8 Simple Tricks to Get a Guy’s Attention (Proven to Work)

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When you’re trying to get a guy’s attention because you’re attracted to him…it’s frustrating, isn’t it?

When you don’t want it, all the creepy guys out there seem to give you their attention…

When you do want it from a guy you actually like, it almost feels like you’re invisible to him.

Are you nodding along? Has this happened to you?

Well, never fear: this isn’t going to be a problem anymore, you sexy, single lady! In this video, I’m going to show you eight simple ways you can get a guy’s attention with little effort.

Since we’re coming into the holidays, this video is sponsored by Elfster, a Secret Santa gift exchange. You know I very rarely have sponsored links in my content, so you know that if I do, it’s because they’re super awesome, like Elfster. And hey, this site just might end up helping you get his attention, so stay tuned.

Your Coach,


You’re smitten. Whether it’s with a guy you’ve known for months as part of your friend group or a man you’re checking out across the bar, there’s someone you really want attention from. Only…you’re not bold and brassy, so you don’t feel comfortable just walking over and introducing yourself, or telling him that you’re into him.

So what can you do?

You know that I’m not here to give you crummy advice about flinging your hair around or getting so drunk he can’t possibly not notice you. I’ve worked with thousands of women to help them meet the right guys, and I can help you learn to get a guy’s attention the right way.

3 Mistakes to Avoid When Trying to Get a Guy’s Attention

teenage girl

You’re not a teenage girl, so don’t approach a man like one!

Before we dive into seriously easy ways to get a guy’s attention, I want to cover a few common mistakes some women make in trying to do this.

Editor’s note: Ready to attract love with a proven strategy? Watch this free video to learn the 7 powerful steps

Mistake #1: Attention ≠ Attraction

Just because you’re getting his attention, that doesn’t mean he’ll actually be attracted to you.

It’s fairly easy to get a guy’s attention, but that doesn’t in any way guarantee that he will want to date you. Just something to be aware of. Once you have his attention, you’ll want to really notice what his reaction to you is. Does he smile while listening to every word, or is he busier checking his phone than talking to you? The sharper your observation skills, the less time you waste on the wrong man.

Mistake #2: Being Immature

You see this more in younger women, but believe me: females of every age have been guilty of this mistake.

When you purposefully making him jealous, or worse, have your friend tell his friend that you like him…

…you’re acting like you’re in middle school. You’re not. There are better, high-value ways to get his attention.

Mistake #3: Not Knowing What to Do with His Attention

So you got his attention…now what? If you’re new (again) to the dating game, you may be insecure about flirting or expressing your interest. It will take practice, but you’ve got this!

First, figure out if he’s single, straight, and interested. Usually, within a few minutes of conversation, you can deduce this. Obviously, look for a wedding ring, but also keep an eye out in the room for a potential partner (female or male) who might be headed back to claim her or his mate!

Keep the conversation going once you have his attention, and make it clear that you’re not just being normal friendly (you’re being flirty friendly!).

8 Ways to Get a Man’s Attention

Now that you know the mistakes to avoid, add these simple tips to your flirt plan, and you’ll be on your way to finding Mr. Right.

1. Exude High Energy and Positive Body Language When You’re Around Him


Think about men you’ve been around. Who stands out: the shy wallflower, or the man who’s smiling and talking to everyone in the room? Positive energy and body language are hugely appealing and are guaranteed to get his attention.

In a recent study conducted by speed daters, they discovered that expansive body language (open gestures like arms uncrossed or a smile) was significantly more attractive than closed body language (folded arms, turned away from a person).

I can personally attest to this: when I coached men on how to go out and flirt, I would notice that we would look for women with open body language when we were in a bar. Why? Because it was more likely that they would talk to my clients!

2. Add Him on Social Media

I remember years ago (when I was single), I was at a party with lots of people.  When I got home, I saw that a woman I’d talked to that night had added me as a friend on Facebook.

I thought, “Hmm, that’s a good sign!”

It’s a tiny nudge to get the attention of a man you’re interested in…with no serious risk of rejection. He doesn’t know: maybe you friend everyone you meet on Facebook!

But if he is interested, that small act of friending him can result in the two of you messaging back and forth…and who knows? Going out on a date!

So don’t forget to leverage social media — whether that’s Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat — as part of your plan to get a guy’s attention.

3. Get Creative

So as I said at the start of this, Elfster is a Secret Santa Generator where family or friends draw names and anonymously exchange presents.

Here’s the cool thing about Elfster though: you can set it up so that he ends up being your Secret Santa (if he’s in the friend group with you that’s exchanging presents).

This is where it gets sneaky: he’s going to automatically be getting to know you better because he’s trying to buy you a gift. You answer questions on Elfster to help your Secret Santa (the guy you’re into) know your preferences, like favorite color, restaurant, tv show. By the time he’s bought you a gift, he’ll know you better than the last guy you went on one date with!

Alternately, you could set it up so that you’re his Secret Santa…regardless, gifts are being exchanged between you and the guy you have a crush on, which is a great icebreaker for a relationship.

And hey, if his Love Language is “Receiving Gifts,” then you’re in a good place!

4. Flirt with Him

flirty and fabulous

Be flirty and fabulous!

Here’s something interesting: in an effort to understand the concept of flirting, Dr. Monica Moore, a psychologist at Webster University in St. Louis, conducted research on flirting techniques used where people go to meet each other, like bars and restaurants. She figured out that it wasn’t necessarily the best-looking people who got approached, but rather the ones who confidently communicated that they were available by flirting.

So even if you don’t think you’re the hottest woman in the room, realize that just signaling your interest in someone gets you halfway there.

5. Break the Touch Barrier

When you’re having a conversation with a man whose attention you want, even the slightest touch will communicate that you want something more than just a friendship or professional relationship. Even a slight touch on his arm or shoulder will get his attention and get him thinking of you in a different (and sexier) light.

In research published in the book Close Relationships, written by Pamela Regan, a psychology professor at California State University, she found that the touches that best communicated romantic attraction were a soft touch to the face, a touch around the shoulder or waist, and a soft touch on the forearm.

6. Pay Attention to the People He’s With

While you might assume that the best way to get a guy’s attention is to focus on him, sometimes focusing on the people around him is a better strategy.

You’re into the hot blond guy at the bar, and he’s there with a friend. You know from personal experience that the friend would probably feel like a third wheel if you ignore him and talk to the blond, so put your attention on the friend first. This does a couple of things: first, it puts the friend at ease, realizing you’re not there to push him out to talk to his hot buddy. And second, it makes for a group interaction. Yes, you’re there to get to know him, but there’s no reason you can’t get to know his friend at the same time. Everyone’s included.

And if you make a good impression on them both, they might buy you a drink or invite you to their next stop on their evening out.

7. Take Note of Something He Says on Social Media

Social media is great for information gathering: you can learn a lot about a person by paying attention to what he posts. From there, if you want to get a guy’s attention, you can either comment on a post he’s written or mention it when you see him if he’s in your social circle.

Let’s say he posts a pic of his soccer team winning a local championship. Now you know he’s into soccer…and is a winner! That’s a great conversation-starter for the next time you see him, and it shows him that you’re taking note of him…so maybe he should do the same of you!

8. Show Off Your Natural Talents

salsa dancing

Rock what you’ve got! Let your talents shine.

Sometimes getting a man’s attention is as easy as being yourself. Let’s say you’re interested in someone you met through a professional networking group. You’re pretty great at public speaking, so you volunteer to speak at the next event. He’ll see you as a savvy, confident woman…and who doesn’t want one of those by his side?

Or let’s say you’re at a salsa club and you happen to know your way around a dance floor. Just dance your little heart out with any partner and be sure that he’s paying attention.


Once you get a guy’s attention, regardless of the outcome, you’ll be more confident to do the same in the future. Before long, you’ll be attracting men without even trying to! There’s something that happens when you succeed at getting someone’s attention; you feel good about yourself, and you refine your efforts. You’ll quickly know how to flirt, touch, or say the right thing to make a man take a second look at you from a romantic angle.

So tell me in the comments below: which of these tips to get a guy’s attention have you tried? What were the results? Do you have other suggestions for our Sexy Confidence community?

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6 years ago

I am an older woman interested in a man in the office building where I work. Actually, he’s my landlord. There is chemistry between us but I think we are both afraid to go to the next level. Or he isn’t interested anymore. I know he was when we first met. He requires unconditional loyalty. I removed myself from him and the building when the crazies starting to interfere with my own business. From then on, things have changed. He’s still comes around but not as often. I have tried your noted techniques. Appreciate the heads up about having a… Read more »

Sarah Burkett
5 years ago
Reply to  Lulu

I live this guy since high school and now we are both in our late 30’s and I still live him and I’m trying to get his attention. The problem is I’m scared to flirt with him. I’m not if he’ll say no or stop or why’s re u doing this. I need some advice!

Jones Tea
8 months ago
Reply to  Lulu

Play Fnaf Games help me have relax time after office. Thanks for share this game series.

5 years ago

I’m crushing on a guy in my class high school I’m hearing he likes me but I’m not sure.
I want to make him love me the more most especially he is shy to open up to me I really love him please advise me

Nur Azriyani
5 years ago

I’m 19 years old and i like this one guy, he’s my cousin and he’s a doctor. We only met like once or twice in a year during huge family events only. I like him even though he’s probably a few years older than me (maybe he’s in his twenties?) Urgh this sucks because i’ve had a crush on him since 3 years ago i thought it was just a minor thing. But i think i’m starting to like him already this year because we finally talked 2 weeks ago? I can’t stop thinking about him ever since. What’s worse… Read more »

4 years ago
Reply to  Nur Azriyani

wait wait wait…you like your cousin? I mean ik they used to do that in the olden days but, hun, he is family. that doesnt count here in the 21st century.

3 years ago
Reply to  Nur Azriyani

Uh cousins?? I think you should stop perusing him if he’s your COUSIN. Need I say more?

3 years ago
Reply to  Nur Azriyani

“He is your cousin.”
“Yeah, but he’s my first cousin.”
“So you have your cousins, then you have your first cousins, then your second cousins then…”
“No, honey, uh uh.”
“That’s not right, is it?”
“That is so not right.”

5 years ago

If a guy doesn’t like you and doesn’t want a girlfriend, there’s nothing you can do that will change his mind. Just leave him alone. Women are always complaining about unwanted attraction, but they have no problem harassing men when they decide they’re not “creepy”. Listen up: We don’t want you, you add nothing to our lives, and your cost is much greater than your benefit. Now go away and leave us alone.

5 years ago
Reply to  John
5 years ago
Reply to  John

i totally agree and such advice misleading the girls , simply hes not into you

4 years ago
Reply to  Diana

Well i mean we coukd at least try and if he tells you hez not into than thats that. But its still worth a shot

your mom
3 years ago
Reply to  John

go touch the grass virgin

5 years ago

Hey am Bevyn and I really have a crush on this man we dance together, we talk at times he visits me and I do the same….. He really likes my cooking…. Is this a sign of him liking me too or not???
Anyway I really like him and sincerely i love him very much.

5 years ago

im 15 and I really like this freshman guy in my high school but I’m not pretty enough for him according to almost every girl in my high school. I just want a guy that will keep my feelings in the high parts but I know im not good enough or pretty enough for anyone someone give me some tips

5 years ago

Be yourself. Beauty can come from within you. Let your words be nice, show kindness and caring to all around. He may see those things in you and it might draw his attention.

5 years ago

I am sixteen and there’s this guy who is nineteen and he often comes to help out with school we have been talking but I don’t know what I should do to attract him more I like him but I don’t about his feelings towards me.

4 years ago
4 years ago

I am 34 years old and 6 years removed from dating. I wasn’t looking when I met this man a year ago. It was the first time I have ever felt attraction in 6 years. I met him at work and then found out he was in a relationship then and backed away. But he has been single now for a few months. I appreciate this blog as it helps me figures how to put myself out there.

4 years ago

I had a similar theme at the university and it was very difficult for me to find ways and methods to write an essay on it without much trouble. I didn’t understand it very well and had very little understanding of it. It is also good that later my friends told me that I should definitely read the description of these companies. It is not a problem and now it is worth just to get acquainted with the professionals in detail, and specifically you should read information about them on PickTheWriter and already for yourself to decide who you can… Read more »

2 years ago

I am pleased to inform you that, it is very helpful article to Get a Guy to Notice You on Instagram. I used the tool described by you. It has done its task very well for me.

1 year ago
I found a man I became very interested in, but did not know how to make him see and like me. After I followed the instructions in the video, he started seeing me and getting interested in me. Today we are happily married and have two wonderful children!

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