7 Awkward Texting Mistakes That Turn Him Off

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Whether you’re happy about it or not, texting is now a HUGE part of the way we connect with new people.

So, are you confident in your texting approach with guys?

The best way to determine whether your texting game is strong is to look at your dating history.

So, how have your texting conversations gone with guys in the past?

Are you able to build a fun and genuine connection with someone via messages, then build on it in person?

Or do you think you’re doing everything right, but these guys just seem to disappear into the dating abyss?

Everything’s going well, and suddenly they stop texting you back. 

If you keep finding yourself in this position, chances are you’re making some texting blunders you’re not even aware of.

Don’t panic. I’ve got you covered. 

Editor’s note: Ready to attract love with a proven strategy? Watch this free video to learn the 7 powerful steps

Check out these awkward texting mistakes that are guaranteed to turn him off in seconds. 

Avoid these texting disasters, and I guarantee you’ll have more success when it comes to texting men.

This is the start of building a genuine connection which you can then build on face to face.

And the great news is, they’re simpler than you might think. Any woman can become a texting Goddess with the right knowledge and a little bit of practice (and if you need help on what to say, grab a copy of Love Texting).

The best advice I can give you is to think about the texts that would turn you off. 

What would make you more likely to respond to a guy?

And what would be a definite turn-off? FYI, I’m taking unsolicited dick-pics as a given!

Tell me all in the comments below. 

Your Coach,

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deborah quadnow
3 years ago

I was guilty of texting way too much and bringing up subjects that needed to be dealt with in person or at least on the phone. So now I have cut back and may just simply send a cute emoji!

3 years ago

I give too many details

3 years ago

Those are interesting pieces of advice, I didn’t realize it earlier. 

3 years ago

See I’m have been with men that like to do pictures like that or talk nasty and this really bothers me

2 months ago

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