Do You Need to be “Pretty” to Attract Men?
Lasting Love is the result of a powerful strategy. Ready to get started? Click here to learn the strategy (it's free)
The “ugly duckling” in middle school never received any ‘positive attention’ from the boys in the cafeteria. It’s just a sad, natural truth. Men are highly visual creatures, and thus, beautiful women catch our attention very quickly.
But, the real question is, do you actually have to be “pretty” to attract great guys in your life?
Or, is there something else that matters more?
In this video, I will discuss the role of whether or not looks truly matter to guys and what you can do about it.
Now that you understand that looks do matter (but with minimal diminishing returns), it’s time to stop focusing all of your energy on your physical beauty.
Instead, I’d like to challenge you to begin focusing your energies on something that you actually CAN control, improving your personality. So, this is your homework. In the comments section, I’d like you to jot down something you’d like to improve about yourself, specifically relating to how you convey yourself to others.
Could you be more passionate?
Could you tell more intriguing stories?
Could you make people laugh more?
Could you be a better listener?
Think honestly and openly with yourself about what you want to improve upon.
Thank you, as always, for reading, watching, and sharing!
Editor’s note: Ready to attract love with a proven strategy? Watch this free video to learn the 7 powerful steps
Your friend,
You’re so right. I focus soooo much of my energy on my looks that I’ve really been overlooking my energy levels. This makes sense.
Thanks Alli. It’s all about the law of diminishing returns. Looks is only ONE of many factors. Keep us updated on how you’re coming along.
I don’t think I pay that much attention to my looks, so I wanted to comment on something else you mentioned on the video… Developing that outward personality. I think you said something about being bubbley or flirty to extend yourself past just the outward appearance in order to develop the whole package. I am neither because I am far too analytical… I think as women we are always in our heads one way or another, but for me I just can’t get past feeling ridiculous or silly-or not being taken seriously to we’ll be flirty or bubbley. So may… Read more »
Developing your flirtation skills requires a bit of effort and willingness to experiment. Poke fun of a guy (even if it feels a little risky), be willing to break the touch barrier, go out a LOT to get in practice. Lastly, if you’re not outgoing yet, fake it till yah make it. Thanks Aisha.
Hi Adam, I like your videos, it is good to hear it from a man. I think I look nice and I am not focusing on that, I think I am too shy and it is hard for me to meet guys, what can I do about it? I dont go out much because I dont have single friends.
Hi Milana, I have a great video coming out in a few weeks about how to overcome shyness. As for meeting friends, start small – try joining a local social club (, introduce yourself to a few girls at the local gym. Take it step by step.
I could listen better. I do listen to everything someone tells me but if Im interupting or over talking it dosnt really look like Im listening or care. There r a few miled phisical things I could work on but my worst problem is the over talking n interupting