How To Get Your Man Back: 13 Expert Tips To Get Him Back Fast
Ready to Attract the Love You Deserve?
Something you never thought would happen has happened: you lost a great guy…and now you’re trying to figure out how to get your man back.
Maybe you ended things with him and realize now that you made a big mistake…
Or he ended things and you want him to realize that he made a big mistake…
Whatever caused the breakup, now you want to know how to get your man back. In this article, I’m going to teach you some effective ways to do just that. But they won’t involve games or tricks. I’ve coached thousands of women on finding love, and I’ve seen firsthand that these strategies actually work at getting a guy back.
If You Broke Up With Him…
If you did the breaking up, realize that he will be nursing some serious hurt and that his ego may be bruised. You’ll have to prove yourself trustworthy. How can he be sure you won’t break up with him again?
The key is understanding and being able to explain why you broke up with him. Was something wrong in the relationship that you think could be fixed? Talk to him in a nonconfrontational way about what went wrong and discuss how things could be different.
It’s important to let him know that you want him back…but that you’re both better off with things being approached differently this time.
If He Broke Up With You…
Get to the root of why he did it. Did he express displeasure at some behavior of yours? Were the two of you constantly bickering about the same things over and over?
You need to be willing to make serious changes to win him back. He’ll be skeptical if you immediately tell him you are willing to change but start by showing him that you’re making the effort.
Editor’s note: Ready to attract love with a proven strategy? Watch this free video to learn the 7 powerful steps
If There’s Another Woman in the Picture…
If he left you for another woman, I want you to seriously question whether you really want this guy back (especially if he cheated). Sure, he may seem more appealing because some other woman has her hooks in him, but let’s look at the facts: he didn’t respect you enough to stay away from temptation while he was in a relationship with you, so why would you beg him back? How can you be sure it won’t happen again?
You can’t.
Top 13 Tips on How to Get Your Man Back
Now that we’ve discussed a few different scenarios that you may be experiencing through your breakup, let’s look at specific strategies you can put into play today to woo back the guy you’re missing.
1. Step Away from the Situation to Evaluate the Relationship
You’re not 20, so I’m willing to bet that your breakup wasn’t just a heat-of-the-moment kind of thing. There was something wrong in the relationship, regardless of who ended things.
I know right now you’re hurting, but I need you to put on your unbiased glasses for a moment and reflect on the relationship. It’s easy to sweep the bad stuff under the rug and focus on the great stuff post-breakup, but you need to be honest about how the relationship went.
What were the flaws?
What did you argue about?
What behavior of his bothered you?
What behavior of yours bothered him?
If you’re serious about getting back together, you need to have a realistic perspective to understand whether it’s even worth salvaging the relationship and whether you’re both willing to put in the hard work to make things right.
2. Give Him Time and Space To Realize How Awesome You Are
Particularly if he broke up with you, he may need some time away from you to realize what he’s lost. So leave him alone. Follow the No Contact Rule. Vanish from his life.
You can’t in any way force this man to see what he’s given up. He has to do it on his own. Just give him time and space, and if it’s meant to be, he’ll start missing you.
3. Implement the No Contact Rule
If you want him back, start by following the No Contact Rule.
I already mentioned the No Contact Rule, but it’s as much for you as for him. Whether you are supposed to get back with this guy or not, having space apart gives you both time to reflect on the relationship and what you want in the future, together or not.
When you’re fresh out of a breakup, all your focus is on how to get your man back. You’re in a reactive state of mind, not a proactive one. You’re in crisis mode and unable to clearly think about things.
In a scientific study published in the journal NeuroImage, researchers found that these two types of thinking, hyper-reactive and proactive, were evident in the brain’s white matter. When subjects thought proactively, their brains showed more white matter. Those that thought reactively were more anxious and had less robust white matter.
“The brain is constantly working to create meaning out of the flood of information that comes at us every waking minute of our day,” Alexander Olsen, who led the study, said, “The reactive system kicks in when something happens that is not expected. Then you need to adapt your behavior and react to the new information. You have to throw away your old plan and come up with a new plan.”
So having time away from this guy can keep you from being overly reactive and give you perspective to help you decide whether you still want to know how to get your man back.
4. Be Willing to Compromise…Within Reason
I want to keep stressing the fact that, if you’re successful in your strategy on how to get your man back, you both will need to make some changes. Things will never go back to how they were.
Whatever was broken, you’ll need to fix, and that likely means compromising on a few things. However, know your limits. You might compromise by agreeing to give him more alone time (that’s what he complained about before) but put your foot down at the prospect of him hanging out with his ex-girlfriend.
5. Don’t Try To Make Him Jealous
Again, you’re not 20, so why take advice geared to younger women (and bad advice, at that)?
Rather than focusing on how he sees you, put energy into how you see yourself. I guarantee you’ll be happier getting out and being social than sitting on the couch bingeing Black Mirror. Find happiness without a man, and if he’s around, believe me, he’ll pay attention to that fact. It’s a bruise to his ego to see you doing so well without him, so that may open the door to a conversation about getting back together when you’re ready.
6. Work On Your Self Confidence
Being happy, with a guy or not, starts by finding your inner confidence.
Do you wonder why I talk about confidence so much on this site? It’s because confidence is the secret to being happy and whole, regardless of who you’re dating.
The truth is: I don’t know if this guy is the right one for you. I don’t know whether working on how to get your man back is the right move for you or not. But what I do know is that improving your self-confidence will help you, both in this relationship and future ones, if there are any. Confidence will help every aspect of your life, from love to work, so don’t overlook the importance of it!
7. Pamper Yourself: Look Your Best to Feel Your Best
Again, looking good isn’t to make him jealous. It may work, sure, but my goal here is to make sure you feel your best.
I know you’ve had some bad days where you didn’t want to leave the bed (maybe you didn’t, even). And that’s completely part of the breakup process. But I need you to trust me when I say that you will feel a million times better if you invest in some self care. Put on a dress you feel great in. Get your hair colored. Get a mani pedi. Whatever self care means to you, do it, because it’s essential for healing, whether you reunite with your ex or not.
8. Be Honest About What Went Wrong
If you’re ready to put all the blame on him, hesitate a minute. It takes two to make a relationship right…or wrong, so don’t underplay your role in what happened.
That’s where spending time away from him can pay off because you have space to really reflect on what happened and accept it. That’s essential if there’s a snowman’s chance in Hell of you working things out.
9. Apologize if You Hurt Him
Genuinely saying you’re sorry can go a long way to winning him back.
Once you accept your role in the breakup, it’s important to be humble enough to apologize for what you did. But apologize sincerely. That means not saying, “I’m sorry for hurting you, but you hurt me first!”
If you need him to apologize, and that’s the only reason you’re doing it, don’t bother. That’s not a solid foundation for getting back together.
10. Don’t Play Games
I don’t even need to say anything here. Just don’t play games. It’s simple. You’re an adult, so handle the breakup like one. That’ll increase the odds of you getting back together, by the way.
11. Don’t Use Social Media to Poke At Him
I know women who, after suffering a breakup, post pictures with hot guys on Facebook, hoping to make their exes jealous.
It’s a childish move. It’s a game. See #10.
12. Talk to Him About Your Relationship
Open the door to better communication this time around.
If you are going to succeed at getting your man back, you’ve got to open up communication, especially if the two of you had trouble talking about your relationship in the past.
Talk about what went wrong. Encourage him to tell you in the moment if something’s not right so that it won’t escalate into a breakup. When you talk about problems in the present, you can find ways to solve them, but if you let them build up, they end up being bigger than they were initially.
13. Know When To Move On
I sincerely hope that your efforts at getting your man back work and that things pan out. But know that it’s not always right to get back with an ex. You have to trust your gut to understand whether it’s worth pursuing or not.
If you’ve tried to win him back and it’s just not working, realize that this is the sign that it’s time for you to let this guy go and move on. He’s not the one for you. Save your love and energy for the right man who will be the right fit for you.
Learning how to get your man back will take effort. It will be hard. You may want to give up because it means facing your own flaws.
But if you believe this man is worth it, then keep on keepin’ on. Hopefully, you’ll find that your relationship is even stronger the second time around.
Did you know I have an entire program designed to help you Heal Your Heart and Win Him Back? In it, I help you first get healed and whole, learn to break destructive habits, and then make him realize that you’re the one after all. Get in on it today!
Well, I want him back, back he moved to Puerto Rico. He had planned on coming back but just sent me a text that he decided to stay there and I should move on. The hour before that he told me how much he loved me and told me all about his brother’s wife being ill. I don’t get it. Then , about 4days later sends me a Thank You card (I had sent him a card online prior to the day we supposedly ended things) telling me to keep in touch. Talk about confusing! What is your take on… Read more »
HELOO , If your relationship is not the biggest source of happiness and joy in your life… If you’re not getting the love, devotion and adoration that you deserve… Or if the men in your life seem to lose interest out of nowhere leaving you confused and hurt… Then I can honestly say that this video is the most important thing you can watch right now and will absolutely transform your relationships forever. ==>Men Commit When They Feel This[Click Here ] Once you discover this one missing “secret ingredient” to lasting love and devotion… You’ll be able to emotionally “click”… Read more »
Hello while mine I was at fault,when ever I stay alone I feel like something is missing in my heart.i just don’t know what to do.i was told that he was actually cheating even before our breakup and I till want him back
I’m sorry to hear that… how are things now? It’s really worth checking out all of Amy North’s stuff. She has this section in her guide called the devotion sequence and it works sooo good. You can find her guide at: – You would be amazed at the power of human psychology. There are certain things that men simply cannot resist.
I once met and met a girl through the game candy clicker. She is truly amazing and now we are married.
In my case, The reason why we broke up is that, We are in a Long Distance Relationship for eleven(11mos). I thought were okay, but when I asked him to stay in one house he refused and I know that time he still not ready to settle. And he opened that to me he wants to stay in USA with his parents. So we both decided to end our relationship instead. So that if time will come he will move to USA its easy for him to go. That no one will left here in the Philippines, and I know… Read more »
I have already done most of the things mentioned here. I left my guy after a 15 year relationship. At first I left because I rent the upstairs of his farmhouse. I paid my rent and raised 6 children there. He lived in a studio apartment he had downstairs. Anyway, there were 2 other small one bedroom apartments downstairs. I finally couldn’t take it anymore because he always rented them out to people that didn’t care about anyone else who lived there. They were rude, stole anything that wasn’t nailed down, destroyed other tenants property, etc. I just got tired… Read more »
Am in pains. He’s not cool with me being a lesbian. I usually cheat on him with ladies..
I want my Man back
You can’t have two things at the same time…
You have to let your lesbins go or let your man go. The choice is yours!
I have really really tried as much as I can but it didn’t work out for me and in which other way can I do it again am confused
I’ve been with this guy for 3 years and suddenly he told me his not happy with me. I’ve always been faithful to him. I acted like a wife in a home. He is my first. He told he loved me 3 weeks before. Now he wanted to break up with me. I had a miscarriage last year due to the stress of my family, school. I told him to give me another chance to make him happy. He said he will but he can’t promise anything. I caught him talking to another female on the phone several times. He… Read more »
I’m going through the same thing I am so hurt
He actually started giving me attitudes and I wasn’t being sure anymore….he now seems to like another girl and he’s showing hot and cold attitudes
I’m going through the same situation
He actually started giving me attitudes this days, he doesnt talk to me, he doesnt even have my time, giving me excuses, being rude to me and the most annoying thing now is that my sister is interested and have seduced him, he seems comfortable with my sister than me.
I’ve been dating someone for 7 months but I like to party and he does not. I have gone out multiple time and he didn’t like that much because he says I party to much. Now he is ignoring my calls and text what can I do to make it work again like it use to be.
Sunt o femeie cu doi copii, soțul meu și cu mine suntem căsătoriți, de 8 ani acum, și trăim în armonie și în dragoste în toți acești ani. Niciodată nu am crezut că ceva poate interveni între căsătoria noastră sau dragostea noastră, dar sunt doar om, cine sunt eu să judec. Am avut încredere în soțul meu, dar el a trădat asta, când a început să comită infidelitate. A început să țină nopțile târzii, să-și ascundă telefonul de mine și să sară de multe ori să sune cina. în câteva luni, el dormea afară și înainte de a-l ști, a… Read more »
He came back but now he’s distant. What should I do?
We been separated for a year and two months now it’s me my overthinking and jeolusy for I did I talk to my ex and hid it for along time…. And I cheated on him with a female hid it from him but I can’t let go thinking he will get revenge on me always think the bad with him …. He good man never cheated on me always good to me… He said he doesn’t want a committee relationship anymore with me we are married and have four kids help I want him back
Before I said him to stay away from me becuse of my family issues they were not ready to accept he said we will fight for it I realised I was stopping his life from living n didn’t wanted to stop his life on struggling where he have enjoy so but after time even I was not able to cope up with that n decided to fight for him n there are few reasons now which is a point that We can’t be separated in future but now he says he want to be my friend becuse he don’t want… Read more »
I will not forget to thank Dr Jacob as my saviour for helping me cast a love spell that brought back my husband to me, thank you sir :Jacobman41@ outlook .com
Hello everyone. i was so ecstatic about the good news of Dr. Messiah, if you have any of the below problems kindly solicit the help of Dr. Messiah, he’s so professorial in handling issues and also a very rational being in Relationship/Marriage, love, Infertility and herpes virus related issues.
I’m in pains…..he’s keeping girls around him in the name of …they are friends and they want him……I have been dealing with this for 7years….I have said goodbye many times and still find myself in his arms…..he keep apologizing but never change.
I told him I’m done yesterday,I haven’t heard from him since then.
But,I have been in pains since I broke up.
HELOO , If your relationship is not the biggest source of happiness and joy in your life… If you’re not getting the love, devotion and adoration that you deserve… Or if the men in your life seem to lose interest out of nowhere leaving you confused and hurt… Then I can honestly say that this video is the most important thing you can watch right now and will absolutely transform your relationships forever. Once you discover this one missing “secret ingredient” to lasting love and devotion… You’ll be able to emotionally “click” with men in a way that no other… Read more »
Most people get into a marriage with high and full spirits. They know full well what they are getting into and accept this with an open heart. While you may say that there is a lot of hype in marriages especially on the days leading up to the wedding day, it can get a bit frustrating to have a misunderstanding issue in your relationship. I have been through hell with my husband for a very long time. With the help of the great psychic doctor, I was able to resolve my marriage issue and now I finally find happiness in… Read more »
I should find a place in my heart to forgive him, I was truly astonished and shocked when my lover knelt down begging for forgiveness and for me to accept him back. I am really short of expressions, and I don’t know how much to convey my appreciation to you Ultimate Spell. You are a God sent to restore a broken relationship, And now i am a joyful woman. or Email on: {ultimatespell666 @ gmail. com}
Dr kowa is the best spell caster from africa, every words he said to me is inspired spiritually. When I was worried if my man will ever come back to me, I just held my pillow and cry all night. I started looking online for magic, obviously anyone will think I was loosing it. but my luck too me to a comment about Dr kowa spiritual spells. I looked up the link and saw many testimonies that was enough for me to believe Dr kowa. within 6 hours I got back my man. you too can restore your relationship if… Read more »
My husband was acting strange again then he left me so l decided to leave then I found dr luke voodoo online l explain everything to him he told me to send his picture and full name then I did He told me i should hold on that he will be back, then he came and said that my husband loves me but there is a woman who is trying to separate our relationship that is why she cast a love on my husband but now we are living happy life again thanks dr luke voodoo if you are also… Read more »
Dr luke voodoo is a natural gifted man who fix relationship that are meant to be . Trust me this is not black magic or something evil I’ve seen it with my eyes he is gifted and brings people together through prayers . He helped me restore my relationship and the love of my life loves me more than ever it’s been 5 months now since Dr luke voodoo helped me this man is real . tell him your problems and get a solution today .dm him on facebook page
Dr luke voodoo is a natural gifted man who fix relationship that are meant to be . Trust me this is not black magic or something evil I’ve seen it with my eyes he is gifted and brings people together through prayers . He helped me restore my relationship and the love of my life loves me more than ever it’s been 5 months now since Dr luke voodoo helped me this man is real . tell him your problems and get a solution today .. dm him on facebook page
Hi everyone , I want to thank this powerful man who did everything possible to make sure my husband come back to me , my husband told me 3 months ago that he no longer have feeling for me , and he is seeing someone else , I was heartbroken because he park all his belongings and left me and out kids for someone else, I was in pains so I came across this powerful man called mutaba he did a love spell and my husband who left me came back to me , thank you for your help sir,… Read more »
Will forever be grateful and it will never be forgotten for your awesome work Prist Osemu spell for bringing peace back into my life after 8months of pains and heart attack because of my marriage. God will bless you for me Prist Osemu for everything am grateful because you are the right person to come too for solution after all I have been through, Keep it up Prist Osemu I really appreciate your work for restoring my family back to me..
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Take a moment to reading how my horrible love story changed, after 2 Depressing years of searching for a spell caster to bring back my man back I finally came in contact with Prist Osemu love spell after reading different positives reviews no how she helps people in different kinds of problems, I’m so lucky I came in contact with your Facebook page. I’m so happy to have my man back and also getting rid of the strange woman that almost snitch from me. I am so glad that Prist Osemu spell has the ability to remove the blockage on… Read more »
Let life be more beautiful when you have someone you love who loves you even more but after my husband left me heartbroken. I was lonely and sad luckily I was directed to a very kind and powerful man called @dr.Ultimatepsychicspell who brought back my husband and now he loves me far more than ever am so happy with life now thank you so much or WhatsApp him +27-84-748-5115
There is no problem without a solution, but only if you look for help in the right places. I had a terrible mess in my marriage because my husband left me for another woman after 5 years of marriage and the shocking thing is that we didn’t have any form of misunderstanding, i immediately knew something was wrong because i pleaded him to come home but he refused and behaved strangely to me this made me seek help and i was lucky to come across a spellcaster’s contact online dropped by a man who wrote on how voodoo lord helped… Read more »
I recommend Professor Isaac who is a great spell caster, his love spell is very effective and it works very fast. My Wife who left me for another man came back to me and apologized for leaving me after Professor Isaac cast his love spell. Thank you very much sir!. Publicizing the good work of Professor Isaac is one way of showing my gratitude to him… Anyone needing help in their relationship or marital life should contact Professor Isaac via email: (urgentspellcast01(@)gmail .com)
My money was stolen from me by a fake spell caster who claimed he could restore my relationship within 48 hours. But after wasting so much time and money, I decided to contact Prophet Isaac as a last option. I must say that Prophet Isaac really impressed me, not only did I get my lover back, but everything happened as he told me. I am very happy and satisfied with the work of Prophet Isaac and for this purpose I am writing the contact details of Prophet Isaac.
Email: urgentspellcast 01 @ gmail .com
I want him back cuz he done something major for me in my life that I couldn’t do for myself and no man has done before and I really appreciate having him in my life for what he’s done and yes I do remember that and want him back in my life forever he’s my everything and he told me I was his everything
We started arguments that led to me blocking for 3days I later unblocked him he came to my working place and said I hv heart to go on 3 days without talking to him he broke up wit me I begged he accepted me bk but he said I’m going to get the love bk I dnt know how to do it cause he’s not giving me that much attention anymore
Sometimes, people need time to think and process their feelings. Respect his space and allow both of you to reflect on the relationship without pressure. Use the time apart to focus on your personal growth. Engage in activities that make you feel happy and confident. Becoming the best version of yourself can reignite his attraction.
I and my boy friends usually play 2 player games, puzzle games as Block Blast each times we had problem, and all be good after that.
Good day from this side, Am Dr Osoko I am a spiritual herbalist who specializes both spiritual and physical problems, with my root and natural herbs I cure all kinds of diseases. My herbs have no side effects to the body. I also cast love spells that brings ex lover back, with spiritual restorations and spiritual cleansing, spiritual empowerment, business spells to bring more customers, pregnancy spells, spells to cast away inner burden, marital/relationship solution, spells to control your husband/wife, spells to win a Court case, financial spell, spells to break every yoke of one child birth in the family,… Read more »
The way you presented complex information so simply is remarkable.