Why You Attract Broken Men

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Are you the kind of woman who seems to be unlucky in love WAY more than your fair share?

You don’t know what it is, but you sure know how to pick them. And by them, we’re talking about the most BROKEN souls on the planet.

“Am I doing something wrong here?”

“Is it because I’m broken too?”

“Is the Universe just screwing with me?”

Your friends and family are literally afraid of being introduced to your new man.

“Surely he can’t be worse than the last guy….?”

Famous last words. Because he IS worse.

How is that even possible? The last guy you dated was a total a-hole.

You’re starting to think you’re a giant walking magnet for toxic men.

But what if I told you that on some level, you’re choosing these broken guys?

At first, that might sound shocking.

“WTF, Adam, why would I be CHOOSING to date a**holes?”

Find out why in this video.

The great news is, once you figure out why you continue to repeat this toxic pattern in your love life, you can start to break it and replace it with an empowering pattern that helps you attract a healthy, loving relationship into your life.

I’m gonna level with you, though. At first, you might not want to change because change is hard.

It’s much easier to stick with what we know. What we know is comfortable and safe, like a soft baby blue blanket you’ve slept with your whole life.

But breaking this toxic cycle is imperative if you want to meet a kind, genuine, and stable man who doesn’t flip his lid when he realizes you’re out of fruit loops.

So, are you ready to say “NEXT” to broken men?

Your Coach,

Editor’s note: Ready to attract love with a proven strategy? Watch this free video to learn the 7 powerful steps

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Honey Jackson
3 years ago

Hi Adam. I really appreciate you and the practical, loving advice you impart to us all! You know that as human beings, we’re very complex, and I’m a study in that for sure and I’ve always been “ruled” by my heart,sadly for me, my raw emotions, and where men in my life have been concerned, yes, I’ve picked a few doozys, but in my “defense”, I was very young, very curious about the male psyche, and that’s when all my problems started bc I always wanted to be the one to not only “fix” every guy I met, but everyone,… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  Honey Jackson

I too fell for a scammer. We feel the lost of the dream. That was 12 years ago. Fortunately the money money I lost got repaid through a class court case. I received the second cheque last week and it will pay for a month accommodation next winter on a Carebbean Island. I never dreamed that this will happen. At first I felt so stupid. I did that right after I left my ex who had done quite a job on my self-esteem and that was the reason I had left him. After 33 years of marriage and support, he… Read more »

Eva Armonio
2 years ago
Reply to  Francine

How do I get my money from scammers?

1 year ago
Reply to  Francine

True . happened to me too . carried on for 6 months and I sent him $700 like a fool. Mind blowing. I have encountered several more since that time and do not fall for their tricks but I also scare off legitimate men bcuz I am SO cautious, questioning and skeptical. Thank you for sharing your story. This video is also extremely brilliant. No doubt I am guilty of this pattern and have been working in therapy to retrain my mind and heart for several years but not easy to rewire the brain. Great job of articulating the process.… Read more »

3 years ago

Wow! Thanks Adam, I had to say yes to all three, it certainly does sound about right, I have spent most of my life since my kids were born alone as I felt I had to be careful, I’m pleased to say that both of my kids have found lovely partners, now I can understand why I keep attracting the broken ones maybe I can turn it around xxx

3 years ago

Hi Adam. I took your course during the pandemic. I was laid off from my dental job and wasn’t sure I should spend the money. All restaurants were closed so how was I supposed to go on a date? I started talking to a man during the shutdown and we met when restaurants opened. They closed again shortly after so we started cooking Hello Fresh together and really taking the time to get to know one another. He’s a nurse practitioner with a doctorate in nursing (former priest) and the kindest most positive man I’ve ever met. My ex husband… Read more »

3 years ago

Find the Best Senior Dating Sites on https://adultsauceonline.xyz/

2 years ago

I married an alcoholic but came from a non drinking family so had no experience with recognizing drunk logic. I thought I could love it out of him…never works.

2 years ago

Thank you Adam for such encouragement.
Do you feel that meeting men on social media sites may be my choosing error, perhaps?

2 years ago

My apology correct email is enclosed.

2 years ago

Wow! You described me perfectly. Yes to all three!

2 years ago

OMG you so right! Is just recently I start working with myself saying NO. Dates online is a specially hard. Working many hours makes hard to be out and meet new people. But online dating is even more emotionally challenging. Where to go from here???.

Le Bell
2 years ago

He doesn’t want to take me out to a nice restaurant. He has $$.
I don’t think he values me. Time to Block him? Or just tell him it’s not working out? It’s hard to let go of him.

2 years ago

For a long time, I socially had low self-confidence. When I was seeing my cousins getting married in our 20’s, I felt pressure to get married. When I met a guy who I thought was good, I asked him to marry me after 1 year of dating him. However, in our marriage, he was a loner, a workaholic and didn’t initiate much attention or love. It was like I felt put last in our marriage. I even tried flirting with him, but he never flirted back. We got divorced. Some years later, I met a man who is a minister’s… Read more »

1 year ago

Thank you Adam. This was exactly the message I needed to hear this morning. It REALLY hit home. I am 69 years old, a widow, but would love to find another love to share life with. My approach has been misguided, and I absolutely do attract broken men for the very reasons you mentioned above. I allow my emotions to cloud my rational judgment, and I also am very much a nurturer, a people pleaser, and have a hard time saying “no.” This really helped me, and hopefully will help me to move forward in a better way.

Maggie Nielsen
1 year ago

I find these short videos from Adam to be so helpful. Everyone I have watched has been very eye opening. Sometimes you don’t realize that you may be operating from old beliefs. The love strategies course whether married or single brings so much enlightenment to either relationship. It’s a fresh healthy approach that can benefit all parties.
Thank you Adam for your insight!

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