The Ultimate “Love Test” | 3 Ways to Know If He’s “The One”

Lasting Love is the result of a powerful strategy. Ready to get started? Click here to learn the strategy (it's free)

Let me ask you a question:

How AMAZING would it be if you and a guy could go on a date…

… both of you fill out a questionnaire…

… and know instantly whether or not you’re right for each other?

Unfortunately, life doesn’t work that way, does it?

Well, here’s the good news:
In today’s video, you’re going to find out about my proven “Love Test” – including 3 ways to know if he’s THE ONE!

If you REALLY want to find the right guy for you, then you need to know how to filter out the guys who SEEM like Mr. Right but are actually Mr. Wrong

Put any guy through “The Love Test” and I guarantee you’ll know right away whether or not he’s a TRUE keeper.

Until next time,

Summary –

This has nothing to do with sex, amazing conversational chemistry, and whether or not the dude has a six pack or not. These are much deeper. If you’re looking for the man you can spend the rest of your life with, you need to realize that these are the things that matter the most in the long term. Here are the three ways to know if he’s THE ONE:

Editor’s note: Ready to attract love with a proven strategy? Watch this free video to learn the 7 powerful steps

1. You Mutually Respect Each Other

When you’re looking for the one, you want to make sure you test whether or not he really respects you, because you can’t force someone to respect you.

2. You Have a Similar Life Vision

as you begin to explore one another, if you’ve met the one, you’re going to see that your life visions really start to come together – almost as if it were just meant to be. When that doesn’t happen, there’s going to be constant friction in the relationship.

3. You Want to Ask Yourself, “Do you like him, not just love him?”

After six months of any new relationship, your friendship with each other is going to be far more important than any romantic chemistry. What makes things even worse when it comes to love and relationships is that you can love someone but not really like that person. If that happens, no amount of physical passion or chemistry is going to hold the relationship together.

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Elizabeth Davis
7 years ago

Ladies, from experience, I can tell you that you should never, ever, EVER stay with a man who doesn’t absolutely respect you from the start. As life happens, a man who doesn’t respect you completely will have less respect for you as time passes, not more.

7 years ago

You are so on point in reference to having respect, a mutual VISION and actually liking a person versus, do you actually love them. I recently dissolved a marriage because ‘I’ came to the realization that I did LOVE this person, however, I did not LIKE his behavior; he was very deceitful (sneaky), procasinated on taking actions to achieve our life visions. ( Per him,), I was always complaining about his lack of euthasiscium towards building simple goals. I wish that I knew about ‘Sexy Confidence ‘ then. Also, he never had the time to discuss/communicate, what were our next… Read more »

3 months ago

We truly need to consider deeper factors such as mutual respect, alignment of life vision, and genuine liking for each other, not just the initial romantic chemistry. These are the important things to build a lasting and fulfilling relationship, not just an “IQ test” to instantly know if you are right for each other.

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