The Best Friend You Want to F#%K

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Rip your clothes off cause this is about to get friendly REAL quick.

Everyone and their mother (literally) thinks they know the formula for the “perfect relationship”. Or worse, they know what’s the “perfect relationship” for YOU.

If you google “What is the perfect relationship”, you get over 55 Million responses.

How is anyone supposed to figure out who is the perfect match for them?

Editor’s note: Ready to attract love with a proven strategy? Watch this free video to learn the 7 powerful steps

Well in this week’s video I attempt to simplify all of this for you.

And be warned, this video is a bit of a rant…

Have you ever found a relationship like this? I’d love to hear from you in the comments below.

Your coach,


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9 years ago

I think I have that now … its taken me over 45 years, but the guy I’m dating now is someone I feel the same closeness to that I’ve only felt with my women friends before — while also wanting to have my wanton way with him. It’s novel and wonderful at the same time.

7 months ago
Reply to  Carma

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9 years ago

Oh, hell yeah! I was twice lucky to live that in long term relationships – the way you titled the video grasps it perfectly 🙂

9 years ago

I’m kind of in that situation now, but it’s not really a relationship. We went on a couple of dates and we decided that it’s probably better if we stay platonic friends, but that lasted a week and then we went back to hooking up. It’s been six months now and we talk every day, hang out constantly, and he’s even taking me out of state tomorrow to go visit his sister. We’ve become best friends. But every couple of months he takes a moment to make sure I don’t think he’s my boyfriend (I don’t. I’m still dating around… Read more »

9 years ago
Reply to  Heather

He is not your best friend, he uses you the way which is convenient for him. THough you may think he is you best friend, because you like him too much.

9 years ago

I had a BEST friend of 6 years and it was always in the back of our minds that it could be more. When we were both single it happened and we started hooking up, while talking every day and visiting each other a lot (we live in two different cities). Then the second I tried to talk about things more seriously, he shut down and said he thought we were just having a little fun. Now we haven’t spoken in a month and a half (per my decision, because i was so hurt) and it ruined everything. It seemed… Read more »

9 years ago
Reply to  nikki

You changed the rules.

9 years ago

Have it, living it…its painful as he sees us as friends, but I feel as if I have met the one….i have loved him since 2011….

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