Finding Love After 50: 7 Proven Steps To Attracting Your Soulmate

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You’re no rookie when it comes to relationships. Maybe you’ve been married and divorced (possibly several times). Perhaps you’ve been in years-long relationships. Whatever you’ve been through, for better or worse, you now find yourself trying to find love after 50.

I’m not going to lie: falling in love later in life looks a lot different than it did in your 20s.

You have a different view of love now, thanks to divorce or a bad relationship or two. You’re less starry-eyed when it comes to what love looks like…and maybe have a healthy dose of skepticism that will keep you from getting hurt. You may have your walls of protection up around your heart.

You’re older and wiser (and better) than you were when you basically were still a child.

But…you’re more set in your ways. You may find it harder to compromise, especially on things like living together, getting married, or even how you have your house set up.

Why Falling in Love in Your 50s is Better

couple in their 50s

Falling in love later in life can be magical!

Here’s the good news: finding love in your 50s doesn’t have to be harder than it was when you were younger! Just different. And in many ways, it’s actually better to find love later in life.

For one, you know exactly what you want. You’re less focused on physical attributes and how much money a man makes than you are how he treats people and whether you’re aligned in your life goals. You won’t settle for a Good Enough relationship because if a man isn’t delivering what you need, you are totally fine being alone. You can be patient until the right guy comes along.

You’re more confident now than when you were in your 20s, and that makes you even more appealing to men of all ages. You’re no longer trying to fit a mold to be what you think a man wants you to be. You are 100% happy rocking exactly who you are. If he doesn’t like it, he’s not for you.

Secrets to Finding Love After 50

While some of the tips I provide here are what I’d tell a woman of any age, there are some that are more specific to where you are in your life. You have more life and love experience. Use it to your benefit so you don’t waste time on the wrong men and can create the love life you truly adore.

1. Be Comfortable in Who You Are

I’m going to bet this is easy for you already, especially compared to who you were before you had relationships, kids, a career, heartbreak, and everything else that has shaped you into the sexy, confident woman you are today.

You know that there is a man out there who will adore your quirks, your body, and your personality. Don’t stress over a few gray hairs or wrinkles; if he’s that superficial, he’s not for you. A man who’s also in his 50s should equally be looking for a partner based on a deeper connection, not superficial looks.

I’ve worked with women in every decade of life, and one thing I notice is that the older they are, the less they give a f#%! what people think of them. The older they get, the more they come into who they really are, and it is awesome to see.

Your Homework Assignment: Make a list of 10 things you love about yourself. They could be physical attributes, skills, or personality traits. Feel free to leave it in the comments below or in our private Sexy Confidence Club forum.

2. Push Out of Your Comfort Zone

via GIPH

Once you’ve created an amazing life that you enjoy, a circle of friends who nurture you, and hobbies that you excel at, it can be really challenging to break out of that comfort zone to meet men. But realize that the likelihood of Mr. Right knocking on your door is pretty low, so it is going to require some effort on your part to meet him!

How can you shake up your life to open the door to the possibility of meeting great men?

It might start with you creating an online dating profile on a site or two. You might sign up for a dance class or attend a business workshop. The benefit of these last two ideas is that not only do you increase the odds of meeting men, but you also enhance your own life and learn something. Win-win!

Your Homework Assignment: Make a plan to do one thing that feels a little uncomfortable this week to potentially meet men. Also, you can check out this resource to learn where to meet men.

3. Learn from Past Relationships

You may be able to see patterns in your past relationships, like you falling for emotionally unavailable men or men who needed you to mother them. Learn from the mistakes you’ve made in the past so that you don’t make them again.

Also, look at the types of men you’ve dated and try to do a 180 and meet different types of guys. Maybe you’ve only dated engineers and that hasn’t worked out for you. What would it be like to date a free spirit (but gainfully-employed) artist?

Look at your own issues as well. Maybe you’ve had trouble trusting men due to some traumatic experience. You might want to talk through these issues with a therapist to ensure that you’re healed and ready for your next relationship.

Your Homework Assignment: Make a list of patterns that repeated in past relationships that you’re ready to break.

4. Have No Expectations

swimming couple

Just plan to have fun!

It might seem counterintuitive to say you shouldn’t have expectations when you’re finding love after 50, but hear me out.

You may be ready to fall head over heels with the next man you go out with. Realize that it might take him longer to see the relationship’s potential. Or there might not be any, but you could end up with a really good male friend.

So when you go out with a man, just be open to where it takes you. At the very least, you have a conversation partner and dinner. Or maybe a hilarious horror story to laugh about with girlfriends later. Maybe it will turn into the love story you’re hoping for, but you can’t control the outcome, so let go and have fun.

Your Homework Assignment: Go on a date that you think will go nowhere just to loosen up your expectations. You might end up being surprised.

5. Don’t Date Like a 20-Year-Old

What did you date like when you were younger? Maybe you had a date with a different dude every day of the week. Maybe you dated with one goal in mind: to find The One. Maybe you wore your most revealing clothes so he’d think you were hot.

That’s not who you are anymore, is it?

Now, I’m not saying you should be stodgy and boring on your dates.  You don’t have to be “young” to be youthful and playful. Tease him a little. Flirt. Wear something you feel confident and sexy in. But do it in a way that feels authentic to who you are today.

Your Homework Assignment: Pick out your confident dating outfit…or go buy one so you’re ready when you get asked out!

6. Stay Positive

positive woman

Your positive attitude is irresistible!

Even if you’re on the 10th disappointing date in a row, act like it’s the first date you’ve been on so you have a fresh and positive state of mind. Having a positive attitude can be incredibly attractive to men…and it’s great for your overall life outlook.

It’s normal for most people to give a high-level overview of their relationship past on a date, but resist the urge to badmouth your ex or spend too much time talking about one another’s past. It’s all too easy to go down the rabbit hole of negative commiseration, and that’s a terrible way to date!

Editor’s note: Ready to attract love with a proven strategy? Watch this free video to learn the 7 powerful steps

Instead, focus on things that bring you joy. Ask what his passions are. Smile. Laugh. Be light.

Your Homework Assignment: Make a list of positive topics you can bring up on a date.

7. (Re)learn to Flirt

You might feel out of practice flirting when finding love after 50, but it’s definitely something you never forget. Like riding a bicycle! Brush up your flirting skills to let him know that you find him attractive. You can also try my new course “The Feminine Charm Code” to learn how to charm him into your arms.

Lean in toward him when he speaks.

Touch him lightly on the arm when you laugh.

Ask sassy questions.


It’s that easy! Really.

Your Homework Assignment: Flirt with a man that you interact with this week, like the barista at a coffee shop or server at a restaurant. Practice makes perfect!


You are completely capable of finding love after 50. It will take a little effort, and you might have to get out of your comfort zone. You might need to do a little work on your confidence if you’re dating for the first time in years. But trust me: you’ve got this!

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5 years ago

Hi. I have been dating for the past 7 years following my Divorce. My advice is don’t settle. Be selective and particular. It ok to be alone as I own my home work full time and am in great health and fitness. Find things that fulfill you such as makebe the gym a cooking class a dance class painting. Anything that interests you. You become more interesting to a man when you are not avaliable all the time. Be honest and true. If you find someone who you enjoy company with but do not see it going to a LTR.… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  Debbie

It’s also worth noting that it’s not easy for men either, as it’s a myth that men are going to automatically have success with younger women, as if that happens it’s very rare. Another thing I’ve noticed is the longer people are single, the less likely they are to accept anything which compromises their routines and habits.

I agree that people shouldn’t “settle”.

4 years ago

Women today are nothing at all like the old days when love was very easy to find back then with no problem. Today a great deal of women now are very high maintenance, independent, which they really don’t need a man anymore, very selfish, greedy, spoiled, picky, narcissists, gold diggers, since they just love sleeping around with much older men that have the very big bank accounts, cheaters, since they can’t even commit to only one man anymore either. And a lot more can certainly be added to that list as well, why many of us single men can’t meet… Read more »

4 years ago
Reply to  Guest

Wow. You are a cautionary tale my friend. How terrible for you to hate the thing you love. But your anger isn’t going to attract anything other than contempt. Its a vicious circle.

Buffy Siar
3 years ago
Reply to  Aarrow

I don’t think he is angry. He actually has described what I have heard women say in a group. Unfortunately what he is saying is so true. I believe women have changed because most of this generation of women have seen a bad marriage model or a bad relationship and these women are now protective and are only out for themselves. I heard a young women once say “ I’m gonna use him before he can use me”.. This is very sad.

Kimberley Sweeney
3 years ago
Reply to  Guest

After reading this post you won’t find a woman as you are an incredibly insecure, angry human. And your post is a contradiction, we are independent in our 50’s and typically financially secure and therefor not seeking a man for financial security (gold digger). If you are interested in spending time and space with a woman of substance I suggest you seek help in resolving some of your own issues in advance of dating. Your post is at best alarming!

2 months ago

I wonder if he is choosing women by their physical attractiveness or even going for much younger women? Let’s be real here. If a 50 year old man is looking to find the live of his life in a beautiful, youthful, 18 year old girl, one has to wonder what is in it for her? Are they kidding? It is good enough for them, because by the same token, what is in it for them?? They are both valuing the wrong things. There are also older women who gave up everything in order to be everything for their families. Their… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  Guest

You’re such a cranky, angry dude, I wonder why any woman would give you the time of the day! I met a great guy in my 50’s, actually the one and he’s a gentleman, not some angry, bitter and insufferable guy who in fact doesn’t even like women…

1 year ago
Reply to  Jen

Just too many very brainless clueless and worthless women that are everywhere nowadays unfortunately, especially the ones with their very high unrealistic expectations and standards now as well.

1 year ago
Reply to  Gus

Oh my gosh, so much contradiction in these sad rants. Yes, there are really lousy women around. And lots of lousy men. When you’ve found the right person they are ALWAYS a gem, it seems, in a pile of scrap rock :). Brainless and cluess or if they’re intelligent, then their expectations are too high. Well, that sounds like there aren’t many good men around if the expectations of intelligent women are too high for the men they meet :). Really, we’ve all had bad relationships or experiences. I think a big thing that affects whether we get totally turned… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  Laura

Wow, what a beautiful message you have posted. You are balanced and well-meaning. I bet that you your date is a very lucky dude. Best wishes.

1 year ago
Reply to  Guest

Independent gold diggers? Lol. Are they scrawny fatsoes too?

2 months ago
Reply to  Guest

First, I appreciate your honesty, and I believe that what you are saying truly does describe how you feel about your experiences. Women often feel the same way. They have been hurt and rejected so often that they tend to “become” some of these women that you describe as a result of it. My mother once asked her therapist why she had a tendency to attract “the losers” (btw, I truly do hate alling anyone a lover, but this is her story, not mine.) The response was that there is a “type” of person who is less self conscious and… Read more »

4 years ago

This is all BS. I’m 50 years old, I’ve never had a long term relationship in my life and I never will. That’s just the way my life goes. It’s just easier for some people and impossible for others.

Lee Ann
4 years ago
Reply to  Brian

Many women feel the same way. Perhaps you are going after the wrong women.

Lucy Morrison
2 years ago

Hello, i want to testify to the World how my relationship was restored back by the great power’s of Dr Odidi after three months of loneliness, my ex-lover called me after my contact with Dr Odidi that he want’s us to come back and start a good home, now we are happily married. All thanks to Dr. Odidi for his wonderful spiritual help. You can contact him if you have similar problem, or any solution you may need, Good Luck. via: 

2 years ago

Like most, I had given up on long term relationships. I was happy been single until I met this new lady. She’s my every thing I wished for. PrAtty, intelligent, and a great sense of humour. When I look deep into her eyes. I see love and yet a wall of some doubt. My own fears reflected I guess. How is this possible at my age to feel this way. I have no problems meeting women. I have kids that are adults that I need to care about. I wasn’t looking for love. Is it love? Every time she leaves… Read more »

1 year ago

I think what you have is beautiful! I only dream of finding some one who ” can’t imagine life without me ” and when I leave , “doesn’t want to let me go “..I pray it works out for you! Don’t let her go!

1 year ago

Don’t be silly – of course you’re in love. How’s it going now, 9 months later ;). Hope you guys have given it all you’ve got and are trusting in “falling in love”.

1 year ago

I’m 58. After reading ‘some’ of this, I believe I may have been looking at it all wrong.

1 year ago
Reply to  Brian

The other guy was certainly 100 percent right about women today that have really changed for the worst of all when back in the old days most women were nothing like today at all. And this makes it very obvious why so many of us guys are still single today as i speak, and not at all by choice either. It is just too very bad that many of us single guys weren’t born in the past since we would’ve very easily avoided all of this B—S— today.

1 year ago
Reply to  Ken

The world’s a-changin and it ain’t all good. Same for men. An older male friend of mine told me LOTS of younger women go for older guys who have old-fashioned values and won’t just use them like the younger crowd. Of course it’s changing. Just stick with your values and look for someone with the same. They’re around. They’re just not getting dragged down by worrying about the mire beneath their feet. Keep your eyes on higher ground and you’ll see the great women there. But they need you to believe in them. Bitter won’t attract.

Robbie Reid
1 year ago

This article on finding love after 50 is heartwarming and insightful. It’s never too late to experience love and companionship. On a different note, if anyone reading this is facing financial difficulties, I’d like to share a resource that has been a tremendous help to me website. Their expert insights and comparisons on $1500 loans have been a lifeline during challenging times. Remember, love and support can come in many forms, including financial assistance when needed. Check out the link above for more information on how FitMyMoney can help you during financial hurdles. 

1 year ago

Thanks for this article!

1 year ago

Hi. I have been dating for the past 7 years following my Divorce. My advice is don’t settle. Be selective and particular. It ok to be alone as I own my home work full time and am in great health and fitness. Find things that fulfill you such as makebe the gym a cooking class a dance class painting. Anything that interests you. You become more interesting to a man when you are not avaliable all the time. Be honest and true. If you find someone who you enjoy company with but do not see it going to a LTR.… Read more »

1 year ago

I enjoy this kind of article!

1 year ago

I wish I had found love long ago when it was possible. Now I’m fifty and practically dead. My life is over for all intents and purposes. So much I never did. My own body disgusts me. I feel no desire or romantic passion for men anymore. Only bitterness and regret for the life I never had and never will. Why bother dating at my age? No kids, grandkids or golden anniversary. No lifetime of memories shared. My body hurts all the time and I’m too cranky and crotchety to change anything. That’s old age. Even if I found someone,… Read more »

cassandra blane
6 months ago

How does one find a man who likes women that are not blonde? I like my dark hair. I had been a redhead and a blonde. But cannot for the life of me find a man willing to speak to me without asking if I have any blonde friends for him. And I am over 50. I’m seriouly considering going back to blonde and talking with a baby voice.

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