How to Make Your Ex-Boyfriend Miss You With These 5 Powerful Tips

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When you read a headline that reads how to make your ex-boyfriend miss you, what immediately comes to mind?



Secret spells to bring him back? (I’ll tell you a story about secret spells at the end of this video.)

Sure, a lot of sites and books give you this crappy advice to make your ex want you again, but I’m here to tell you that you don’t have to resort to any of that in your efforts to make your ex-boyfriend miss you. None of it works anyway, at least not long-term.

If you’re going through a breakup or you’re suffering from heartbreak and think there’s a chance of reuniting with your ex, then I’ve got better tips for you than the above. My tips, unlike those manipulative ones, will show him what he’s missing and help you win him back…if you really want him back.

Your Coach,




P.S. I filmed the video above as part of a special launch for a brand new package I’ve created called Heal Your Heart and Win Him Back. I give you every resource possible to heal your heart (because that’s important, even if you get back with your ex) and then make him beg to get you back.


So he broke up with you and you’re missing the guy like crazy…

Or maybe you broke up with him, but now you realize it was a big ole mistake.

Either way, you’re not convinced that moving on without this guy is the right move. But things are a mess. Words were said. Anger was spewed. Tears were cried. How the eff are you supposed to go from this awkward stage to getting back together?

The biggest thing you must do right now is to make your ex-boyfriend miss you. If he realizes that the two of you are meant to be together, that reunion will be just around the corner. But in order to get him to have you on the brain, we first need to follow a few key rules. Ready?

1. Give Your Ex Time To Miss You


Tell him you can’t talk to him for a while.

How can you expect to make your ex-boyfriend miss you if you haven’t stopped talking to him??

When a relationship ends, the last thing you want to do is give him all of your emotional energy. At this point, he doesn’t even know he wants it. So give him (and you) some space.

I support the concept of the No Contact Rule. Do not communicate with him (that includes texting, talking, meeting, or even carrier pigeon-ing) for 21 days.

Adam, you’re just being cruel.

No, I’m trying to help you. First and foremost, you need to give yourself time to heal from the break up before you do anything! You might even decide after these three weeks that breaking up was the best thing for both of you, and then it’ll be easier to move on.

But also, if he has some time away from you, he’ll reflect on the relationship, and he may be more amenable to getting back together after he’s had time and space to miss you.

So how can you enforce that No Contact rule when all you want to do is flip through your phone and cry over photos of the two of you?

If he’s the one keeping the contact going, let him know you need it to stop so that you have time to heal. He should respect that. If you need to, block his number. But I’m hoping if you explain to him that you need some distance that he’ll give it to you.

You might even remove his number from your phone so you don’t get tempted to drunk dial or text him!

2. Get Out and Active

women camping

Use this time to get out and explore the world.

The best way to heal after a breakup?

Get a life. Promise me you will not park yourself on the couch and binge watch Game of Thrones. Okay, I’ll give you two days to do this, but after that, you’re moving your ass. Got it?

Plan outings with friends, even if you don’t feel like it. Go for a walk around your neighborhood. Science backs the fact that exercise gives your brain a boost of dopamine, and after a breakup, you need all the happy hormones you can get. It’ll be hard the first time, but once you realize how much better you feel, I guarantee you can make it a habit to help you through.

Plan some sort of trip or vacation so you’re not at home being sad. Ten years ago, I went through a pretty rough breakup of a 2-year relationship. Rather than staying home and feeling sorry for myself, the first thing I did was book a trip to visit my brother in Washington DC. It was great because, while sure, he and I talked a little about the breakup, I was distracted just enjoying my bro time.

Traveling — or just doing something out of your normal routine — opens your eyes to the reality that there’s more to life going on than your breakup.  It gives you a new sense of adventure and excitement for your single life. Who knows? Maybe it’ll make you want to be single for a while.

3. Take Care of Yourself

active woman

Prioritize your life and your health right now so you can heal.

If you’re looking for more devious tips on how to make your ex-boyfriend miss you, let me set you straight: your first and foremost goal after a breakup is to get yourself together. Because: who wants to get back together with a whining, crying ex-girlfriend? Am I right?

Focus on Friendships

So use this time that you’re not talking to your ex to get back to yourself. Maybe you’ve got some girlfriends who you cast aside to hang out with your magical boyfriend. Now’s the time to reconnect with those friends. They’ll be there for you emotionally in your time of need.

If you had mutual friends and the breakup has put a dent in your social circle, go out and make new friends! Attend mixers and happy hours and be open to new friendships.

Boost Your Health

Now more than ever, it’s important to take care of your health. Realize that your body is vulnerable right now, and you may be more prone to getting sick.

David Sbarra, a professor of psychology at the University of Arizona, researched what happened after couples split up. He found that the psychological stress — particularly after a longer relationship — can seriously impact your immune system.

“The greater your anguish after a split and the longer that feeling persists, the bigger the hit your immune system is likely to take,” he says.

Think about it: you became so used to having your partner around, especially if you lived together or just spent a lot of time together. Now that he’s gone, everything feels out of sync. You can’t sleep without him next to you. Your body temperature might even be going wonky. All of this is normal, but you need to really take care of your health right now.

So while you don’t want to spend all your time on the couch feeling sorry for yourself, you also don’t want to overbook yourself going out, taxing your immune system. Find the balance. If you start to feel run down, cancel your plans for the night and take a nice hot bath.

Eat more vegetables! You laugh, but most people either don’t feel like eating after a breakup or eat so much junk food that their bodies rebel by getting sick.

So treat your body right.

Date…If You’re Up For It

Another way to heal is to go on a few dates with someone new. I know what you’re saying: isn’t that going to make my ex-boyfriend miss me through jealousy? I thought I wasn’t supposed to do that!

Your objective in dating other people isn’t to make him jealous. Hell, he doesn’t even have to know at this point that you’re dating. It’s to help you regain your confidence and heal.

You’re low right now. But maybe there’s a guy somewhere in your life who looks at your breakup as his opportunity to get to know you. Or maybe you hop on dating apps and see what’s out there. Either way, there are a few benefits:

  • You may meet someone who makes you realize that your ex was all wrong for you
  • You may meet someone who makes you realize your ex is still The One for you
  • You’ll feel sexy
  • You’ll feel confident
  • Hey! Free dinner!

Now, I said you should date if you’re up for it. You might be nowhere near ready to sit across from a new man and talk about your hobbies. I get it. But be open to it. That’s all I ask.

4. Stop Stalking Him on Facebook

woman traveling

Post genuine photos on social; don’t do it to make him jealous.

Another way to have some distance between you and your ex in this critical No Contact period is to unfollow your ex on social media. Why? Because we know that if you’re following him, you’ll be more attached to stalking him er, keeping tabs on what he’s doing. You may be thrown into tears if you see him posing in a photo with another woman (who actually turns out to be a cousin). It’s not healthy.

By the way, in that new resource I told you about,  I have an amazing guide called The Post-Breakup Guide to Dealing With Social Media and Your Ex. It’s a must-read.

Just because you unfollow him doesn’t mean he’ll unfollow you, especially on sites like Twitter and Instagram, so be aware of what you’re posting. Do you think a steady stream of why did he leave me? Woe is me! will make your ex-boyfriend miss you? Nah. He’ll probably be glad you split up.

Now, I’m not saying you need to make your life look more fabulous than it is just to pose for him. But since you’re taking my advice and getting out into the world, it can’t hurt to post photos of you being happy. Genuinely happy, not fake happy.

5. Give it Time

grieving woman

Working through your emotions will take time.

The best way for you to heal your heart (even if you do get back together with him down the road) is to just be patient and give it time. Your heart is an open wound, and you need time for it to scab over.

I know you want to rush through the pain, but grief has no timeline. There is not a single thing you can do to rush the process of healing. I’m sorry. I wish there was.

Editor’s note: Ready to attract love with a proven strategy? Watch this free video to learn the 7 powerful steps

But whether or not you get back with your ex, you need to reserve enough time for you to process what happened, get used to being away from him, and decide whether reuniting is really what’s best for you. It may not be, and you won’t know that until you’ve had some distance and time to work through your emotions.


Now as promised, I’m going to tell you the story about a spellcaster. On one of my posts, I got so many comments about this alleged spellcaster, so I decided to email him because I was curious: how much does one charge for such a scam?

I went to bed and completely forgot that I emailed the guy.

Now I love my girlfriend Jessica to death. I love sleeping next to her every night…but sometimes she can be a bed hog, and this particular night, she was bed-hogging hard, so I went to sleep on the couch.

In the middle of the night, my phone started beeping, which was strange because I had it on do not disturb. I ignored it and went to sleep. The phone continued to ring.

It was the spellcaster! He called me three times using WhatsAppp. Somehow he tracked my phone number! Creepy much? He left voicemails asking me if I was ready to cast a spell to get my ex back. Needless to say, I was so freaked out, I made myself a pot of coffee and stayed up working on Heal Your Heart and Win Him Back so you ladies never ever have to call a spellcaster!

Do you have chills right now?? I do.

My point here is: you don’t need a magic wand to make your ex-boyfriend miss you. You’re fabulous, and he’ll remember that. Just give him some space. Get on with your life. Work on your own healing. Decide if you actually want him back, if he’s really the right fit for your life moving forward.

If he’s not, then let him go. Move on.

If he is, you need to have frank discussions about how you two cannot make the same mistakes if you get back together. Communication is key.

So good luck to you! I’d love to hear your stories of how you made your ex-boyfriend miss you in the comments below.

And if you’re serious about winning him back, be sure to check out Heal Your Heart and Win Him Back. That spellcaster really threw me for a loop, and I went overboard in offering a ton of bonus gifts for this resource.

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6 years ago


6 years ago

My boyfriend of 6 months broke up with me in a text message a day after Valentine’s Day. I felt like that was the cruelest thing to do after spending a wonderful time together the night before. I was just devastated, so of course I picked up the phone and called to ask why. But he couldn’t tell me and hung up on me, how humiliating that was. I went away and never contacted him again, I focused on my friends and family to help me heal. After a few weeks I noticed that he was showing up on my… Read more »

6 years ago
Reply to  Maureen

Was he scared or tempted by another girl for those 6 weeks? It’s possible he was seeing someone else & after it didn’t work out he came back to you.

5 years ago
Reply to  Estella

I would say that’s what actually happened. I would not comeback to someone who broke up with me. They did it once they will do it again

6 years ago
Reply to  Maureen

I wish my ex would do that to me come to my door step cos I miss my ex so much and is not funny it’s a terrible thing to have and feel 🙁

6 years ago
Reply to  Maureen


Judy millen
6 years ago
Reply to  SHRUUUU

My boyfriend broke up with me for no reason,,I cried,,I tried to beg him,,he assumed me when I texted him,,but I know God will help me,,time is the master healer,,but one day one time I guess my x will beg me but I’ll not be available

6 years ago
Reply to  Judy millen

Same happened with me….he brokeup with me after 3years …now I’m using no contact rule…he deleted my number my photos everything and blocked me…I also blocked him…but time is the best healer I hope they will come back back …and they feel sorry on it

6 years ago

even if that is the case,its okay.Atleast he has seen that the grass is not greener he can keep and appreciate what he has and that their isn’t any need to look outside.

6 years ago

my bf and I were together 10 years. he decides to move away with a friend to another state and then dumps me out of the blue. Then he wants to stay friends and contact me. I don’t know what to do my brain hurts.

6 years ago
Reply to  Jaxster

Do you want him back?

6 years ago


Joel Cruz
6 years ago

I was with my GF for almost 6 yrs she’s 21 I’m 23, i was planning on proposing next yr after she graduated college, I’m not in college i work so our time line is a bit off, we’ve both have hurt each other before but we always seemed to patch it up and stuff and i really do feel like i Love her and she’s the one and she’s told me before that she wants to marry me and stuff. Point is she asked for a break up about 2 weeks ago saying they’re was plenty from her party… Read more »

6 years ago

Hey! So my ex boyfriend broke up with me about just over 2 weeks ago. Leading up to the breakup we had previously had a big arguement in front of friends (caused by him) for no reason. After this he had told me how sorry he was and how much he loved me and never wanted to lose me. 3 weeks later he breaks up with me. He told me he thinks he’d be happier without me. I have heard rumours of him spending time with another girl through mutual friends. This is not the first time we have broken… Read more »

6 years ago
Reply to  Maggie

Did he ever come back?? What happened? I’m in the exact same position x

6 years ago

I’ve been in an on and off relationship for 3 years. Recently he saw that I had written “your peeps are creative” to someone’s group Halloween photo. He freaked out and said I was hitting on other men. When I tried to hug him to calm him down, he pushed me off. He then deleted all my photos from his IG and FB. That same night his sister in law called and asked if he and I broke up. I told her what happened and she went and did a blast text message to his entire family about him being… Read more »

6 years ago
Reply to  Violet

You deserve better.. don’t contact him, it’s desperate… I know it’s hard, but respect and love yourself. Take it from a girl who took 13 years to get out. He doesn’t respect you nor your relationship .. he has control, knows you’ll be there should he want to return. Please, take time to really determine if you want to spend life with someone who breaks up with you every few months? Hits on other girls? Hangs up on you? He isn’t invested in the dynamic.. don’t give more than you receive. If he comes back and most importantly you want… Read more »

6 years ago

Don’t beg him anymore, just let him be. And plz try to give urself respect so he can value u, u know humans are some how.. If he truly loves u he’s gonna come back for u… Good luck

6 years ago

What if your ex always stayed in a mood an had an attitude that just made the relationship worse an so you left him..but he contacts you an trys to make you feel bad for leaving

6 years ago


6 years ago

My ex and I were together for 8 months in a very happy and healthy relationship. We had honest and open communication, we barely argued, great sex, we had trust and supported each other and overall just adored each other. He treated me extremely well and we were grateful for each other, his family and friends loved me and vice versa. After spending the last 5 weeks straight of our relationship together, making many memories and going on dates etc, literally overnight he told me he didn’t want a relationship anymore. To this day I can’t understand why, I gave… Read more »

4 years ago
Reply to  Jess

I am in the exact same situation right now. I was in a 10 month relationship with a guy, and everything seemed perfect. He constantly told me how much he adored me and how he felt that I was the best thing that had ever happened to him. I had never been treated so well by someone. We are both in our 30s and constantly talked about how we were finally ready to settle down after finding each other (neither of us were ever married or had kids). Then one random day, he called me and told me that he… Read more »

5 years ago

hi, my ex broke up with me thou its gonna be 2years next week, well he left me for some unreasonable reasons and excuses and he moved on some month later with a lady he called his friend thou me nd d girl were close due to d fact that she was my ex friend so i made friend with her not knowing that m going to be backstabbed so it hurt like hell, throughout last year we avoided eachother, we dont greet eachother, i deleted his number, i tried moving on with other guys but it didnt workout bcos… Read more »

Towera njawiri
5 years ago

So bad

Towera njawiri
5 years ago

I and ex boyfriend hv been together for 7months ..everything was okey but he suddnly change ..his action…he was never romantic as he used to be.then few days ago i told him am not happy with her actions ..and i askec for a break up which i was not sure of ….i think he was happy with decesion ..later i asked him to forgive me .he dd nat say a thing..but he started to show up we had sex as a normal couple..few days ago he told me am not her girlfriend and am not ready for this wat should… Read more »

5 years ago

my best friends has betrayed my trust, she told my husband lies and blackmailed me to my husband, I got devastated and couldn’t imagine my very own friend wanted to break my family apart out of jealousy.

Nancy Polish
5 years ago

Hi my name is nancy

Susan Pwajok
5 years ago

After 6 years in marriage with my husband with 2 kids, my husband started going out with other ladies and showed me cold love, on several occasions he threatens to divorce me if I dare question him about his affair with other ladies, I was totally devastated and confused until a friend of mine told me about a spell caster on the internet called Dr Shiva who help people with relationship and marriage problem by the powers of love spells, at first I doubted if such thing ever exists but decided to give it a try, when I contact him,… Read more »

5 years ago

I am the most happiest woman on earth right now, My fiancee that left me few months ago just came back to me last night crying to take him back. Guess what??

4 years ago
Reply to  WELLICE

what did you end up doing?…mine broke up with me after 8 years =( but mine slept with a girl already its been 3-4months im lost still

5 years ago

Hi everyone, I’m so excited. My ex-boyfriend is back after a breakup, I’m extremely happy that will are living together again. My name is Dulce Beverly from Singapore.My boyfriend of a 4yr just broke up with me and am 20 weeks pregnant. I have cried my self to sleep most of the nights and don’t seem to concentrate during lectures sometimes I stay awake almost all night thinking about him and start to cry all over again. Because of this I end up not having energy for my next day’s classes ,my attendance has dropped and am always in uni… Read more »

4 years ago
Reply to  jr7544212

Pls how do I contact him

mecca holmes
5 years ago

I’m brenna wood from the US. White Caucasian Female. I’m 43 years old and i got married at the age of 25, I have only two children and i was living happily. After five years of my marriage my husband behavior became so strange that I don’t really understand what was going on. He packed out of the house to another woman’s house and I love him so much that i never dream of losing him, i tried my best to make sure that my husband get back to me but all to no avail, i cried and cried seeking… Read more »

4 years ago

i want to say a big thank you to DR peter for helping me get back my ex wife after 6 months of breakup. It was like a dream come true when my wife came back asking for second chance after leaving me and the kids for 6 months without communication. Thank you dr peter I will forever be grateful. You can contact dr peter for any spell ans spell to heal any sickness and diseases via peterwiseherbalcenter@ gmail. com Or WhatsApp him +2349059610643

4 years ago

My boyfriend left me

Garry Jones
4 years ago

Hello everyone. Are you in need of any help in your relationship like getting back your man, wife, boyfriend, girlfriend? Viewers reading my post that needs the help of DR OGALA should call or contact him via whatsapp +234 805 239 4128..

Crystal Waston
4 years ago

How i was able to have my ex back with me again  Hello everyone i want to testify of the great and powerful spell caster named Dr IYAYA who brought back my ex who left me and got engaged to another girl,We where happy together when all of a sudden he just change he used to call me every morning and and night before going to bed but all that stopped when i call him he yell at me and told me he didn’t want to have anything to do with me anymore i was so sad and confused i… Read more »

david robert
4 years ago

I am David Robert from LA, I see so many comment here about people trying to get their ex back like I was also trying to do for some weeks back. I will say it’s okay if you really love the person. Its very difficult to find someone to help. I was very lucky to come across a man who understands what’s it means to fall in love. am talking about Dr. Igboya the spell caster that helped me cast the ex back spell to get my ex back, I was so shock to see a call from someone I… Read more »

david robert
4 years ago

I am David Robert from LA, I see so many comment here about people trying to get their ex back like I was also trying to do for some weeks back. I will say it’s okay if you really love the person. Its very difficult to find someone to help. I was very lucky to come across a man who understands what’s it means to fall in love. am talking about Dr. Igboya the spell caster that helped me cast the ex back spell to get my ex back, I was so shock to see a call from someone I… Read more »

KLeta Mancare
4 years ago

Lord Zakuza is certainly the best spell caster online who have been tested and trusted by so many to get your ex partners back. Email Lord Zakuza on Lordzakuza7 @ gmail. com

Becky Brown
3 years ago

Effective love spell that can get your ex lover, gay / lesbian partner, husband, wife back. Email Lord ukodo via: ukodosolutiontemple (at) gmail. com

Becky Brown
3 years ago

I was desperate to save my marriage but to my greatest surprise munak helped me to bring back my man and now my relationship is now perfect just as he promised. Getting your ex back permanently spell does not only bring back someone you love back, but it will also re-ignite your lovers feelings for you to be as happy with that person as possible. My man now treats me like a queen and always say he love me all time. If you are going through difficulties in your relationship Email him for urgent help. ukodosolutiontemple (at) gmail. com

3 years ago

I never knew that Great Ukodo could cast a love spell so quickly to bring back my man who left me for someone else. Thank you sir for your love charm. My husband is back to me and I will never stop telling the world about your great work if you need his help email him at: (ukodosolutiontemple (at) gmail .com):):):)

3 years ago
Reply to  anna

I am so happy to share this fantastic testimony of mine. My life has changed round completely in 48hours. I can see myself in the mirror and smile. I have confidence in myself and my abilities for the first time in ages. I have my boyfriend back in my life with the help of Dr Oniha. He said sorry a 24hours after the spell was created. He said he realised that he never really wanted to break up he could not handle emotional baggage I was carrying around all the time. He said that he thought he was the negative… Read more »

1 year ago

This valentine period remided me of my love journey last year, my love life was totally devastating.. From one bad relationship to another. I met someone last year january it turned out he was married. I was fed up, till a friend recommended a spell caster to me, i contacted him immediately, after the process i am living the life i always wanted. Thanks to him;
if you need a good spell caster; [email protected]

5 months ago

I never thought getting my fiance back would be possible because I didn’t believe in spells at first, but Spell Caster Eze made me believe in it by bringing my future husband back to me. He also made me a believer of the supernatural and in things like spells. It really works guys!! Spell Caster Eze is the right one, contact him now if you’re facing any challenge in your marriage/relationship he can help you out.Check him out on facebook

Pamela Grant
7 days ago

Struggling in Love or Life? Let Prophet Isaac Help!

Prophet Isaac specializes in relationship healing, career success, and financial breakthroughs. Whether you need to rekindle love, grow your business, or attract prosperity, his powerful spiritual guidance can help you achieve real results.

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2 days ago

The only person I’m aware of who can provide you with a winning lottery number is Lord Meduza. He assisted me on my lottery win of $112 million dollars through his powerful spell. Email him via: Lordmeduzatemple @ hotmail . com

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