5 Signs a Guy is SERIOUS About a Future With You

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Have you ever dated a guy who was a complete waste of time?

When the relationship ended, you discovered that he had ZERO interest in a serious relationship, and then you had to start all over again.

Never again, my sexy single lady.

Here are 5 signs that a guy is serious about a future with you.

CAUTION: If he’s missing these signs, then beware: he’s probably not husband material.

Editor’s note: Ready to attract love with a proven strategy? Watch this free video to learn the 7 powerful steps

Does your guy display any of these signs? Leave a comment below and let me know.

Your Love Coach,

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4 years ago

I’ve been seeing this guy for about two months. It is long distance. We live about 2.5 hours away from each other. We don’t get to see each other as often as we’d like. We both work crazy schedules. Well about two weeks ago my stepmom passed away. We had made plans to see each other that day however with what was happening that changed. I was feeling like it’s only been a couple of months it’s too much emotional B.S. to put on him. So I tried to kind of withdraw a little. He wouldn’t let me. He called… Read more »

4 years ago

I think am single
No display on this signs

Jenny Robbins
4 years ago

We literally had ALL of that for a whole year and then 3 weeks ago he said he felt the relationship had come to an end. I’m still dealing with the emotions.

4 years ago

Yes, I was in a long-term relationship and a marriage where those qualities weren’t there, and, no, they did not work out…

4 years ago

I have aguy but he only has the first two qualities.. I feel I have to let go because it looks like he is using me and sometimes I feel he asks about me coz maybe he had his own .intentions…I am 24yrs and a student …he is 33yrs and adoctor but he is ever asking me for money …I have to spend my own money going to his place and to feed ourselves..I have to fuel his car and everytime we go out I have to pay the bills..whenever we get into afight ..he won’t talk to me like… Read more »

4 years ago
Reply to  Gladys

Mahn just leave the guy don’t even waste your time on someone who’s not building you.

4 years ago
Reply to  Gladys

Hi Gladys! I understand that it’s probably a tough time for you and your guy right now. He may say that he doesn’t want to lose you and that he wants to work things out, but his actions should back these statements up. From your description, they are clearly not supportive of his words. A partner is someone who’s supposed to cherish, protect, love and nurture you. Don’t give him the power to abuse or take advantage of you. Unless he radically changes his actions and behaviour, I highly suggest that you save yourself now and let him go. Your… Read more »

4 years ago

Yes. Total waste of my time thinking that the more i stay with him that he will at least be a good communicator and even make quality time for us to catch up. I felt like he was not prioritising me in his life but i kept hoping for better each day. Last year i had to call it quit. I didn’t feel loved at all and i felt like iam a bother to him. I need to be loved without feeling like i have to ask for it all the time. Right? Iam wondering how will i get that… Read more »

4 years ago

Iam based in Kenya, Africa. Born and raised here. 30 years of age
I know there is someone out there for me.
I love adventures, Movies all the way, Songs (Gospel,Love,Worship etc), Travelling to new places
New friends interactions .

4 years ago

I’m infatuated with a man with whom I’ve had five dates/ hangouts. He doesn’t plan the outings; but we walk and he’ll see a place and say “ oh that looks good”. The hugs are great. He touches my nose and compliments me all the time. On the last date, I hailed a cab immediately and thanked him for the fun time. But I texted him that Perhaps I could see him in Three months when he returns from a trip he was taking. I decided not to do the every two weeks thing . So I’m working on opening… Read more »

4 years ago

I have been a widow since year 2000. Stayed out of love for 6 yrs. Tried on line dating sites only to come across men when they had about my wealthy through our conversations wanted money. I thought of staying away from love. Men in the area I stay don’t approach me anymore coz I used to to always give them a cold shoulder when they do. No my children are all grown up and have moved out of the house. I feel so lonely sometimes coz I am not an out going person. I really need someone but in… Read more »

4 years ago

This hit me hard, I´v been in a 5 years relationship with a man that didn´t do anything for me. I left everthing and moved to his town far away from my hometown. But he did´t let me in to his house so I had to buy a small apartment in his town. I went to his house every week-end and lived like a homemaid in his house. He never bought me flowers or surprised me with dinner at restaurant. All these years I asked the same question over and over again : What do you think about our future?… Read more »

Ronique Breaux Jordan
4 years ago

Wow…just clicked onto this one. ..happily. Syncing thoughts is a great barometer for continuing to get to know him. Work through communications glitches (this happens. ..shows lots about his integrity and mind set). Keep going. ..

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