How to Let Go of a Man Who Doesn’t Want a Commitment

Lasting Love is the result of a powerful strategy. Ready to get started? Click here to learn the strategy (it's free)

Have you ever met a guy you really liked, but weeks or maybe months pass, and it becomes clear that he is not ready to commit?

Maybe he’s continuing to see other women, but you’re not dating anyone else (my advice is to keep your options wide open!)

Maybe he’s stalling when it comes to making things exclusive.

Maybe he has explicitly told you he’s not looking for a relationship.

Yeah, you’d be surprised how many women hear this major red flag but choose to ignore it.

And even though that rational part of your brain tells you he won’t commit, that emotional part of you is still hoping he will.

I see women do this repeatedly, and I want to throw a big bucket of ice-cold water on them, so they wake the hell up and walk away.

Ladies, you’re better than this. I know that you know that.

So, if you’re struggling to let go of a man who doesn’t want to commit to you, check out this video.

We walk all our clients through these simple steps in my Love Accelerator Program.

The bottom line is: if his actions tell you he doesn’t want commitment, it’s time to yell NEXT and move on to the next guy.

I don’t care if he’s 6″5.

I don’t care if he whisked you off to Paris for your first date.

I don’t care if he looks like he could play Clooney’s stunt double.

If you are serious about finding a loving, committed relationship, then the man you’re dating needs to be serious about that too.

No-brainer, right?

Editor’s note: Ready to attract love with a proven strategy? Watch this free video to learn the 7 powerful steps

Except, do you use your brain. It won’t lie to you here.

Your Coach,

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2 years ago

Hi Adam! Indeed I felt in love with the guy for the first time after my divorce seven!!! years ago. Yes, he did whispered me to Las Vegas trip on the first month dating. And I could tell he tried hard to visualize the commitment by meeting my kids or even drawing a picture with me in a conversation of how we are getting the house and moving in together. But then he didn’t not spend Xmas holidays with us and left to his trip to Italy at the end of January. However, visited me before he left and was… Read more »

Carrie Mayse
2 years ago


Edra Tomlinson
2 years ago

This was exactly what I needed to hear! Thank you Adam

2 years ago

When this happened to me, I created a list of everything I did not like about the guy and kept adding to the list. Then, when I was in rut of having thoughts that he was “the one,” I would read the list. Eventually I realized he was not that great and it was good he was out of my life. Dodged a bullet. haha.

2 years ago

Thank you Adam for your wise words. I am certainly a victim of my emotions. I lost my husband 10 months ago. We were together for almost 40 years! Short story I am ready to ove on and I reconnected with a friend I hadn’t seen in 19 years. He and my husband worked together and we always stayed in touch with Christmas cards. I thought things were progressing nicely. Twice he asked me to stay with him but I politely declined. He gave me roses for Valentine’s Day. The next day he texted me saying he “was not feeling… Read more »

2 years ago

I’m still getting over that guy.

Dona Hice
2 years ago

Reunited with a high school love at a Luncheon almost 3 years ago. It was attraction immediately. Became face book friends. He’s been married 49 years. We text everyday. Express loving each other. See each other once a month..I am a widow. I know it’s morally wrong. Emotionally wrong. All the nis. Everytime I say enough I fall apart. Fill like I’m going to breakdown badly. We are both 80 but so very young. It’s an amazing love with no future. I can not afford to pay 250 an hour to get hp. It’s such a mess..

2 years ago

Wow, This video was exactly what I needed to listen to tonight! Thank you for helping me see what I truly already knew but needed to hear

2 years ago

Thanks for sharing this informative and amazing post here. I found it very interesting and enjoy reading this blog. Will wait for more posts.

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8 months ago

thanks for taking time to create a helpful article

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