Struggling to Get Dates? 3 Simple Strategies That Actually Work
Ready to Attract the Love You Deserve?
Every week, we hear from hundreds of single women frustrated with the dating scene. Some are starting over, some have been trying for months, and many just don’t know where to begin. Dating is a skill, and like any skill, it can be learned and improved. We’ve helped thousands of women sharpen their dating skills, and today, we’re sharing three secrets to help you get more dates.
The Problem:
Many women struggle to even get dates in the first place. They’re not meeting anyone, not getting any interest, and it’s incredibly frustrating. It’s easy to feel intimidated and unsure of what to do. But remember, everything is easier with expert guidance.
The Solution: 3 Strategies to Get More Dates
We’ve helped thousands of women overcome this challenge, and we’re sharing three of our most effective strategies:
Editor’s note: Ready to attract love with a proven strategy? Watch this free video to learn the 7 powerful steps
1. Know Where to Find High-Value Guys (Hint: It’s Outside Your Comfort Zone)
There’s no magical “man field” where you can harvest the perfect guy. The men you’re looking for are likely outside your usual haunts. If your current routine isn’t working, it’s time for a shake-up. The relationship you want is often on the other side of what scares you.
Break Routines: Change where you go, when you go, and what you do. Try the supermarket at a different time, a new gym class, or a different park.
Diversify Your Dating Portfolio: Different guys are in different places. Some are on apps, some aren’t. Explore different apps, attend events, and try new activities.
Action: Starting tomorrow, do one thing different. Then build from there.
2. Be Approachable (Roll Out The Welcome Mat)
Simply going to new places isn’t enough. You need to be approachable. Here are four steps, progressing from simple to more involved:
- Resting Kind Face: It’s time to ditch the RBF and have a RKF! Think of the face you make when you see your best friend – bright eyes, a genuine smile.
- Hello + Eye Contact + Follow-up: A simple “hello” with eye contact can go a long way. Follow it up with a brief, friendly comment.
- Smalking: Smalking = Smiling while Talking. This exudes the energy that you are friendly and approachable.
- Flirting: Once you’ve established a connection, you can start to flirt subtly.
- Action: Be a bit bolder. Make it clear you’re open to meeting people.
3. Break Your Own Dating Algorithm
Just like dating apps have algorithms, you have your own “algorithm” – a set of preferences, assumptions, and expectations. It’s time to adjust it.
Don’t Date “Your Type”: Were you at your best when you decided on a “type”? Maybe that’s why things haven’t worked out. Try giving guys outside your usual type a chance.
Optimize Your Unique Algorithm: Don’t just go for the guys everyone else is after. Find your “diamond in the rough” – guys others are overlooking. They might be perfect for you.
Action: Give a guy a chance, even if he doesn’t perfectly fit your “type.” You might be surprised.
By implementing these three strategies, you can significantly increase your chances of getting dates and finding the right person.
Do you tell men to date outside of their type too, or is it just women who are constantly given this advice? It’s as if men don’t have to sacrifice their attraction in this whole process while we’re constantly told to settle and put up with lack of attraction.