9 Personality Traits Men Want in a Woman
Ready to Attract the Love You Deserve?
How do you know if you’re THAT GIRL?
How do you know if you’ve got “the right stuff” that drives men wild, turns us on, and keeps us hooked on YOU?
We all have our personal preferences…
… but there are SOME things that every man is looking for when it comes to “girlfriend material.”
In today’s video I’m going to talk about the 9 Personality Traits That Men Want in a Woman.
Taste varies wildly from one man to the next.
Some guys light up at the idea of a “brainy type” who likes to discuss semiotics or the merits of the Rococo Art Movement…
Other guys are looking for an “athletic type” who likes to sweat it out in Crossfit or train for marathons.
SOME personality traits are universally attractive to men–check out this week’s video to find out what they are!
Editor’s note: Ready to attract love with a proven strategy? Watch this free video to learn the 7 powerful steps
I’m curious from you, have I missed any traits? Leave a comment below.
Your Coach,
PS: Movies and magazines have made women believe that physical attraction is the most important thing to men–but that’s actually a MYTH created by mass media.
Want to know what guys REALLY want?
Click here to discover how to become IRRESISTIBLE to men–including the most charming, successful, intelligent and attractive guys out there (HINT: it has nothing to do with looking like a Victoria’s Secret model!)
1. Sense of Humor
Please don’t be a serious Sally on a first date. I remember I went on a first date with a woman. I was telling her I was creating a YouTube dating advice channel and there would be some humor involved. She stopped me right in my tracks and said, “Woah, dating is way too serious for any jokes.” At that very moment I knew it was not going to work out.
It is impossible to flirt without laughter. Develop a sense of humor and have a little bit of fun with it.
2. Agreeableness
When two people start dating, it necessary to go with the flow. If you’re always trying to fit every single thing in, you’re never going to make it in a relationship.
Of course there will be one person who’s probably a little bit stronger than the other person, and that’s perfectly natural. But at times, you just have to be agreeable and go with the flow even if you don’t want to.
3. Opinionated
You want to be agreeable but you also want to have opinions. Be proud of your thoughts, and have some fact behind your opinions. Educate yourself and have something to say. A guy’s going to get bored of you if you don’t have opinions of your own. No guy wants to just date a yes woman.
4. Kindness
Be nice to people. Keep a smile on your face and know that you’re going to be approached by some creepers in your life. Understandable. But that doesn’t mean you have to be an ass to every guy who comes up with genuine interest.
5. Intelligence
If you find a guy who is scared of your intelligence, scare him away. Scare the living shit out of him.
You don’t want to be with a guy who is scared of an intelligent woman. If you’re intelligent, find a guy who matches your level of intelligence. Easy enough.
6. Great Character
The way a guy will truly judge you and the relationship is not necessarily based on when things are going well in your life. It’s when things aren’t going very well and how you react to those things. So having great character means you have a strong sense of self and you have a strong ability to react well to bad situations.
7. Being Affectionate
Men need some love too, ok?
8. Independence
Of course we want to be with a woman who is very affectionate and who’s always there for us, but at the same time, a lot of men also want to have their space to live their own lives. If you can really balance those two things, and of course live your own amazing life outside of the relationship, you’re going to be able to draw men in even more. It’s going to really enhance every part of the relationship.
9. Confidence
Confidence is you believing in yourself and your value. If you don’t believe in your own value, there’s no way he will.
[Like this episode? Make sure you check out: https://emotionalattractionformula.com/]
I don’t agree I have to be nice to every guy that comes up to me or wants my attention. In fact, it tells me a lot about a guy who stands four feet in front of me while I’m in deep thought working on my computer and he has a cell to his ear, makes a grand entrance, walks around like he owns the place, stops in front of me and is ” Hey, Hey. ” (while I’m busy, working and I’ve done nothing but go out of my way to ignore him. )And he continues. “Hey, don’t I… Read more »
I loved this video…bang on…I have been in dating a guy for a while. Last night on our 10 hour date he said I was the total package and that I could have any guy I want…I said I know…lol….
Dear Adam,
Where were you when I was a teenager. You should be part of the school curriculem on life and relationship skills.
Hey, Adam, I think you’re missing a big one. Men seem to want a woman to need them, save them from something. It’s a superhero complex. And, guess what? All the single women I know who embody the 9 traits you’ve listed, myself included, don’t need saving. We’re not broken to that extent. Men claim they don’t want drama, but lo’ and behold, they are drawn to the women who create scenarios in which the men have to swoop in during her next “crisis.”
Adam, I tried all of these – and a few more things up my sleeve – and the guy I was dating in early June has gone radio silence on me. He piked on me at my 25 year class reunion (aka: didn’t show up) and some of my closest friends said that he didn’t deserve me. But really, I’ve had this problem my whole life with men. If I try to be submissive, they treat me like crap. If I show too much confidence, they run away. If I show I’m too intelligent, they think I’m a brainiac and… Read more »
Lol YES where were you when I was younger I am in the same exact boat !!! “But really, I’ve had this problem my whole life with men. If I try to be submissive, they treat me like crap. If I show too much confidence, they run away. If I show I’m too intelligent, they think I’m a brainiac and I’m too serious. If I dress for comfort, they think I don’t care about my looks… what in the hell do they want???” What do we do? I’m in nyc and I think it might be a specially difficult place… Read more »
I am so glad that I came across your advice channel you have a sensible head on your shoulders and realistic promises to the results you promise with your advice unlike some other people in your line of work. I enjoy your tutorials and once again you nailed it on the advice.
These are pretty spot on. I find it really hard right now, though, because I’ve been told I’m all these things–a Proverbs 31 woman in fact–and yet here I am, getting dumped on because the man I’ve been involved with has decided to try to work things out with his ex, (granted they have 2 girls) but he doesn’t even trust her right now. It downright sucks when you have all these characteristics, they’re commented or identified by a male and yet it still yields you nothing. So try that one on for size…
All men are different and what one man finds attractive isn’t necessarily going to be the same as the man next to him finds attractive. Plus, depending on what that man is looking for at the time, he will be attracted to different things. For example if he is just looking for a no strings attached fun romp then he is more likely to be looking at body shape and looks, but if he is looking for someone to have a serious relationship with he will be looking for personality, honesty and all of the other character traits that make… Read more »
So it is, we all want to see in front of us the ideal partner who will be intellectual and modest in the company and playful in the bedroom. But you need to be realistic that people also have bad character traits and their personality. There is a good way to test your partner with the test at https://psyculator.com/