5 Simple Tests that Prove He’s “the One”

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Have you ever wished there was an easy way of knowing if the man you’re dating is the right one for you?

Life would be much simpler if you could send him off with a list of questions and then have a computer program tell you yay or neigh.

Unfortunately, real life isn’t that simple, is it, ladies? It’s messy.

But there are some “tests” that will help you figure out if you’ve met your perfect match, + you won’t need any involvement on these from your man. Here are my five go-to tests to prove that he’s the one.

1. The trust test

Can you trust this man with your life and your deepest darkest secrets?

Can you come clean and tell him you robbed a candy bar when you were five and have him not call the cops on you?

Because if you can’t, he is not the one for you.

And if you’re wondering how to know when you can trust someone, head over to my Little Love Steps to find out more.

2. The celebration test

When something huge happens in your life, who is always the first person you want to tell? When your wildest dream comes true, who will you call first?

Editor’s note: Ready to attract love with a proven strategy? Watch this free video to learn the 7 powerful steps

Anytime anything big happens in my or Jessica’s lives, we are instinctively the first people we want to share it with. Because we’re best friends. And friendship is a key foundation for any long-lasting relationship.

If you’d rather call your mom or tell your dog the good news, maybe this isn’t the guy for you.

3. The do it all over again test

If you could go back in time to when you first met this guy and repeat your entire relationship all over again, would you? Or would you rather hit the “PASS” button?

If you wouldn’t repeat it, that’s an indication that you regret your choice and are perhaps settling for someone mediocre.

Of course, every relationship has its ups and downs and moments that are not great. But on the whole, the entire experience should be a happy one that changes your life for the better.

4. The friendship feedback test

I take a lot of what my friends say with a pinch of salt, but I’ve always paid more attention to their thoughts on my relationships.


Because if they’re genuinely my friends, I know they care about me and my wellbeing. Plus, they’re not as emotionally wrapped up in the situation as I am, which means they can see it with a different perspective, and sometimes more clarity than I can.

If your friends do not like your man and keep telling you that you deserve better, it might be time to listen to them and say, “NEXT!”

5. The sick test

And the final test to figure out if he’s the one is when you unexpectedly fall ill with the flu bug.

When this happens, how does he react?

Does is ditch you, venture out of town with his friends and leave you to handle it?

Or does he cancel whatever plans he had to stay home and bring you chicken noodle soup in bed and hold your hair back while you throw up?

If you’re looking for long-term success in your relationship, then you want a nurturing, selfless man who cares about you, especially during your lowest moments.

Use these “tests” to indicate whether you’re with Mr. Right Now or Mr. Right Forever.

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2 years ago

Great topic & video 🙂 On pt – Thanks Adam

2 years ago

Your video has a clear message and is very appealing. flagle

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