How to Scientifically Trigger His Emotional Desire For You Using THIS Technique
Ready to Attract the Love You Deserve?
Your worst enemy when it comes to creating white hot attraction with a man might be gut level impulse.
If you routinely trust your first “feeling” when you start dating a new guy… you could be making a critical mistake.
Here’s a simple technique you should be doing instead.
Don’t get me wrong.
Trusting your gut definitely has its place in a new relationship.
When it comes to creating attraction, your gut will usually betray you faster than a final four alliance on an episode of Big Brother.
Check out the video now, and let me know what you think in the comments.
Your Coach,
P.S. If you’d like to get your hands on a proven blueprint for creating blistering hot attraction with any man, follow this link to my most popular program.
Here’s How to Trigger Emotion in a Man (Summary)
What I’m about to share with you is so counterintuitive, yet powerful, that it will forever change how it is that you interact with men.
You may already do this naturally, or it may be one of the most challenging shifts you’ll ever make in your dating life.
But I’ll tell you this…
Make this shift, and men will start emotionally bonding with you in ways you’ve never known possible before.
Here’s the thing:
When a woman begins to get emotionally involved in a man, her first instinct is to give, give, give whatever it is that she can to the man.
This is because women are innately very compassionate, caring, and giving.
Editor’s note: Ready to attract love with a proven strategy? Watch this free video to learn the 7 powerful steps
If you find that you fall into this trap, you probably notice that many times the more you give, the less that he responds.
You might bake him cookies or buy him a t-shirt that you saw that made you think of him.
Although these things are really nice to do, they aren’t making him bond with you any further.
Here’s the simple shift to help you emotionally bond with a man.
The best way to bond with someone is not by doing them a favor, but instead by asking them for a favor.
Maybe you need some advice on how to deal with something at work.
Perhaps you just need some help fixing your washing machine that just broke at your home.
Or just maybe you need him to pick you up after work because your car is in the shop.
Making him invest his time, energy, and resources into you first, by asking for some type of favor is an incredibly potent way to emotionally bond with you.
Because it’s part of human nature. Science supports this.
In fact, in a research study where participants could either receive a lump sum of money or donate the money to a charity, they discovered surprising differences in neural activity.
While receiving money, activated the rewards system in our brain.
On the other hand, when people donated to charity, the same network showed even greater activity.
This suggests that our brains actually enjoy being a gift giver over being a recipient. By making him help you in some way, he’s going to start emotionally bonding with you even further.
Now, like I said, you can’t force him to give you a gift, but you can definitely ask him for small favors.
The easiest way to do this is by simply asking for some advice on something.
Get him to invest his time and energy into you first, and watch as he continues to fall deeper for you.
Have you ever tried doing this with a guy that you’re dating, without even thinking about it?
If so, comment below. I’d love to know how it went.
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Does this work on a narcissist?
Do you want it to?
I love your videos.
Thank you. I think its great that someone out there is actually giving good advice to our young sexy ladies out there. I am guilty of not asking for help from my new boyfriend. I will try to remember that it is ok to need some help once in a while.
I have been the do it all person for too long.
I had asked a guy i was dating at the time (we live together now and is very serious) to help me gift wrap my dad’s christmas present because it was so heavy that i couldnt do it on my own. He brought to my apt the wrapping paper, scissors, and even a bow for the box. The box wasnt that heavy or big ; however go this day he makes fun of me for that and actually loved the fact i asked for help:)
That was a really great point and as a woman who is naturally a giver when it comes to someone I like, (be it relationship or friendship) I needed to hear this!
Ooo . . . yea. I’m guilty of being a “tough little soldier” in a relationship and sacrificing my comfort zone to accomodate a man. Honestly, I know the result will not be beneficial to me, yet I continue to give because doing so will sabotoge the relationship and I will be responsible for the demise – a result I can control. Fear of relinqishing control – not true caring – may be the reason I give. 🙁
It didn’t go too well Adam I just mentioned how much I would appreciate it if he could help with sealing a driveway. He went out n cane back the next day excited n had me take measurements of drive with him n than later that week when I asked when it was going to be done. He bluntly said he decided not too do it..however he wanted to take me to shore for a week n half n I said no. I was crushed over him not doing it after setting it all up . needless to say Im… Read more »
Hey Adam,
I love your videos, and this time I’m leaving a comment because I relate to what you said.. So, I met this guy online.. And I’ve asked him for some advice more than twice.. And I could see that he gives his best to help me out! Now, he’s got attached to me! We’re in a serious relationship.. Going on a date soon.. He said I’m his heart master!!
Thank you so much for all the help you always give!
Great post i have ever read. I love these videos.
Is this manipulation???
Your worst enemy when it comes to creating white hot attraction with a man might be gut level impulse.
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