He’s Losing Interest Due to the Pandemic, What Should I Do?
Ready to Attract the Love You Deserve?
These are strange times we live in right now, aren’t they? Especially when it comes to dating.
Editor’s note: Ready to attract love with a proven strategy? Watch this free video to learn the 7 powerful steps
Maybe you have joined the ranks of the people who are flocking to online dating right now. We’re seeing unprecedented numbers of people who still want to make a connection…even if they can’t meet in person for the time being. Maybe you’ve even started a little social distance romance, and you’re excited to get to know this man without the pressures that come with meeting in person.
Only…you feel like he’s losing interest due to the pandemic, and now you’re not sure what to do. This is totally new territory, but I’ve got some tips for you.
The problem right now is: because there are so many people on dating apps, a lot of users are experiencing FOMO: fear of missing out. They keep swiping and swiping, hoping to find the perfect mate. So even if you are completely attractive and interesting, you risk a guy losing interest due to the pandemic simply because he’s got more inventory to peruse.
What can you do about this? Here are my suggestions:
Don’t invest too much emotionally. I know it’s exciting to think of falling in love with a guy you meet online right now. What a story that will make! But realize that, while you can get to know a man somewhat via text or video, you’re still missing out on a huge component: in-person chemistry. You can’t truly know whether you’re a good match until that point. And…we don’t yet know when we can get out and be social again.
Also, don’t chase him. I know your inclination might be, if he’s pulling away, to pull closer to him. But especially right now, this is a bad idea. You don’t really know this guy because you haven’t met in person, so chasing him will only scare him. Match his pace: don’t text or call more than he is.
Have him invest in you. You need to see that he’s willing to put in time and energy into a potential relationship with you so you know he values you. If you’re doing all the work, he’s probably not interested enough to put in that effort.
Remember: he’s not going anywhere. He’s not going on dates with other women. You may be in a rush to get to know him as quickly as possible, but now, more than ever, I encourage you to slow down and enjoy the process. We’re all starving for connection right now. Remember that he’s going through the same pains and frustrations that you are. If he’s the right guy for you, you will get to meet him when this all blows over.
Finally, I encourage you to keep your options open. I say this a lot: until you’ve had a conversation about being exclusive, you are not tied to this man. Keep having those video chats and texts with other guys. Have fun. If it’s mean to be a relationship, it will be. Until then, keep those options open.
Talk to me in the comments below: why do you feel like he’s losing interest due to the pandemic, and what will you do to change that?
Your Coach,
He’s not; I am! He promised updated photos; none came. We were supposed to meet right before the lock-down; it had to be canceled (for what sounded like a good reason). We’ve talked on the phone more times than I can count. Even an old fashioned pen pal would have come through with a new photo. Says he looks the same, but for 10-15 lbs more; hates to get pic taken; not real talented with tech. One pic is 2-3yrs old; other is 10 or so. It feels like I don’t know who I’m talking to.
I’m going through this process. I met a guy three or four times in a month before this pandemic. By the time it started, he was interested in meeting and talking. As soon as the pandemic happened, he gradually got turned off. As a result, I gave up reminding him of myself (btw, I hate calling somebody every single day). If he still wants to see after pandemic, I’m here. But it’s not clear if I still want him while talking to other guys. Thanks for this video! 🙂
I love that you are so up-to-date with your video sessions. What are the BEST dating sites for a Christian woman? I have heard that eharmony is a Christian Dating Site, true?
Wow. So basically just a couple weeks for the whole lock down of this pandemic, the guy that I was talking to for about 5 months, called it quits. Well he tried to end it in a nice way but either of us wanted to say to one another and eventually with the whole pandemic going into effect, the interest slowly died. I guess it’s ok for that to happen since we weren’t in a committed relationship.
Love your content Adam! Would love to see a discussion on online dating during the pandemic, questions to ask via FaceTime. And also how to meet people during the pandemic. And also just self care during pandemic.
Losing interest in real women, since he is totally involved with online crossdressers, naked dating sites, clothed dating sites, naked chat room girls, naked teenage cam girls, and ESPECIALLY naked transsexuals (males who became “women”) and are f…ing their fathers! And all this is documented with salivating video, photos, text, and other graphic jerk-off content, all free and varied and plentiful online. So, why would this drooling, toothless, 73 year old impotent guy, in foreclosure, miss someone in a pandemic?
Thanks for this! You are always on top of what I need to hear! I just love your advice!
If you boyfriend lied about a girl on line ?.said he didn’t no her but he really did…there just freinds. .help
Hey Adam!
I have met someone and I really like him and he likes me but he doesn’t want anything serious because we live far from each other. Do you think that men can change their mind about those kinds of logistics which are not very complicated? What shall I do to make him see that we could actually have a great relationship?
i know his feelings are strained because he told he is feeling the stress of not being able to meet so we go days at a time without talking. But i also know he is extremely busy with his work as well because he is an atty and he also writes for a magazine as a 2nd job so little time to actually talk. And then when he has time, his kids come over to see him. i know he is interested because he told me he finds me to be a very interesting individual in the first days when… Read more »
Yasmin talking
I dnt really understand how my man acts for some time now
Heyy Adam
I dnt really understand why some men do act sm way which I dnt get it
Question for Adam, why on earth does a guy text me a question and then when I answer he does not respond? Why start a conversation if you don’t want to have one?
Thank you so much that was a perfect advice exactly what I needed