The #1 Biggest Turn Off That Repels Men INSTANTLY

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Let’s be real; there are a LOT of things that turn both men and women off in a hot minute.

Bad breath.

Poor manners.

Sending needy texts like, “DID I DO SOMETHING WRONGGGG?!!!!!” when you’ve been talking to someone for all of five minutes, and they don’t text you back instantly.

Inviting someone out for a drink, waiting at the bar for them with a G&T in hand, then saying, “so, do you want to get yourself a drink?” (true story).


The list of universal turn-offs is endless. But we’ve all got a couple of quirky pet peeves that are unique to us.

Like, for example, one of my clients FREAKED out when she met a guy who put tomato sauce on ALL of his food: mash potatoes, toast, sushi… you name it, he wanted it with sauce. She couldn’t deal.

The message is, we’re all turned off by something. But what is the #1 biggest turn-off that will instantly repel a man?

Hint: It’s not what you’d expect…

The truth is, I see a lot of women (and men) making this mistake, sometimes for YEARS, without ever noticing it.


Because it’s such an easy habit to fall into.

The problem is, it’s a habit that will instantly repel high-value men and make you a total crap magnet.

So, watch the video. Think about whether you’re engaging in this kind of behavior.

Editor’s note: Ready to attract love with a proven strategy? Watch this free video to learn the 7 powerful steps

If you are, THIS is your golden opportunity to make a positive change. See what I did there?

Your Coach,

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3 years ago

I am a positive person, I am a care taker and men see that. Ultimately I attract fixer uppers ☹️. When they find out I can bring home the bacon, fry it up in a pan and never let them forget they’re man, they use me and want no commitment. I must give off I can everything attitude. I’ve been told by 2 men they were never with a woman that has a job. And others have told me I am the marrying type and they just want a bed partner. I have always thought there was someone out there… Read more »

Rain Pebble
3 years ago

Sad that ketchup ruined the relationship. Did it ever occur to her that perhaps he had a medical condition or mineral deficiency?

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