7 Red Flags When Dating a Divorced Man

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The idea of dating a man who’s been married, who has his own baggage, might be a turnoff to you.

Is he over his ex?

Did he cheat on her?

What about his kids? Do they interfere with his ability to date?

Before you write these guys off, I want you to keep yourself open. Everyone’s got baggage, including you. That being said, there are a few things you should know when dating a divorced man.

Dating a divorced man can have a lot of perks. After all, he’s been in a long-term relationship. He knows what one takes. Maybe you always wanted kids but never had them. If things work out, you could have a relationship with his. In my experience, people who have been married and then divorced tend to be more mindful when moving into their next long-term relationships.

But that doesn’t mean that every divorced guy is whole, happy, and ready for another relationship.

In this video, I’ll tell you the red flags to look out for when dating a divorced man so that you don’t get hurt.

After watching, I’d love you to leave a comment below and tell the community if you’ve experienced any of these red flags.

Your Coach,

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4 years ago

Thanks for this Adam. Dating a divorced woman or a woman with kids already can be a challenge

4 years ago

Absolutely Adam. Great points. Especially the one about pacing the man. Myself-I have never been married-some of the divorced guys just seem to want a “replacement.” They miss the years of always having someone there in their bed, at the kitchen table…. Make sure the man liked you-because of you, your personality-your unique traits-you-not because they just want their old routine back. At the same time-men that have been married also seem kinder, they understand a woman more and can also be more attentive in the bed room. Great video. Thanks so much. -Wendy MA Forensic Psychology.

4 years ago

Yes I have noticed red flags denied them thinking no big deal and kept showing up over and over tenfold! ! Paying closer attention and healing. My heart preparing to find true love!

4 years ago

Sadly yes I just realized it.. Lol It only last couple months but wow it was even months or two he was with another girl by last dec he was married to her.

Hey Adam, thanks for the video, good tips 🙂

I am glad you made the tip on their relation ship with their Ex, the last thing you want is to be with someone that is on the cusp of rebounding back into a relationship with that other person at any moment.

4 years ago

Hi Adam,
Was involved with a separated soon to be divorced guy. Some of the red flags were there,
I ignored them, as he continued to string me along. Then a month after his divorce he dumped me… ripped my heart out. Apparently he wasn’t ready for a relationship. I had to process alot and finally got clarity after dating him for a year.
He stated that he wanted to see what was out there! I learned the hard way! Had to forgive myself.

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4 years ago

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Jane Kunzie-Brunner
4 years ago

If he is not paying child support, screaming red flag.

4 years ago

Thank you so much the interesting article Adam! Lots of stuff for me to think about

4 years ago

Thanks for these tips. Dating a divorced man can be really tricky.

Hey Adam, Thanks fa lovely video & those precious red flags. 🙂

Its actually very helpful to those who are choosing divorced men as a life partner like me. He is quiet understanding, mutual confidence, sharing and forgiving. It is loyalty through good and bad times. It settles for less than perfection.

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