3 Mistakes Women Make When Men Pull Away

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The guy you’re talking to normally texts first thing to wish you a good day…but today you haven’t heard from him. Is this you?

“OMG he always texts by 10 am! It’s 10:07! He’s clearly found someone he likes better! Why did I waste my time? What did I do wrong? WAAAAH!”

It can feel really personal when men pull away…but guess what? It doesn’t necessarily mean you should throw in the towel. In this video, I’m going to show you what to do instead of full-on panicking that will help you salvage things.

Ladies, it’s time to be done with second-guessing what’s going on when men pull away. Seriously. I know it’s easier to see yourself as the problem, but trust me: more than likely it’s something completely other that’s going on with him.

Take a bird’s-eye view of the situation. Are you giving him an appropriate amount of space to crave and miss you? Or are you trying to fill up the space so there won’t be any distance between you? There’s a reason they say absence makes the heart grow fonder. He can’t miss you if you’re constantly blowing up his phone and trying to spend time with him every single day.

So relax. You have plenty of time to get to know this man, and while it might seem counter-intuitive, if you stop worrying about why he’s pulling away and just give him space, he’ll come back and appreciate you for not crowding him.

Talk to me in the comments below. Has a man pulled away from you? How did you handle it…and how did that work out?

Your Coach,

P.S. In my Little Love Steps, one step is pacing the progression of the relationship. Learn to do this, and you won’t have a man pull away. Sign up here.

Editor’s note: Ready to attract love with a proven strategy? Watch this free video to learn the 7 powerful steps

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4 years ago

Hello. I love reading. Your stuff. I’m not a kid. I’m 71. Years old. Just
Love n to know why my relationships always seem to fail been married. Three time. B4 I die. I would like an. Answer God bless you. N your good. Work

4 years ago

My boyfriend has been acting different since last week. I don’t know what to do nd he says there’s no issue

Barbie Babra
4 years ago

Oh.. thanks for that piece it was really helpful..aof the three I think I did number one…

4 years ago

My boyfriend has been kind of distant n we are always fighting over petty issues of which he will be online but doesn’t bother to respond to my texts so I did ask for time out for a month to sort myself out

Natural Love
4 years ago

I agree with Adam about the space thing …. I mean, have you never just needed a good cry even for instance and walked away to do that and dont you love it when your man is ok with that and welcomes you back with a warm kindness like he knew you were just being real and human … the opposite is when you need to get your nails done or take a shower to cry quietly about nothing (truly nothing, just hormonal pressure release!) or anything else that takes five minutes to three hours and you cant do it… Read more »

4 years ago

Well I did do exactly what you mentioned a women should not do. I didn’t mean to and till this day (almost a year later) I still do!!! I am really going to need to listen to more of these enlightening solutions … I feel bad because we both feel a strong rare connection and it seems like he forgot that and doesn’t even remember why I’m so interested, involved & attaching without reservation…. I understand that’s probably why he decided to see me or respond to me as seldomly as possible. Thank you for taking the time to offer… Read more »

4 years ago

omg! i remember one time i message him i saw its online then he’s not response with my message! we fight! but i try to undertand him. maybe im so clingy i just want his attention! guys i just need your help to visit this link  https://www.BAMCLICK1

4 years ago

I have given him space and he has given me space. I am about ready to distance the distancer by 400 miles.

Larry Martin
10 months ago

Understanding communication gaps is crucial: empathy, patience, and open dialogue can bridge the distance when men pull away.
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3 months ago

Oh.. thanks for that piece it was really helpful..aof the three I think I did number one.2048.I love reading

3 months ago

The material you provided is really detailed, and it has furnished me with the essential knowledge to proceed. I am profoundly grateful for the invaluable information you have offered.

2 months ago

I appreciate the hard head soccer work you’ve invested in this. Thank you for providing such valuable content.

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