, who do you like more? If you like the one who said he’s in love with you, then just tell him you made a mistake and that you would like to be with him. If you like the one who you’re “obsessed” with, then try to become closer freinds, ask him for help with homework, ask to borrow a pencil, try to be his partner in class etc.

5 years ago
Reply to  Alexa

Dont go back to the guy you turned down. Short term it might seem alright but long term its going to be a crazy strike in his eyes. If your lucky you might get two but things are going to be eating at him if you guys are together

willy wonka
5 years ago
Reply to  Sky

I agree !

willy wonka
5 years ago
Reply to  Alexa

well first of all :find another guy who likes u and ask him to help and he will :)!

Captain Underpants
5 years ago
Reply to  Alexa

Tell him ” you used the wrong words “

5 years ago

I think that he still likes you and is waiting for you to ask him out so go ahead and make your move!

6 years ago
Reply to  Kate smirnes

Same I had a really good friend (boy and I’m a girl) we were really close and we were friends for 12 years but then one day he ignored me… I finally found out why it’s because when people asked to me to go eat with them I said no I’m already going with my friend and eveyone thought we were dating….well he ignored me so I could move on and get other friends and not just stick to him like glue…and it worked but now he try’s to talk to me but I’m showing him how it felt I… Read more »

6 years ago
Reply to  Kate smirnes

Sometimes it’s about self respect they want the Same attention which they were giving to you in return….

6 years ago
Reply to  Kate smirnes

Thats because this crap is bs while we read this so is all the bad guys out there. there reading these signs too so they can use them and get better at tricking you into getting what they want. Now a days there is no sure way of knowing if a guy really wants to be serious until u already take the chance

6 years ago
Reply to  Kate smirnes

Do he shows any sign that he likes you.Maybe he has crush on you and maybe he thinks you like somebody else.Or maybe he has a problem.Maybe you should talk to him and maybe you should give him more attention cause maybe he is secretly feeling something and keep it to his self.

5 years ago
Reply to  Melody Park

I see a guy almost everyday waiting to be picked up in the early mornings onmy way to work our eyes meet always there is a gut feeling getting stronger each day I don’t know if I should pull in to see if he responds I did meet him outside my local Tesco was not sure if it was him has he was spruced up but he looked me up and down and his face looked like the sun I regret my action has he said hello I gave him a half hello I see him most days after that… Read more »

5 years ago
Reply to  Melody Park

i have a slight crush on this guy. when i look at him and he looks back and imostly look away (im a shy person) but when i see him looking at me and i look back, he makes big eyes and lift his eyebrows and a little smile. also, we were on a trip and played cards with his/our friends. he stared at me i quickly looked at him but then looked away, but he kept looking. when it was his turn to play, he kept staring at me. and when i finally looked back at him, it felt… Read more »

5 years ago
Reply to  sara

I’m completely sure it’s a sign. He’s trying to see if you like him. He stares looking at you, that’s a SIGN!

5 years ago
Reply to  sara

I love this dude and his name is :Asem !8itijvjcthtchgxhtxdhxjhc

5 years ago
Reply to  Mathide

PS. he doesn’t love me

5 years ago
Reply to  sara

It is not a answer but u should go to the website “how to know if a girl likes u ” so u don’t show u like him 🙂

4 years ago
Reply to  Melody Park


Alanis McLean
6 years ago
Reply to  Kate smirnes

His friends couldve said something bad about you. its happened to me before.

5 years ago
Reply to  Alanis McLean

this happens to me all the time. the guy admits he likes me then his friends say something bad about me. and he tells me and i tell him its not true and he beleives me so we go on about our day. then the next day he gets told something different about me.

super star
5 years ago
Reply to  Alanis McLean

Me to !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

vlai the phoenix
5 years ago
Reply to  Kate smirnes

Think about what you did. The last time that happened to me, I realized that he thought that I was stalking him online.

Joel Ngandu
5 years ago
Reply to  Kate smirnes

that happened to me. but i did not lose my hop[e and all of you should not. and i found o
ut everything about him. then his friends started saying he likes me…… reply to get more information

5 years ago
Reply to  Kate smirnes

So there is this boy that I really like but I really can’t tell if he likes me , we hang out all the time, we play around with each other almost like we are siblings but I told him I like him and I want to date him but , he had just gotten out of a relationship and three other girls had a crush on him so I did not want to put any pressure on him , there is one girl that is really pressuring him to date him , he almost threw up , I tried… Read more »

Uncle bob
5 years ago
Reply to  Emily

In my personal experiences, I would say that you should just go for it. Show up at his house unexpectedly with full expectation of a movie moment. When he opens the door, fall into his arms and stare at his chest. If he stares at your chest, then he clearly is into you. Please don’t slap him!

5 years ago
Reply to  Kate smirnes

i think the guy that i like is into me and im hopefully ready to be his girlfriend lol

5 years ago
Reply to  Kate smirnes

Happened to me today. We were teasing a lot yesterday and we talked. I thought we were having fun. H even told me to annoy him always cause he wants attention. but I didn’t. I tried saying Good Morning and then… nothing happened.

No reply from him. he was telling me he likes me but he has no time.. it was like yesterday only. hahaha I guess he’s busy and not into me. LOL

5 years ago
Reply to  Kate smirnes

I Think my teacher has a crush on me! ‍♀️ He is kinda cute and mature but I am scared as hell.. He is married too.. Cant even think about a married man!!

5 years ago
Reply to  Kate smirnes

We were more than best friends but less like lovers and suddenly one day he came to me and said that he won’t be texting me anymore.
It cried and I still am.
I just want our friendship back.
It hurts.

Jane The Jelly
5 years ago
Reply to  Kate smirnes

He is probably very nervous and he didn’t want to mess up or embarrass himself in front of you. Or someone probably said something mean about you or threaten him not to talk to you. Are there any rumors about you lately? Or maybe he is jealous.

But in my opinion, he likes you. DO YOU LIKE HIM TOO?

5 years ago
Reply to  Kate smirnes

This’s exactly what happened with me i states to blame myself i don’t know if i did something wrong hope not
He were the cutest i liked when je teased the way he looked at me but he’s so arrogant he told me that he doesn’t like me sometimes i wonder if it’s a joke or not

5 years ago
Reply to  Kate smirnes

Same, that happened to me!!!!

5 years ago
Reply to  Kate smirnes

Okay so this guy FaceTimes me and texts me everyday… is this a sign?

sarah hoffman
5 years ago
Reply to  kathy

me and my crush text a lot, try to get closer to him and if he does things to make you smile, also watch out for a sparkle in his eye. thats how you will know for sure kathy

sarah hoffman
5 years ago
Reply to  Kate smirnes

my crush likes me, i am so hyped. even though he is much older i am glad to know that me and him both wanna be together. although he claims that he doesnt like me, i can tell by his body language that he likes me. i love him with all of my heart but he doesnt know, i have never felt this strong about a guy before and i have also had dreams about us having kids, cant wait for when m and him can be together

5 years ago
Reply to  Kate smirnes

The same thing is happening to me but I am still not sure and I don’t want to confront him about it bc if he doesn’t then that’s going to super strange between us and on top of that I am moving away soon sooooo. What should I do?

5 years ago
Reply to  Kate smirnes

I have a guy friend and he mostly does those things. And when I told him about my crush on a guy he gets angry. And doesn’t talk to me for a day and then we talk again and act like nothing happened. Does this mean he likes me?

5 years ago
Reply to  Kate smirnes

Mabel he liked you and he thought you liked someone else so he got mad. I mean it’s happens to me and some of my friends

4 years ago
Reply to  Kate smirnes

This happened to me too just 1 or 2 months ago… But then like a week ago he talked to me again but i think he was interdsted in another girl and didn’t want her to think he was interdsted in me…. I think he gave up and just started talking to me again….

Mary Jane Robinson
6 years ago

Every time we see each other, he automatically posts something on social media about his feelings. Most recently, “Longing, how soft a word for such a ravenous feeling. How we hunger in silence..” he always does this. So is this a sign he’s into me?

Stacey S
5 years ago

He is saying he longs for someone. The feeling eats him up inside but he stays silent because he is afraid to mess anything up.

6 years ago

This guy named Jace really likes me I I’m afraid he hates me he doesn’t he thinks I’m cute

6 years ago
Reply to  lily

of course he likes you Cari

6 years ago

What if u work with them and he looks at you a lot and he gave you he’s number without asking him and he said if I need anything after 5 : 00 call me and he wait for you to walk in fort if him and get need to you whenever he can and he just keep look at you do he likes me

Elle Za
6 years ago

I had this guy who hugged me before and it was odd since we don’t know each other yet. We became friends because of some other friends. The next day, he asked for a hug again and i rejected it until the next grade. I always reject his hug because i think i’m becoming weirder when hes around and that i don’t want to fall for him since he has this another girl. I even remembered him telling me he felt so rejected and yet i did not mind it. He also do lot of compliment and once told ne… Read more »

Twisty fishy
6 years ago
Reply to  Elle Za

Yeah, that could be a possibility. Some people start to like someone else outside of their relationship. Either that, or he’s just playing. But for some more hints about it, maybe you should also try to pay attention on how he acts around his girl. Hope that helps! :p

6 years ago

So this guy is always glancing at me. We used to bump into each other a lot too. I mean him and his friends are like always looking at me and smiling when I walk by. Once he made a joke and I turned back and made eye contact with him and and started laughing. He didn’t break the eye contact but I noticed that we were making eye contact for 3 seconds and turned away quickly. I didn’t want to make it seem weird that’s why I did that. Do you think he likes me back?

6 years ago
Reply to  Greta

If he’s looking at you definitely he likes you. Eye contact is a sign that he likes you.

joy dannah
6 years ago

So i have this guy we met at school we began to talk we exchanged numbers and we finally said we both had crushes after that we went mute i pushed him away he didn’t seem to be doing any effort so 99and he was jerk too after weeks we talked again then we want to watch a movie hung out then we kissed each other till it almost got us to be intimidate so after that we didn’t talk to each other so does he like me

6 years ago

Im a guy. Having a crush is awful if you are shy.
Reading this so I can give her hints because I’m just really f*ing scared 😛

6 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Lol it’s okay. I’m sure you’ll find a way to express ur self around her/him (not making assumptions)

6 years ago
Reply to  Ali

Okay i’m talking to this boy and he wants me to stop being shy when im around him but im a shy person and the thing is im used to boys being bold and talking to me first and plus im not a good conversation starter i guess its because he makes me nervous, its like we can have a good conversation when were texting but when it’s in person we don’t really speak .And did i mention we have the same class together and sit at the same table, so i asked him if he wanted any labels on… Read more »

6 years ago

I found a guy that I really really like. We met not long before school ended for the semester and now it is summer time. We talked just about every single day once we met. Now that he went home and I returned home he hasn’t messaged me as much. He made it clear before we left that he likes me but he also said that if we both feel the same at the end of the summer then we can see about dating. But I don’t know how to tell if he still feels the same way. Or how… Read more »

6 years ago

This guy named Jace really likes me I I’m afraid he hates me he doesn’t he thinks I’m cute!

6 years ago

I like this guy and alot of people thinks he likes me and flirts with me. He also is a close friend.his friends always look at me and say that he likes me. But hes dating this girl who he dated before and she broke up with him on valentines day saying she doesnt like him but he went back to her a year later.hes also my other best friends ex. He always trys showing off like saying how strong he is and trying to show me his muscles.he trys sharing the same chair as me and offers to buy… Read more »

6 years ago
Reply to  Jessica

Looks like he’s in love with you.

He might be trying to ask relationship advice from you to see your reaction whether you’ll get jealous or not.

6 years ago

Hl i am inlove wit a guy and his handsome n cute but i am afraid to tell him how i feel but he told me he is inluv wit me but i am afraid if we get into a relationship he wil play with my feeling

5 years ago
Reply to  pearl

don’t be afraid you cant fail if u try

Chloe Goodall
6 years ago

There is this guy. He is a bit older than me. We run in the same circles as we both play pokemon go. I catch him looking over at me alot and he smiles. I find him attractive but I’m not sure if he does.

5 years ago
Reply to  Chloe Goodall

hon, girl no, oh no, u need to get your self a man that plays fortnite…its 2019..keep it real lmao

6 years ago

I’m currently see this guy but its hard to tell if he really likes me or if I’m just a rebound girl after his ex broke it off with him 2 years ago after 4 years together. He does a lot of the signs ob this list but its hard to tell with some guys.

super star
5 years ago
Reply to  dorothy

Hey my sister’s name is “DOROTHY” !!!!!

6 years ago

I like this guy, and I had some friends tell him I liked him because I have anxiety, and ever since then he has been avoiding me, and it’s been a month, and he just started talking to me, but we still don’t really talk, and my friend said he could just be nervous, because he has never had a girlfriend, but I really like him and I feel like if I don’t tell him soon, it’s gonna bother me forever but I have no idea how to approach him, or talk to him, or if I should ask for… Read more »

Silas Racheal
6 years ago

I am in love with a guy and he also loves me too… But he has a girlfriend, he has always looked for ways to break up with her, but he has a problem…. He doesn’t like hurting people….. So I don’t know what to do…… Till dates he still tell me that he loves me

6 years ago
Reply to  Silas Racheal


Honestly it seems like an ultimatum is needed. Either you or her, as he’s gonna hurt her either way whether she finds out about you two or ends it. But ending it is a cleaner way to do it. It’s also not fair on you for him to be stringing you along as he either loves you enough to break up with his girlfriend or will just continue to string you along when you could be happy with someone else. He should probably man up and be mature.

Hope that helps and it’s only an opinion so do whatever

super star
5 years ago
Reply to  Isobel

Thats not how u spell it !! It’s spelled like this : ISABEL

🙂 glad I could help

6 years ago

So what do I do if I really like this guy. He’s very socially awkward and I think it’s cute. He is always giving me compliments and blushes around me. The only thing is I’m afraid I like him so much that I want everything he does to be a sign he likes me so now I second guess myself. I want to ask him without being too obveous or ruining our friendship. I’m 100% legal but he’s considerably older than me and I haven’t quite figured out the male brain yet. I don’t want to scare him off.

6 years ago

I have this guy in the same building I work, his office is opposite ours. He doesn’t says anything though his way to the bathroom is past my office, guys whom he shares the office with greet and wave at me sometimes but him. I sometimes catch him staring at me but he never says anything and it’s been 6 months now,I. Mean he says no word.. My colleague went to his office one time just to start a conversation but she said he avoided eye contact the entire conversation tho he was polite. He’s definitely not gay, do u… Read more »

6 years ago

I like this guy and we do all the things in the text but I’m pretty sure his friends said he has a girlfriend what does this mean? I really hope he doesn’t.

5 years ago
Reply to  Lucy

What sort of a name is that ? change it !

6 years ago

I met this guy he is really sweet.and I think I am falling for him though I don’t want to.I don’t know if he really means it if he likes me or he is playing with my feelings.he compliments me each day,calls me and wants to meet up.but I don’t know if I can trust him

willy wonka
5 years ago
Reply to  anonymous

Can every body here go to : KIDS NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC . COM

6 years ago

I met this dj guy he is really sweet.and I think I am falling for him though I don’t want to.I don’t know if he really means it if he likes me or he is playing with my feelings.he compliments me each day,calls me and wants to meet up.but I don’t know if I can trust him since everyone says DJs are players

A person
6 years ago
Reply to  me

Not all DJs are players. I feel like that’s more of a stereotype. Maybe you should see where this takes you but I’d still be a bit cautious just in case. But to me it seems he likes you.

6 years ago
Reply to  me

I think that “DJs are players” part is just a silly pun some people like to make. Cause you know.. DJs… play.. songs… haha..
In all seriousness though, he probably does. Maybe try asking something about it without being to obvious or imply something?

6 years ago

I really like this guy and we flirt and everything but I’m too scared to make the first move and also I’m not sure if he has a girlfriend. Hope someone can help. some advice would be everything I need right now.

6 years ago

My bf is assign to one officer n the officer work closely with me he was acting normally at first till e day he called mi and inform me to surrender my bf to e authorities but on e day my bf suppose to report i could not make it as my daughter has to be hospitilised and ask if i can send him othet days instrad he agreed. On the day i sent my bf fo4 reporting he asked to speak to mi alone he will aleays ask to speak to mi alone whenever i send my bf for… Read more »

6 years ago

I just want to ask…. I really dont know whats going on… He teases me a lot saying i do not have any humor though its undeniably true….but then every time he tease me….He also does these sweet gestures to me…He does these flattering gestures to me like caring for me….Dont know whats hes feeling towards me but its kinda cringy…like his former fling still likes him,i actually overheard his former fling talking to my sister(for they are really really really close friends since elementary level)about HIM!that she is still inlove with HIM!and it really kinda hurts cause im are… Read more »

6 years ago

I’m a guy who likes a guy I. Not gay I’m bisexual and even with these tips I’m going to need help because people have even said that men make it really tough to tell if they like you so I was wondering if I could get some advice.

6 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous2

well, i don’t quite know what your going through but I’m in a similar boat, I’m a girl who likes a girl, I’m super awkward so my ways of telling people i like them are likely not your idea of acceptable or whatnot, but the first one was, i walked up to them, said it, then ran. also i wrote it on a paper, put it down her shirt, then ran. don’t do it over text, the guy you like would likely be more honest if you tell him in person. overall though, i hope that you end up with… Read more »

6 years ago

So there is this guy in a play with me I like him but I dont know if he likes ne he always calls me shorty because he is taller t h an me but there are shorter girls and when I say I dont like how I look he calls me pretty. HELPPPP ME

6 years ago

theres this guy irlly like named connor and ho called me cute so ,i curled my hair and out noses toched and HE KISSED ME

6 years ago

Im bisexual and I like this guy but I dated his girlfriend before and he found out and they broke up , I asked him if he hated me and he said that he doesn’t , now we hang out almost all the time and we talk alot and make jokes but I don’t know if he actually likes me back he doesn’t act like it but sometimes people say that we should date but I think it would be weird since I already dated his girlfriend before and I have no idea what to do , any advice ?

6 years ago

Hey there is this super cute guy great personality he grabbed by butt he also touched somebody else’s but I think he is a player should I be worried ABOUT ARE REALASTION SHIP?

6 years ago

Hey. so i really like this guy, and i’m pretty sure he likes me. he hugs me, and we’ve eaten lunch together a couple times. he asked me if i had told my parents about him. i don’t have a phone though. he told me he wishes i did so he could talk to me more, but honestly i don’t know if i should either a) make a move, or b) roll with it until he does? what should i do???

6 years ago

There’s this guy at school, and I’ve liked him for awhile. He’s a player, and he might not know it, but he flirts with almost everyone. I’m a year younger, and that kinda makes it hard. Well anyway, all of the girls like him, and he apparently likes this one girl. He never used to talk to me, and then all of a sudden, he started talking to me, and now we talk everyday. He hard core flirts with me, but I dont think he likes me, because he flirts with everyone. I’m also kinda shy, so that’s also hard.… Read more »

Sally bollywood
5 years ago
Reply to  Kyle

Kyle I feel you I have the sme situation I like a guy who’s a player every girl likes him and also he dated my primary school friend before Halloween so when I talked to him he said it was a dare to get to gether with her and he also annoys me a lot and calls me names then my friend dared me to tell him I like him so what an idiot i am I didnot tell him I told his friend oscar and he told him and when I entered the class room He hid his face… Read more »

Sally bollywood
5 years ago

Please help me figure out my love story

6 years ago

there’s a guy that i met last year, and we’re in the same club, same division, so we have spent a lot of time together and discussed many things. one day we came to our friend’s match and he asked about my family, my dreams, etc we’re getting closer since tht day. my friends often come to my house and now he’s familiar with my parents. i’ve came to his house too, and his mom has my number. one day, the boys came to his house and his mom asked about me. my mom often asks about him too. he… Read more »

6 years ago
Reply to  yaa

I think I see your problem! the funny thing is that guys tease other girls when you are around! you know why? because they want to see if you react jealous in any way!

6 years ago

I’m here because I kinda was this dudes gf over the summer and one day like in September I asked him if he still liked me and he just said “nah”
Now he’s starting to do stuff like make fun of me and hit me
Not it the bad way I swear!! I mean like the ways this article says.
So I’m v confused if he likes me again or nah lmaO pls help

Unknown Man
5 years ago
Reply to  ooooooo

If you are super confused about a relationship or your getting mixed signals, just end it. It dosn’t help holding on stress wether tgis one dude likes you. Most likely he is trying to start a friend relationship and trying not to make it awkard.

-From a boy

Alexis Jalexleejalexleejo ohohnson
6 years ago

I really need to know if this guy likes me …i catch him looking at me and he leans in to me when I have to talk to him even though I’m talking loud enough and he asks me questions about my kids or travels I’ve gone on but also he ignores me to ..sometimes his body is positioned towards me ..then other times it’s not he also smiles at me ..but I’m horrible at knowing these things HELP?

6 years ago

So I’ve known this guy for about 2 years now but we didn’t start becoming friends until like 2 months ago, and the last month we were sort of dating and we really hit it off, i can tell he likes me and still does. Here’s the thing, he recently broke up with his girlfriend of 6 years about 6 months ago. 2 weeks ago he asked me to be his girlfriend and i said yes, but last week we went to this party and we saw his ex there. As soon as she saw us she began to cry… Read more »

6 years ago

I met this guy at my workplace, his friends are my wormates, when I first met him I have a crush on him, but his wife is sick at that time. His always talking to me when I have free time, but I supress my feelings because I don’t want to ruin a relationship. Many months later, his wife died, his so heartbroken so I comforted him. We became friends after that. It’s been a year now, he told me loves me, I told him I love him too, we hangout once in awhile,but nine months later, his friends are… Read more »

6 years ago

Guys please help me out in this one So one day I was going live on Instagram and this guy joined.I was asking people to ask me questions. I knew who he was but I didn’t know him well. Like I knew only his name. ( He is a friend of one of my friends from the 6th grade.) So after I end my live video he texted me saying sorry that he didn’t ask me any question. I played it cool and told him not to apologize. And yea that’s how it ended up here.So he is from the… Read more »

esmee mendes
6 years ago
Reply to  Millie

i’m pretty sure he likes you back! I really hope y’all will date, have an amazing day!

6 years ago
Reply to  Millie

Do what you think is right.

6 years ago

I like this guy in work he always waves at me and smiles. But he hasn’t took it any further than that. I’m not very confident or good at flirting or even telling the signals from a guy. I’m a bit older than him and have been told he likes cougars he’s 22 I’m 32 do you think he likes me?

6 years ago

So, me and my boy best friend have been friends since 6th grade and I just talked to him twice on Saturday. Hw told me he knew he liked me and that he was going to give me a gift before I moved. But he said in test as friends… but we’ve been hugging for I think 4 weeks.

Does that mean he likes me?

6 years ago

I have this guy who I worked with, and he would flirt and tease me and always be on his forklift staring at me while he drove by. I developed a huge crush on him n I told him. We r friends on Facebook and Snapchat and we talk a lot on Snapchat but our conversations are short. Like he’s not really interested in talking. But then there are days where he will keep the conversation going. I’ve tried inviting him to eat n he kind of just ignored it. So I’m getting mixed signals. I feel like he might… Read more »

6 years ago

I also have a question I met this very sweet and nice boy I liked him and he said that he likes me too we started dating. I feel like he doesn’t really love me but he says that he loves me , he always protects me gets very close to me , he loves my hugs , he always smiles when around me , and tells me everything that happens in his day , presents me to his friends and calls me cupcake does that mean he really loves me?? Please reply …

6 years ago
Reply to  Cassandra

this boy in my school has a good bum and his dad is hugh hefner i dont know if he is like him but if he is he can pimp me out because i have daddy problems and i want to act out and get some attention so if you are a single man looking for a good time call me 07984566482 xxx pls

6 years ago

Guys are SO frustrating! They seem to play alot of games. I would straight up ask him, if he doesn’t give you a straight answer then leave it alone. Don’t go out of your way to talk to him and don’t show you have anymore interest in him. Yes I know this will be hard, give it some time and he will notice that you are not giving him the attention you were before. It will make him think… Anymore it’s a game, dating is NOT what it used to be. Best of luck to you!

6 years ago

so i think i just started to like this new guy friend, i met him through my friend, and he’s pretty cool, nice, shy, and really (i mean like really) smart so he talks like normal lol but also a bit formally or “factually” if that makes sense. well my friend is super smart too but we both admitted to each other that we both feel dumb sometimes when he says really smart things around us. so naturally, it would seem like they’d be good together but she told me that she didn’t like him that way (she has a… Read more »

6 years ago

Theres this boy I’m in love with. He knows I like him and he doesnt show any signs that he likes me. I don’t wanna stop trying to get his attention though. I’m scared that he will reject me and I don’t want that to happen! Ooh, what should I do!!!???

5 years ago
Reply to  Genie

Try flirting with him, but not too much. When he talks to you, wait 3 seconds before you answer… it drives them crazy! (In a good way)

6 years ago

Knew this guy since school dated his friend we broke up and during summer his friend wanted to talk to me and ask for a kiss I was feeling him he was cute and I felt like he would treat me right so I kissed him this guy would always be jealous of me talking to this guy just as friends then summer ended school started he only talks to me if we go smoke weed or like a hi and bye and during class he would stare at me all the time in each class I’m a virgin and… Read more »

6 years ago

There’s this guy in my class who’s kinda weird. On the first few days he talked with me but then he suddenly stoped talking and even stoped smiling with me. Sometimes I find him looking at me but then he doesn’t talk or smile with me. When he walks around me he acts like a stranger. Can someone tell me what does this mean???

6 years ago
Reply to  Anuki

I think this means that he either has a new girlfriend or you just need to knock some sense in him. You’ll know what to do.

6 years ago

I really like this guy, but he already has a girlfriend. He knows that I like him, and I have for a very long time. I wish he would at least be friends with me because he said a few months ago that the two of us could be friends bit we literally NEVER talk. His friends tease both of us about all kinds of embarrassing things. No one understands why I like him. He has light blond hair, blue eyes, he is tall, deep-toned voice, plays sports, he has a very mature singing voice. We are only in seventh… Read more »

6 years ago

Do what you think is right.

5 years ago
Reply to  Mackayla

I see a guy almost everyday waiting to be picked up in the early mornings onmy way to work our eyes meet always there is a gut feeling getting stronger each day I don’t know if I should pull in to see if he responds I did meet him outside my local Tesco was not sure if it was him has he was spruced up but he looked me up and down and his face looked like the sun I regret my action has he said hello I gave him a half hello I see him most days after that… Read more »

5 years ago

this happens to me all the time. the guy admits he likes me then his friends say something bad about me. and he tells me and i tell him its not true and he beleives me so we go on about our day. then the next day he gets told something different about me.

5 years ago

that tea my g

5 years ago
Reply to  chalysia


5 years ago

I met this guy 2yrs ago he was married then, he is going through a divorce now but in the mean time we became really good friends on social media. he is very shy but also loves teasing me, i took the stand to invite him a few times for coffee or drinks but he always has an excuse. He still talks to me often and when i see him walking past he cant stop smiling and the same for me. Idk what to make of all this, should i just give him space and not try to get his… Read more »

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