How to Text a Guy to Keep Him Interested (Steal These 17+ Examples!)
Ready to Attract the Love You Deserve?
So you want to know how to text a guy to keep him interested?
Gone are the days when you would only talk on the phone to a guy you were dating. Now, texting has become the norm both when getting to know someone new as well as once that relationship develops.
This is both a good and bad thing. On the one hand, you have time to think about what you want to say to the guy you’re interested in…
On the other hand, it’s all too easy to misunderstand his text or worry if you don’t hear back in a timely manner.
Interestingly, a recent study shows that if you have similar texting habits, you’re more likely to be satisfied in your relationship. So if you’re a first-thing-in-the-morning texter or someone who writes novel-length texts and he is too, you’re likely to hit it off!
Texting and Online Dating
One area that is especially important for texting is online dating. Most dating apps and sites include a messaging component that is essentially texting. This is how you initially discover whether you like one another or not, so if you’re dabbling in the world of dating online, you’ll want to take notes on how to text a guy to keep him interested.
From the first introductory text to the one that gets you off of the app and texting directly to one another, knowing the ins and outs of texting can be hugely beneficial.
How to Text a Guy to Keep Him Interested
Now that you’ve admitted there’s no getting away from texting as you navigate the big, exciting world of dating, let’s look at a few tips that will help you learn how to text a guy to keep him interested.
1. Never, Ever Text Just ‘Hi!’
I don’t know when we started getting so lazy, but the ‘hi’ text is by far the laziest possible option when it comes to texting. Sure, you’re just trying to prod him to see if he’s around and wants to text, but there are so many more creative ways to get his attention.
Instead, give him a reason to respond. Here are a few examples.
Hey good lookin’. How’s your morning going?
Hola cutie. Been thinking of you all morning…
What each of these examples does is a) lets him know you’re thinking about him and b) give him something to respond to. The entire point of texting is to engage in conversation, so keep your goal in mind. Are you looking to make plans with him for tonight? Just catch up on your day? Have a more heartfelt conversation? Keep that goal in mind when you initiate a conversation.
2. Show Him You Have a Life
I know it seems silly that men would like it when you’re unavailable, but don’t underestimate the power of the chase. Make yourself too available, and you might turn him off. But show him that you’re a busy lady with lots going on, and he’ll want you even more.
If you want to learn how to text a guy to keep him interested, let him know you’re not always available. If you’re headed out with friends, respond to his text but let him know you’re walking out the door and that you’ll check in later.
First of all, this is just courteous because (and you know I’m right) when you send a text and someone doesn’t respond for hours, you start to get nervous. This way, you’re acknowledging his text but also letting him gently know you’re not available.
You can also text him about what you’re up to. Send him a photo of the fish you just caught or the band you’re watching. This makes him feel more connected to you while also showing him that you’re not sitting around waiting for him to text.
Here are some examples:
Good to hear from you! I’m actually walking out the door to meet friends for happy hour. Can I get back to you tonight?
Just saw the most amazing jazz band at the restaurant I’m at. You’d love them! [picture]
3. Ask Him Questions
Show interest in him by asking him questions.
You know you love it when the guy you’re dating asks you questions about your life and interests, so why wouldn’t you reciprocate? Asking questions about his job, his family, his hobbies, or his day is an excellent strategy in how to text a guy to keep him interested. By showing your own interest in his life, he is reassured that you dig him, and he’ll respond in kind.
Hey, how did that big meeting go today? I was crossing my fingers for you!
Your sister’s coming to town tomorrow, right? What do you have planned?
4. Don’t Always Respond Immediately
Okay, you know I don’t advocate playing games in dating, but this isn’t really a game. It’s more of a strategy that will help you down the road. What happens if you text him back within seconds now, but a few weeks or months from now you lose interest and drag out the time between responses? He’ll pick up on that immediately.
Also, again, is the chase factor. If you respond too quickly, he’ll feel like you’re always available, and that will take the challenge away.
Another good rule of thumb is to pay attention to how quickly (or slowly) he is to respond to your texts. If he takes all day, you certainly don’t need to reply to him within seconds. But if he’s fast to respond, you can do the same.
I don’t have an example for this tip on how to text a guy to keep him interested. Just wait twice as long as you want to before you respond. Or put your phone across the room so you actually don’t hear that he’s texted you!
5. Use Emojis Without Going Overboard
Just as texting has evolved over the past years, so has the use of emojis. It’s not just teenagers using them. Emojis can better express the intention behind your words, which is important because it’s all too easy to misinterpret a text.
But pay attention to how often you use those emojis (and gifs are great, too). If this guy never sends a single emoji, you don’t want to come off as juvenile by peppering your texts with them. Match his cadence.
For this example, let’s look at how an emoji can better illustrate meaning behind a text.
Without emoji: Who said anything about me missing you?
With emoji: Who said anything about me missing you? 😉
Without emoji: I haven’t seen you all week!
With emoji: I haven’t seen you all week! 😢
6. Let Him Initiate (Sometimes)
Be patient and wait for him to send the first text!
I know you’re super excited about this new guy, lady, but don’t be overeager by always initiating the text conversation. Let him come to you.
Then give him reinforcement. Let’s say he texts every morning to wish you a happy day. This pleases you immensely. Let him know how much you like his morning texts, and he’ll keep up the good work.
That being said, don’t make your texting completely one-sided. For every few texts he sends first, initiate one. This shows him that you like him and aren’t afraid to give a little.
Learning how to text a guy to keep him interested means you’ll need to pay attention to patterns and tempos. Be observant and you’ll soon see that he texts you at the same time(ish) every day. Surprise him by beating him to it some days.
7. Have a Purpose with Each Text Convo
I touched on this at the start of this article on how to text a guy to keep him interested. Having a purpose or goal for each text conversation will ensure it flows.
Do you want to make plans for the weekend? Get to know him on a deeper level? Just check in to let him know you’re thinking of him? Have that purpose in mind when you text so you can keep the conversation on track. Plus, this keeps you from wasting his time, since you have no idea what he’s in the middle of when he receives your text.
Hey honey! Just confirming our plans for tomorrow night to meet at the park.
Hiya! I read this great article about mythology that reminded me of our convo on the subject the other day. What are your thoughts on…
8. Wait Til He Responds Before Texting Again
Here’s an excellent tip on how to text a guy to keep him interested. If you send one text, do not text him again until you hear from him.
I know in the early days of dating you may be filled with insecurity, and him taking hours to respond to you may make you worry that he’s ghosted or is no longer interested. But take a deep breath and have a little patience.
Realize that you don’t know what’s going on with him. He could be out with friends. Asleep. His phone could be dead. Silence is not a death sentence. And bombarding him with text after text when he’s unavailable is a huge turnoff.
9. Don’t Txt Lk a Teen
We all want shortcuts in life, but please don’t make abbreviating your texts one of them. You are not a teenager. Don’t text like one.
It takes milliseconds to fully spell out a word versus abbreviate it. And there’s always voice to text if you’re lazy or have fat thumbs! So avoid these:
- UR
Now, I’m not saying you can’t occasionally throw out an LOL, but realize that you might give off the impression of being juvenile if you go overboard.
10. Be Witty
One of the best ways to build a bond with a man you’re dating is through witty banter. It balances the heavier conversations (“what do you do? what are you looking for? have you ever been married?”), and laughter is a great connector.
In psychological studies, researchers found that men like women to be funny, especially at the start of a relationship. It indicates to them flirtatiousness and receptivity.
So throw some witty lines out there via text.
You think you can beat me in the 5K tomorrow? You better pack a lunch!
Show me yours and I’ll show you mine…
I was talking about tattoos, perv! What did you think I meant? 😉
11. Know When to Take it Off Text
The fact is: texting isn’t always the best communication channel for the situation. Phone calls (or better: face-to-face) allows the conversation to flow faster and better, so if your texts are getting lengthy or the subject is heavy (his grandmother is dying), suggest you change the channel.
Katherine Hertlein, a psychologist at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, says it’s important to determine the best channel for the conversation. She says that asynchronous methods (like texting) are better for problem-solving because they give you more time to digest the information you’ve gotten and think about how you want to reply.
Synchronous methods, like a phone call or video chat, can be more engaging for more serious conversations.
I can talk faster than I can type. Wanna continue this conversation on the phone?
12. Occasionally Send a Photo
Sending a selfie now and then puts you top of mind!
Communication isn’t just verbal or written. You can also communicate with a photo now and then, sent via text or Snapchat. It’s okay to send a cute selfie occasionally, but please, ladies, don’t overdo it! Sending too many selfies to him can come off as conceited or self-involved.
Instead, mix it up. Send a photo of something you think he’d laugh at or a snapshot of what you’re doing right now.
Ask for them back. If he’s hiking today, ask for a pic of the summit. Having him share photos is a great way to keep him engaged and can take the conversation to a new level.
My soufflé turned out great! Just call me Julia Child! [photo of the soufflé you made]
Such a beautiful day. Wish you were here! [photo of you at the beach]
13. Ask About His Day
You like it when your guy asks how your day is going, right? So doesn’t it stand to reason that he’d like the same thing?
Asking about his day is a great conversation starter. If he’s having a great day, you can share about yours. If he’s having a bad day, you can be the shoulder for him to cry on (or at least vent at). Pay attention to his response and ask more questions.
Editor’s note: Ready to attract love with a proven strategy? Watch this free video to learn the 7 powerful steps
Just don’t start each conversation like this every day. That can get boring and monotonous. Remember, you want to keep things fresh and interesting, not repetitive!
You: Hey doll! How is your day going?
Him: Grr. Not great. I have a nail in my tire. Just got air in it and now need to take it to the tire shop.
You: Oh no! That sucks. Do you need a ride there? We could get coffee while you wait.
14. Keep Them Short and Sweet
Texts are not emails. They are designed to be brief. If you’re getting long-winded in your text to him, consider switching to a phone call or Facetime.
Keeping texts short also creates the opportunity for back-and-forth conversation. If you do have a lot to say, break it up in several lines to give him a chance to read and respond.
That being said, don’t make every text you send three words long. Respond in full sentences…just don’t create a wall of text!
15. Get Sexy (When You’re Ready)
Don’t be shy! Send a sexy text his way.
Sexting isn’t for everyone, and it’s certainly not required as part of your lesson on how to text a guy to keep him interested. Still, there are other ways you can flirt or be a little sexy without sending a nude photo or saying something crude (unless you’re into that. If so, full steam ahead!).
That being said, if you do want to get your flirt on, don’t jump into sexy texts too soon. Wait until you know the guy a bit and intimacy has come up as a subject (either through conversation or action). If you haven’t yet had sex but are thinking about it, texting can create a sense of anticipation that will make him crazy (in a good way).
Just went a little shopping crazy at Victorias Secret.. 😈
If you’re already having sex, a steamy text can give him reassurance that you enjoyed it and looking forward to next time.
Couldn’t sleep last night. I kept replaying Sunday evening over and over and over! 🔥🔥
Never send sexy texts if they make you uncomfortable. The right man won’t require them or send them to you if you’re not into it.
16. Don’t Complain
I know that the more time you spend with a man, the more comfortable you get with him. That means you’ll open up more and more, and in general, that’s a great thing. However, this doesn’t mean you should use it as an opportunity to vent or complain.
The occasional “boy, it’s hot out!” is no big deal, but don’t bitch about your boss, your kids, your life. There’s a fine line between talking to someone about what’s bothering you and simply complaining. Know the difference. If something’s really eating you and you want to talk about it, save it for a phone conversation or an in-person meeting. Otherwise, you’ll come off as a Negative Nelly, and that’s not sexy.
Texting can be a fantastic platform for getting to know a guy you’re dating. But pay attention to his behavior rather than putting all your focus on how to text him to keep him interested. Is he initiating a lot of your conversations? Does he reply quickly? Are his answers terse or more in-depth? Does he ask you questions?
But don’t just analyze his texts. Is he also making an effort to see you in person? If he’s not, you have what amounts to a pen pal. If you’re texting and texting with no plans in sight, be a Sexy Confident lady and ask him out. If he makes excuses, this guy has no intention of meeting you. He’s in it to get his ego stoked by your amazing texts.
Work on making your texts flirty and appealing, but don’t rely on them solely to hold up your relationship. The longer you date the more phone calls and meetups you should have.
How do you keep a man interested via text? Share your tips in the comments below!
Calling a guy “doll” is ok? New one for me, but okaaaaaay…..
I thought the same thing! LOL
Yes and me. I would never call a guy doll
You could just call him dude
If your relationship is not the biggest source of happiness and joy in your life… If you’re not getting the love, devotion and adoration that you deserve… Or if the men in your life seem to lose interest out of nowhere leaving you confused and hurt… Then I can honestly say that this video is the most important thing you can watch right now and will absolutely transform your relationships forever. ==>Men Commit When They Feel This[click here ] Once you discover this one missing “secret ingredient” to lasting love and devotion… You’ll be able to emotionally “click” with men… Read more »
As a guy. No. That’s a turn off. Everyone knows this
Me either. It’s not masculine- men heterosexual always prefer you see them as powerful. Now my boys 20 might not have that label and would accept as something kind but question it – so babe or sweet man would be better if not wanting to ham up their masculinity but tender
Yeah calling a guy ‘doll ‘ sounds insane but kinda cool
ht If your relationship is not the biggest source of happiness and joy in your life… If you’re not getting the love, devotion and adoration that you deserve… Or if the men in your life seem to lose interest out of nowhere leaving you confused and hurt… Then I can honestly say that this video is the most important thing you can watch right now and will absolutely transform your relationships forever. ==>Men Commit When They Feel This Click Here [ %5D Once you discover this one missing “secret ingredient” to lasting love and devotion… You’ll be able to emotionally “click”… Read more »
And me)
noooo dont call him doll that is freaky. dont say if
Yeah I wouldn’t feel comfortable saying that to my boyfriend. He calls me that and I like it. It’s cute. So many other cute pet names for him
It depends on how old y’all are. I’m younger, still in school, and I don’t call my bf ‘doll’ , but I know people a bit older do. Older meaning like 20-30ish
No I am Old and older is for a woman to be called Doll unless we are talking the 1920’s a woman might have called men Dolls otherwise studmuffin, he man, dude, handsome,, hero but not DOLL. It’s feminine for sure
ha ha ha… i can’t “hey doll !” (him : WTH ??)
If your relationship is not the biggest source of happiness and joy in your life… If you’re not getting the love, devotion and adoration that you deserve… Or if the men in your life seem to lose interest out of nowhere leaving you confused and hurt… Then I can honestly say that this video is the most important thing you can watch right now and will absolutely transform your relationships forever. ==>Men Commit When They Feel This Click Here [ %5D Once you discover this one missing “secret ingredient” to lasting love and devotion… You’ll be able to emotionally “click” with… Read more »
Nope nope nope nope nope. Never ever text a man first. Never. And further, most of these examples make you sound desperate. “Need a ride to the dealership? We can have coffee while you wait!” – sure to drive any man to the hills. Never initiate communication nor an activity.
Not necessarily. I think it depends on how far you are in the relationship. Towards the beginning and while not dating I generally agree, but I think it’s important that the girl be willing to put in some effort to plan too once things have really kicked off the ground.
I think it’s ok to text first as long as you aren’t always the one to txt first. But the second one, it works sometimes. It’s ok to try to be into it. Sorta like you want to hang out with him, but again, don’t always say stuff like that. It’s cute, but only sometimes.
Then how will you ever get talking I don’t believe in that sort. Its not what you say its how you say it even if you said it wrong the foreit time you always have a second thanks to look like a princess and trust I always get what I want if they are not weird and perverted that is Hahah
This is odd
Reading this has made me feel I have a guy that just wants his ego stroke plain and simple which is what I thought ! Thank you
I was almost crossing the limit. Thanks for these insights.
Never initiate an activity. Never text him first. Never seem interested. Never ever tell him you like him. Never say “hey.” Never be too boring, but don’t ever be too exciting.. Girls! Remember we aren’t allowed to express emotion! If you do it too much, we are obsessive. But it’s okay, because guys can do it, and it’s cute.
Thank you for reminding me that the double standard still exists. xx
That’s by far the best comment I read about Male vs female in relationships..and I agree.
It always sounds like we need to play the game to get a guy intersted, understand their brain, what not to say, how to say what we want to say, when to say, should we even say it? More like being their psychologist if anything.
Funny though, we are tagged as the complicated ones haha
you know ive been searching “how to chase a girl” and all ive been finding is how to make a girl chase you…. and im like why do we have to do all the work why not them to chase us for once …. i dont see texts for guys to send to the girls they like… all they have to do is show they are interested and thats it! ….. COME ON!!!
little do guys know girls are chasing them without any effort from the guy. girls obsess over guys but are very secretive ab it bc they are scared of getting hurt by their crush and if they are friends w their crush and they get rejected, it could be a little awkward
That’s literally the same thing for men in the relationship
Perfectly said!!!!!
Exactly! Don’t have any emotion. Don’t be yourself, you may scare him off….better yet just don’t date guys lol…be single forever. So dumb. If it wasn’t against my spiritual beliefs I would just be lesbian since girls get me.
Honestly, mood
Lol i dont think you can turn yourself gay, even if you chose. If you are able to “choose” then really you are bisexual. If i could change my orientation I’d love to be asexual so I don’t have to put up with heartbreak and rejection!
Agreed. You can’t just be “gay”. I wish I was into women but I am not sexually attracted to women. I think women can be hot but I prefer male pheromones.
My bestie has the same name as u, same spelling and everything!
I’m bi
This is such a great post, and I’m so glad somebody said this. I think this website was just trying to say not to sound TOO desperate. It’s ok to show emotion and show him ur interested in him! But, don’t be thirsty. Don’t just txt him to txt him. Have a reason. Also, don’t always be the first one to text, but sometimes if ur the first one to txt, it’s ok. Just don’t be too deprecate.
Ok I’m gonna comment on this. Well I’ve been seeing this guy for about 3 months he lives far from me. So he does text sometimes but he said he’d rather call me hears my voice. So when his not busy he does calls me. So I text him once a day coz I don’t wanna be to needy. His done everything what he told me. But sometimes I want more but I’m gonna have patience and wait since his been truthful to me.
How you guys doing now?
love it,thought I was the only one that saw that
Sure I keep waiting in the ivory tower for my prince to come and free me ……. 😀
That would embarrass me every time I did it, and I’m in sixth grade! My bf is a dude, not a girl this time, and I love him with all my heart. So if I embarrass myself, I’ll die!!!
U R soooooo right!!! Specially about expressing our emotions is to much, except when fucking!!! Lol!! They ain’t trying hear none of it! Reminds me why I love being single, however, I’m still open for true love. Love it, thx for your comment!!
LOL still true today. Life is funny. It’s not easy, but ok I’m reading this during pandemic times. And there’s a lot of sacrifices and restrictions to stay alive and well.
If you don’t, you might get boring, and you might turn him off. Some men love the girls to tell them they liked them.
Some men want girls to text first.
All you have to do is contribute. Reciprocate to your limits as a girl.
Do things with him, share activities and do not over do it.
Thank you
Sara, Exactly! It’s interesting to hear “what is” because “what it should be” doesn’t always exist. Still… it’s ridiculous to be told to always censor everything or else you’ll blow it. Such fearmongering. A guy double or triple texting is seen as interest and his right. A girl doing that is told she is being needy, desperate, clingy, and/or psycho. I’m not saying bombing anyone is good, just don’t try to feed me the reason things didn’t work out was because my one text went 3 words over the “limit”! Just another way to tell women they are always hanging… Read more »
I agree.
As messaging and talking a long will make the relationship long lasting which could not broke in any condition for that you should start talking with your partner as long as she is comfortable to talk with you and while talking always pleased her by good morning or good evening message. To make it more interesting always type him hey word instead of hi in the beginning of every message.
All these ladies up in here giving eachother tips!
How do I get a guy to text first??
So I met someone on Sunday and we really hit it off. He texted me last night saying he would text me when he got home and settled from work and that was at 7pm last night. So I messaged him back and said okay and that I was heading to go photograph. I got home did some things around the house and then sent him a photo I took just so he could see it. I then proceeded this morning to tell him to have a great day. Did I push him away or does anyone think he was… Read more »
Don’t respond anymore . Don’t text him … tbh it sounds like he just wanted sex how long have you been dating.
Just imagine he is dead and move on with your life. You did nothing wrong. It is his loss. The best wishes for you
Ok I’m gonna comment on this. Well I’ve been seeing this guy for about 3 months he lives far from me. So he does text sometimes but he said he’d rather call me hears my voice. So when his not busy he does calls me. So I text him once a day coz I don’t wanna be to needy. His done everything what he told me. But sometimes I want more but I’m gonna have patience and wait since his been truthful to me.
did he text back?? … and my advice is dont text him again! you already initiated now its his time let him
I think u should’ve waited til he texted you first. Don’t text him again
From my own point of view I think sending him nice pictures or urs and an old time spent together will really make him happy and he will love to text you for lot a discussion
I thought the same thing! LOL
ikr duuude . i wated to read this case im gay and wanted to see how to text my now boyfriend but all these gals be like never text first and i be like bruuuhhhhhhhhhh like ya’ll are super weird. lol im funnies. bye loves!
Personally I hate texting it’s a lazy way of communication.
So me n my Ex met again at this club , on my way out to the washrooms he calls my name i turn look n keep walking , so when i get back i meet him at the door starring at me , i wanted 2 go in bt then he pulls me back n says he wanted a hug n that he had missed me so much , we hugged n had along chat abt the past i loved him so much n i think i still do becoz that night we got home n made out again… Read more »
Hi, I’ve just met a guy and we already slept together. So now I feel like he is not interested anymore since he doesn’t call or text me again. I’m the one busy calling and texting once in a while, but he responds like we are still hitting it.. how do I make him text or call me without me doing all that, I need him in my life big time…,
You don’t need anyone! You are strong, indépendant and beautiful! I would not text him for a couple of days and wait to see how long it takes for him to respond. Maybe he is lazy and just wants to wait for you to text first. If you really like this guy and it seems like he likes you too, who really cares who texts first. Just make sure that you are putting YOURSELF as the main priority in life. No man is more important than you and your happiness 🙂
OMG some of y’all comments are sooo lovely, keep up the good vibe!! And Collette’s right, you don’t ‘need’ him. Try communicate about your feelings about this, see if he’s just busy or doesn’t want to move to next level. After that, if this relationship is still causing you anxiety and frustration, maybe he’s not ‘the one’. :3
Don’t text him anymore. When a guy really wants you he will text you and if he doesn’t move on with your life. Before sleeping with a man you like him set your thoughts and what you expect and he doesn’t agree with you then say bye. A man that really is into you will do anything to keep you. There are 100 of man don’t waste your time. Love yourself and move on
My boyfriend doesn’t text me but he gets upset if I don’t text him
What’s that?what should I do?
Dump him
The same…..
my ex is daing someone else im trying to get him back he has said that he still likes me but he also rarly talks to me now he said we could be friends still
let it go
Get a boi and then make him jelly
Let him go. He will cheat you ….
Sooo fight for him if he means soo much to you fight for him it’s the best option. Don’t give up
And they say woman are complicated…. We not if you ask me, men are.
I used your advice for a friend and it really screwed up her relationship with her “friend” and now I feel awful.
Oh no! What happened? Tell her not to give up on her “friend.”
Y’all know anything to say to a guy? To get him interested?
Talk abt something that happened in ur day (it’s gotta be funny) and see if he laughs
Hi I’m yanny and I just need some advice. So I recently text my crush on Instagram by complimenting him. He responded with a good feed back and ever since we have been texting back and forth. The problem is he’s in the military and is on deployment overseas and I’m in the state so the time difference he not so good of a thing for me and then you know how the military is he is always busy so I don’t know when is a good time to text him. He always reply to my text messages when he… Read more »
I don’t like following rules, but at the same time I don’t want a guy to think I’m so easy to please at the start and for him to think I don’t have one iota of respect for myself. I have system its called do what I want, when I want and how I want and if he doesn’t like it “SAYONARA” … It’s worked for me all my life!
So I have been talking to this guy for the past 3 wks, and most of the time, I am the one that starts the conversation and at first it was pretty cool, but then now it’s just like I’m tired of always doing that. He told me he likes me and I like him too but with the way our conversations are, sometimes I feel like he drifts apart and then when things are interesting he comes back. I want to be sure that we r both on the right track and we are not lying to each other… Read more »
I been talking to this guy for about a month now going on almost two months. He says another week or so we can meet and he says he likes me I like him too but when I brought it up the other day in text that we have another week to meet he replied “Mm I hope so” should I be worried?
Honestly……..I think my guy friend zoned me.
Hm just wait and see what happen. Sucks when that happens. I feel for you.
That happens, sucks to suck
Need some advice. I’ve been talking to this guy for about two months and we get along well, we can have a laugh but also a genuine conversation. But, it’s always me who texts first, I know that he’s quite shy but when I text him he replies almost straight away with kisses and he seems genuinely interested in talking to me. Also he complements my pictures on Instagram. Should I ask why he doesn’t text first or leave it and see where it goes?
How do I get my boyfriend more interested in me ?
Pretend to not care or date another guy
Will it work?!
My boyfriend doesn’t show any intrest in texting calling or face time .its long distance relationship.. I’m the only one who is really into him. I’ve tried to break up with him many times but he seems like a different person att and begs me to continue idk I’m in dilemma what should I do to have a healthy relationship
Dump him, stop caring abt what he says a do it girl
Okay so for online dating, say a guy messages you first saying “You’re gorgeous” with a blushing emoji … as an opening line, how are you supposed to respond?
Thank you, ur not so bad ur self. ☺️
Damn that’s exactly how I respond to every compliment online lol nice advice bruh
Thanks… By the way, I’m 20 and there’s this guy I have a crush on. He’s kind of reserved and it isn’t easy to open a topic with him and keep the conversation going. He just sends the “Good morning, how did you sleep ?” and “hey, how are you doing ?” texts. I don’t know what to do… Does it mean he’s not interested ?
Um…if he ever says “Grr” he’s fucking growling at you. Get out of that while you can
I’m in middle school and there is this boy that I text. I always initiate the convo and sometimes he doesn’t answer. But at school, he’s always staring at me and around me… I don’t know. Someone help please?
If he doesn’t respond move on Idk why guys are like that I mean if he wanted to text u he would just ignore it don’t text him wait if he does if he didnt ever text then he probably just seeing u like curious look of u may have feelings for him but just move on
I will, us middles have to stick together, so I said this to another girl, tell him something funny that happened or say hi, (ik it says not to say “hi” but it worked for me)
this is really sweet and charming. Thank you guys.
I think we should let a guy text first. Purr
Thanks for sharing such great information with us. I hope you will share some more information keep it up thanks
15 Important Tips on How to Text a Guy
Thanks for sharing such great information with us. I hope you will share some more information
<a href=” /”> 15 Important Tips on How to Text a Guy
<a href=” https:”// /”> 15 Important Tips on How to Text a Guy
I don’t know why I couldn’t find a guy in my life so far, Whoever I like and try to keep him or interested Him he doesn’t want and whoever like me I don’t, and mostly I think the problem is me because I don’t know how contact to guys, I really want to have a nice guy in my life. I need to know how
I think its pointless to run for guys. Better invest your time and make some money online.
[email protected]
Lived the texting tips!
Hellooooooo. So i’m still in high school and i used to live in another country. In grade 1 i was in a class with this guy. 6 years later he invites me to join a group of ppl who meet on the weekends, online though. They are super smart and so is he. I really like talking to him but he isn’t an extrovert like me. He starts the conversation sometimes and i actually really appreciate when he does. Every day at night i ask him how his day was just to check on him. Sometimes he asks how my… Read more »
He always use to say me I ignore you I don’t like you as a joke
What do I do I messed up with this guy. I didn’t wish him a happy birthday at midnight & I acted like a weirdo around him.
If your relationship is not the biggest source of happiness and joy in your life… If you’re not getting the love, devotion and adoration that you deserve… Or if the men in your life seem to lose interest out of nowhere leaving you confused and hurt… Then I can honestly say that this video is the most important thing you can watch right now and will absolutely transform your relationships forever. ==>Men Commit When They Feel This[click here ] Once you discover this one missing “secret ingredient” to lasting love and devotion… You’ll be able to emotionally “click” with men… Read more »
When I found out about my fiancé’s deceit, I was devastated. The daniel meuli web reocvery was recommended to me by a family member, and it turned out to be a lifeline in unraveling the truth. With its help, I delved into my fiancé’s social media accounts, including Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, uncovering a treasure trove of evidence that shattered the facade of the life he had presented to me. The tool combed through his Facebook profile, revealing messages, comments, and interactions that painted a damning picture of his deception. Among the notifications was a message addressed to him as… Read more »
Keep your texts upbeat and positive. Show enthusiasm in your fnf messages to make the conversation enjoyable for both of you.
Texting can be a powerful tool in keeping a relationship engaging and exciting. Using creative and thoughtful messages, rather than just simple greetings, can make your interactions more meaningful and encourage deeper connections.
I think we should use beautiful fonts to attract people.