What to Do if He’s Ignoring You & Your Texts

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Maybe you sent him a text saying “I had fun last night,”…

… or you sent a flirty emoji…

… or a ridiculous gif…

… bit he didn’t respond back.

It’s an icy dagger through the heart, causing panic, confusion, and desperation.

What should you do in this situation?

Do you call him to see if he’s alive – maybe he was in a freak gasoline fight accident? (Extra points if you get the movie reference…)

Do you send him 5 more texts (maybe he didn’t notice the first message)?

Do you send him a bitmoji (maybe your text needed more expression)?

Check out this video to find out what to do if he isn’t responding to your texts.

If he isn’t responding to your texts, don’t panic, and don’t freak out.

Watch this video, and you’ll know what to do.

Your coach,


P.S. Even though it’s such a big part of dating, no one ever taught us how to actually text our romantic partners to get the right responses.

That’s why I created Love Texting, a program that teaches everything you need to know about how to attract men and ignite their passion, all through text.

Check out Love Texting here.



Let’s rip off the bandaid.

If he isn’t responding to your texts, he’s probably ignoring them.

How do I know?

Because no one, and I mean no one, in the First World can go longer than two hours without checking their phone.

So if you’ve sent him a text and he hasn’t responded in anywhere from two to three days, he’s ignoring you.

Here’s the reality: Guys usually don’t ignore texts from women that they actually like.

We’re actually pretty bad at playing hard to get…

… so when you do send out a text or you follow up with a guy and he is ignoring you…

The first question to ask is – is he ignoring you or was it never a thing?

Maybe you don’t know him very well, or you only went on one date with him

If that’s all it was, then he’s probably not ignoring you. It just wasn’t a relationship in the first place.

The second question to ask is – do you even know this guy?

If not, don’t allow your emotions to take over.

Don’t allow this to ruin your week or your month.

All you gotta do is say that magical four-letter word…

… “next.”

It’s not worth your time.

Where I come from, you don’t spend your energy on strangers who don’t spend their energy on you.

Your next step is to go off and do something amazing with your life

Do something that you can really put your time and your energy into that doesn’t have anything to do with men or relationships.

Once you create an awesome life outside of relationships, a guy will often magically appear and want to be a part of your awesome life.

If you feel that you need closure, and nothing will stop you from getting it..

… send this one text.

If he doesn’t respond, it’s over.

Editor’s note: Ready to attract love with a proven strategy? Watch this free video to learn the 7 powerful steps

Here it is: I just saw something that reminded me of you.

If he responds, tell him you drove by the place you had your first date, or another place that reminds you of him.

It doesn’t really matter.

But if he doesn’t respond, it’s over.

No more analyzing, no more wishing that it could change.

Now on the other side of the spectrum, if you are dating a guy and he is ignoring you…

… it’s time to have a very real conversation with him to get to the heart of what’s happening.

Don’t attack him.

Be open and say, “Look, I want to get to the heart of this. How can we work this out?”

Have you ever been ignored and how did you respond? I want to hear from you in the comments right there below. Perhaps you can share your story, and help the other women in the community

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7 years ago

He would probably not ignore me. I know him too well in that department; but we’re better off not talking. It’s best to cut off.

7 years ago

First of all, not responding is a lack of respect. If you don’t want to be contacted, then say so.

6 years ago
Reply to  Mickie

you’re so right

5 years ago
Reply to  Najma

Not so right,
1.he needs u to understand the wrong you have done to him.
2 .he wants to know if u really love him.
3.true love is when you don’t let go.
4.chessing your lover is true love.

5 years ago
Reply to  Gamash

A woman snubbed by her husband and she forgive her husband, til now they are together living together happily.(many people don’t know about love,just blablaaa)

3 years ago
Reply to  Mickie

I’m feeling this way at this exact moment and nothing has ever felt so bad. So when he gets around to texting me..the best thing for me to do is not respond? Or do I realize…Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus? Its so confusing

1 year ago
Reply to  Mickie

Periodt, just blocked him everywhere.

2 months ago
Reply to  Ree

That’s what I did! It’s so nice knowing I never have to wonder again. Silence is a loud response!

7 years ago

Thank you! You are right on… But the guy in question who stopped responding after several months of dating, talking and texting well, he just reappeared and texted me. I have not responded and it has been a couple of days.. What should I do – I liked him but nevertheless, I can live without him… Your advice would be appreciated.


6 years ago
Reply to  Marianne

I think it’s your time to ditch that fool. Looks like he is bored and just thought of texting u.
Ughh…hate such guys. Honestly, not worth your time.


Sarah Jean
6 years ago
Reply to  Marianne

How long did it take him to reach out to you after he ghosted?

7 years ago

I was in a commuted relationship with this man for only 2 months and we were best friends for a year. He asked me to come out of the friend zone and even though he knew I was a broken woman I gave it a shot and said ok. He just stopped talking to me,texting me,ignoring my phone calls but hasn’t blocked me on fb or his phone. He does read my texts but doesn’t respond. I’ve texted,called and messaged him to ask him what was wrong and still no response. I finally gave up and after looking and sounding… Read more »

6 years ago
Reply to  JANICE


6 years ago
Reply to  Bridget

I made that mistake by chasing but seriously, we lose our self worth, what you need to do is go out there and carry on and not chase him, he has literally dropped you like a bomb so why would you even bother, he hasn’t even given you a reason because, men get scared and back away, cause they fear the commitment side of it, which is pathetic, as after that phased has passed, which could be months, you would have forgotten him, have self worth for yourself because if he’s doubting relationship, then he’s not worthy of you or… Read more »

6 years ago
Reply to  Mary

Love this, thanks. Really put some sense in my head. xx

6 years ago
Reply to  Mary

This comment saved myself. Thank you. You’re words inspired me to lift up myself and forget about that fool. You’re right he is not worth my time and energy.

6 years ago
Reply to  JANICE

Same thing happened to me to, I started dating my Family friend, But he turned out to be an asshole, we knew each other for 7-8 years, ever since we were kids. I always knew he’d protect me and never do anything wrong with me, but he triple dated me, and treated me like shit. i used to talk to him after all that but ever since we cut off, i am much much gappier. Yes it hurts sometimes but trust me if he wanted you around he’d never treat you wrong, stop lowering yoyr dignity and block him,NO HE… Read more »

7 years ago

We had sex on the first date, after 2 weeks of chatting and video calling. When I saw him I knew he was the one, on the quiet side, little reserved, real gentleman, opened the door for me and we went to the bar restaurant for dinner, then we played pool and ended up getting a hotel room. We couldn’t keep our hands off each other and spent all night cuddling and having amazing sex. Next morning everything was fine, we talked, he kept mentioning that I find someone else while he’s gone out of state for work for 3… Read more »

7 years ago

For me being ignored is the beginning of emotional abuse. If we had been talking several times a day, went on several dates…maybe 10 or more, ignoring my attempts to communicate would be a signal to move on: delete the messages and the number the minute the desire to ask him questions creeps in. And if he does call back as it has happened, I simply ask : “who is this?” Then after he identifies himself, I ask if I can call back and I never do. This is to protect myself from unwiring cold-shoulder tendency that in my view… Read more »

6 years ago

I’ve been struggling with this for about 4 years I always say he’s a nice guy he’s horrible at texting always saying he’s too busy that’s a huge red flag I really appreciate what you shared above I recently gave him a bracelet asking for something more in return I get ignored I feel like an idiot he has not responded to picture text text or anything else I always try to stay positive but no reply I’m going to do just what you suggested delete everything if he does call I say who’s this if you’re not feeling the… Read more »

7 years ago

I was seeing a guy for a few months. At the start it was great in the beginning. As time went by I saw his behaviour towards me changing.i felt he lost a lot of interest. One day I was just having a normal conversation and told him I think it’s better for us to be friends. said it was up to me. I left it at that. Then Not long after i heard from him and we spoke every now and then. But in that time i saw he was flirting with me again. Because I still had feelings… Read more »

7 years ago

So I have known a guy for 8 months during the time we were on and off but one minute he ignored me then the next minute he is like hi what in the he’ll is this?

6 years ago
Reply to  Cib

On and off for 8 months… Even if this was an actual relationship its not healthy. If you really like him tell him your not ok with his actions and be ready to not talk to him anymore if he does it again. He may just not be the guy for you or your not the girl for him ( thats why he has one foot in and the other out) *hes not committed. I’ve only had this happen to me when A guy wasn’t looking for anything serious. When im treated that way I politely call them out but… Read more »

Veda Radanovich
6 years ago

To Cib:
He is blowing hot and cold.
When you don’t respond, he comes after you.
He doesn’t know what he wants or doesn’t want.
Go 30 days of no contact. See what happens.

6 years ago

We met on Instagram and got talking, I really liked but I was in a complicated relationship which he was aware of . We talked for hours every night and I got really into him . But I realized after a while that I was the one doing the callings and texting . So I ignored for a while to see if he was going to call or text , but he didn’t . He started ignoring my texts and declining or avoiding my calls. I was so hurt I left him several messages, I thought he liked me enough… Read more »

5 years ago
Reply to  Ivory

Maybe he figured he couldn’t invest in someone not available for commitment, but instead of manning up and telling you straight up, he decided to “get busy”.

6 years ago

I’ve been in this situation. The guy in was seeing would say things like ” I really like you” or ” I like spending time with you”. Then all of a sudden …….nothing. I’ve been in this situation before so I after a while I asked ” have I done something wrong”. That was ignored too. I gave sent a ” good morning” that was ignored. So I just set it straight…said because he has ignored my messages and has shown me he is not interested or bothers I will not message again. Hes never tried to message since. Probably… Read more »

Marycar T.
6 years ago

Hi everyone ! Im on this situation ryt now but mine it think its totally diff. so, im happily married until this one guy who come to my work every week to deliver $ and the he is the cutest guy i’ve seen and he 16 yrs younger than me and he gave me his # and in short we start flirting texting but i dont have plan to have sex with him like he does and we plan one time to see each other in one place but i dont let anything happen we just talk and after that… Read more »

5 years ago
Reply to  Marycar T.

Maybe it’s time to focus on your husband and family. Consider it a blessing in disguise that he doesn’t want to reply and move on.
Unless your marriage is open, let it be.

4 years ago
Reply to  Marycar T.

Come on, don’t cheat on your husband. He doesn’t deserve that.
You’re lucky that your fling had ignored you.

5 years ago

ALWAYS let him do the chasing. Anyway, with most guys, that will work. You’re a queen. Believe that and BE IT. Let him set the texting pace. if he replies after two days, reply after seven. If he ignores your text, don’t ask why. Just leave it. Women assume men need reminding of what they’re missing. Cuz you feel you have so much more to offer him. Don’t do it. Let him hunt you. Don’t make the mistake of hunting him or bugging him. When you like something enough, you think about it enough. Let him miss u the way… Read more »

5 years ago

Ok I’m pretty sure my guy in question is just using me for sex. We work together, started flirting, texting, he’s talking about wanting a relationship and kids yadda yadda. We finally hang out, have sex which was a bit awkward I’m guessing bc it’s our first time with each other but wasn’t completely horrible. He is pretty short with me the next few days and I’m like listen I don’t have time for games, if ur not feeling it anymore or ur over it just be straight with me ur not gonna hurt my feelings. No response… mad face… Read more »

2 years ago

You let yourself be so used. I can’t believe you actually went over his place a second time. That after he ignored you you actually accepted his booty call AND took the effort and work to go all the way to HIS place and he had to do NOTHING. And you wonder why he is ghosting you again!? What’s this guy’s deal? He lost every ounce of respect for you! That’s his deal!

5 years ago

I accused my guy of being inconsiderate for not responding to a text (after 9 hours) and he totally blew up at me (via text). Told me that he did not need any “crap” from me, that he was under enough pressure and that I did not have to add more. Then he went ghost on me…. I did respond to his text after 4 days and although I was direct, I also kept the door open for communication. That was 2 days ago… He still has not answered me. Needless to say, I was and still am completely confused… Read more »

5 years ago

I just blocked him from all my phone and facebook.

3 years ago

Maybe I am too late to post this comment. Currently, I am getting to know a guy on a textual basis since meeting up during Covid is impossible and have decided to meet each other after 2 months. We did hit off good in the initial week despite our mild differences, but now he ignores few messages and comes back the next day with a fresh ‘Hi’. Those topics just seem to go twistedly weird and it’s like he doesn’t even bother replying to the paragraphs of explanations I wrote out in response to the topic we speak of. Also,… Read more »

1 year ago

yes i have been ignored , my bf ignored me totally saying he dont have time and i quitteed today i broke up and he didnt even tried to keep me at all. He said just ok ur desition

1 year ago

so the saturday that passed i went on date with him, he hugged me and kissed me too and we play basketball together and he was kissing me still and after he turned silent and cold and i decited to go home bc i was feelin bad after it. I went near hilm and said and he kissed me for last time he said me and since then he kept the silent tratment and was ignoring me. I asked him yesterday why he dont talk and he told me he dont have time. Broo i sended snap at 4am today… Read more »

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