Your Ex-Boyfriend Won’t Go Away? Do THIS!

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There’s this strange phenomenon I’ve witnessed women go through countless times.

A woman will spend a long time in a crummy relationship with a guy who isn’t truly giving her what she needs or wants. Finally, she finds the strength and courage to leave that guy. And maybe she feels sad or lonely for a while. Perhaps she starts having some regrets about ending things.

But she stays strong.

And the more time that passes by, the more she heals her heart.

Until one day, it finally dawns on this woman what a monumental jack*ss he was.

Just like that, she stops thinking about him. She’s over it. She’s moving on with her life.

And like clockwork (honestly, you couldn’t script it better), her ex creeps back on the scene.

Stacey’s doing great now; she looks fantastic; I’d better call her…

Because somehow, he KNOWS she just stopped thinking about him. He wants to reel her back in before she’s totally out of grasp.

But WTF?!

How does he always KNOW?

Editor’s note: Ready to attract love with a proven strategy? Watch this free video to learn the 7 powerful steps

Maybe you can relate to this story?

If so, here’s what to do if your ex won’t go away.

The truth of it is, an ex who does this is selfish.

He knows you weren’t happy with him and that he can’t give you what you want. But he doesn’t want you to be happy without him.

In moments like these, you have to remember WHY you ended things in the first place.

Focus on the kind of man you want to attract (hint: it’s not your ex), and don’t compromise for short-term thrills that don’t support the future you want to build.

Your Coach,

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Diane Byrd
3 years ago

I am that woman!!/it is now thst ive cut the strings..
I am a hood person and he doesn’t deserve me!!!

3 years ago

I just made an ex a “good, platonic friend”. We mutually parted. I do love him well enough to stay friends.

3 years ago
Reply to  JeannieT

I can’t be friends with my ex. its too painful.As painful as it was to end it..I couldn’t go back to just friends.

sandra mctearnen
3 years ago

well to put my ex on his arse

3 years ago

If I would tell my best friend to stay clear, so should I. I took the ‘Conscious Uncoupling’ course by Katherine Woodward-Thomas and applied that to my on/off relationship. We parted as friends and I am going to keep it that way!

Roxanne McAfee
3 years ago

She should not talk to her ex. Move forward

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