Why Body Language Is Critical For Dating Success

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This is my "attempt to rock out on the guitar" face. I'm a dating coach, not a rock star...what can I say?

This is my “attempt to rock out on the guitar” face. I’m a dating coach, not a rock star…what can I say?

Have you ever looked at a dude from across the room and thought to yourself:



Or have you ever noticed how you can sense a guy’s “vibe” instantly? You can basically tell whether or not you like him before he utters a single word.
Well, all you’re doing is reading his body language. And just like you’re constantly doing this to men, we men are constantly analyzing women’s body language, too.

Watch this video to learn the secrets to great body language:

Tweet: Don’t focus so much on the words you say. Focus on the delivery of what you’re trying to express. https://ctt.ec/Fa1XS+ @adamlodolce

So now that you’re a little more aware of the huge role body language plays in dating, how would you rate your body language when interacting with men? Is there room for improvement?

Editor’s note: Ready to attract love with a proven strategy? Watch this free video to learn the 7 powerful steps

Let me know your thoughts in the comments below.

And remember, your body language is merely a reflection of how you’re feeling on the inside. If you want to work on improving it, then do something fun or something that will make you laugh!


Your friend,

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11 years ago

This makes a ton of sense, I’ve never heard it described this way. Thank you Adam for your wonderful insights!

9 years ago

Thanks for your awesome advice. In a about 2 months, my attitude has totally changed. I was naturally shy, happy to be in the background, but now I am starting to enjoy socialising. I was like the Princess, who was asleep for 100 years, I used to be Cinderella, looking after nasty ugly people!! Now, I am Cinderella, no more. When I grow up, I plan to be Cleopatra!! You are the Fairytale equivalent, of the Modern Prince. Awaking, helpless Damsels in Distress. THANKYOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART. https://womanitely.com/womens-habits-rob-men-manliness/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+Womanitely+%28Womanitely%29 The above link, really spoke to me, hope you… Read more »

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