23 Secret Signs He Wants You To Be His Girlfriend (Do THIS to Make it Happen Sooner)
Ready to Attract the Love You Deserve?
You’re really digging this guy, and you’re desperate for signs that he wants you to be his girlfriend. He seems into you…but is there anything you can do to speed up the process to commitment?
I’ll just say this: if you two are meant to be, you will be. But some men move a little slow when it comes to taking things to the next level, so I want to share a few ways you can know that things are moving on the right track and give you one way at the end of this article that you can speed things up.
First: Are You Ready to Be a Girlfriend?
It’s one thing to fantasize about having a boyfriend, especially if you have been hurt in a past long-term relationship and are ready to try again, but consider what it really requires. Ask yourself the following questions to know whether you’re even ready for a relationship at this point in your life.
Do You Have the Time and Energy to Put into a Relationship?
Relationships take effort. Consider whether you are willing to give up your evenings out with the girls or the time you relish curled up with a good book to spend time with someone special. It won’t all be roses and unicorns; in the early days, he may whisk you off of your feet, but as you grow into a settled relationship, there will be more hanging out at home. You may argue. You’ll have to work at being a good partner.
You may or may not be at a point in your life where you’re ready to give up what you have for this, so consider your answer to this question carefully.
Are You Willing to Compromise on Things?
A healthy relationship involves compromise on both people’s parts. That means that you won’t always get your way…and neither will he. You have to really care about someone to be willing to sacrifice your perfect scenario so that both of you can be at least a little content with the outcome.
Realize, though, that there is a fine line between compromising and settling. With compromise, you’re both giving up a little something so the two of you can be somewhat happy. With settling, you’re giving up something entirely for your partner’s happiness. A good partner won’t ask you to settle.
Are You Okay with Working to Be the Best Partner Possible?
A relationship takes work. You have to be willing to recognize your flaws and want to make an effort to improve on them. You should want to be the best partner possible if you really care about this person.
But if you’re not up for it, there’s nothing wrong with it. You just aren’t ready for a relationship.
Can You Accept His Flaws?
If it’s been a while since you dated, it may be easy for you to only see a man’s good qualities. You focus on his sense of humor and great kisses…and overlook his sloppy habits or snoring. If you’re in a relationship with a man, you have to be okay with his less-than-perfection. You don’t have to find those hacksaw snores adorable, but they shouldn’t grate your nerves to the point of wanting to smother him with a pillow.
Does He Fit into Your Life Right Now?
You may think you want a relationship, but ask yourself whether your life is set up for one. Maybe you’re planning to move out of state in six months. Or you’re consumed with taking care of your kids. This might not be the best point in your life to commit to a relationship. Know that if you have other major things going on, the relationship will likely suffer, and then it stands no chance of working out.
Do You Really Care About Him (Or Do You Just Not Want to Be Alone)?
Sadly, I’ve seen a lot of women in unhappy relationships simply because they think it’s a better alternative to being alone. I don’t know why being alone gets such a bad rap. It’s actually pretty great and can help you prepare yourself for a fantastic relationship when the time is right.
So consider whether you really want this guy to be your boyfriend…or you just want someone to fill the lonely nights.
Is He a Good Fit For You?
You might have great sexual chemistry…or he makes you laugh. But one factor doesn’t mean he’s boyfriend material for you. The better you know yourself, the better you know what kind of man is a good fit for you. Obviously, the two of you need to be on the same page about what you want commitment-wise. But you should also have things in common, and be able to connect emotionally, intelligently, and physically.
What to Look for: Signs He Wants You to Be His Girlfriend
If you’re still reading, I’m going to assume that yes, you are ready to be a girlfriend…specifically this guy’s girlfriend! Now let’s look at those signs he wants you to be his girlfriend so you know you’re not wasting time with this man.
1. He Texts (and Calls) You Regularly
There’s something to be said about a man who is consistent. I know that when I first started dating Jessica, I wanted to talk to her constantly, so I’d text first thing in the morning and call later in the evening.
A man who isn’t interested in a future with you will call or text when he wants to…and that might not be all that often. But if he’s reaching out regularly, this might be one of the signs he wants you to be his girlfriend.
Editor’s note: Ready to attract love with a proven strategy? Watch this free video to learn the 7 powerful steps
2. He Makes Plans More Than a Day in Advance
Again, a man who isn’t interested in committing won’t want to make plans more than a day (or even just a few hours) ahead. I know this annoys the #%@! of you, but if that’s happening, he’s probably not boyfriend material.
On the other hand, if the guy you’re seeing is talking about weekend plans on Monday…or even discussing an event happening in several weeks…it’s because he wants you to still be with him in the not-too-distant future.
3. He is Open with His Feelings
If you look back at men you’ve dated briefly, you probably can see a pattern of emotional unavailability. Before you assume all men are robots when it comes to expressing their feelings, let me just say that a man who sees no future with a woman may be more closed off to her. So essentially, none of the guys you’ve dated could express their feelings because they weren’t a good fit for you.
A man who is interested in a relationship with you will be open with his feelings. He can be vulnerable with you and tell you how much he cares. This feels pretty great, doesn’t it?
4. He Responds Quickly to Your Texts
There’s nothing more annoying than someone who takes hours (or even days) to respond to a text. Am I right? Really, you should see this as communicating how interested in you a man is. If he takes all day to respond every time you text him (and doesn’t have a genuine excuse, like having to keep his phone off at work), then he’s probably not wanting to be your boyfriend.
On the other hand, a man who is quick to respond does so because he’s happy to hear from you and wants to keep the conversation going.
5. You Have Regular Plans
Maybe you meet in the park every Saturday morning for a run, followed by brunch. Maybe you spend each Friday evening together. If you have regular plans with this man, it’s a good sign he wants you to be his girlfriend.
A man who’s dating multiple women will be more sporadic about when he spends time with you (assuming there’s not a better option).
6. He Compliments You
A man gets nothing out of complimenting you…except a smile and maybe a kiss. So if he’s doing it (sincerely), it’s probably because he’s smitten with you. But pay attention to what kinds of compliments he’s throwing your way. Are they only about your physical appearance…or does he also compliment your intelligence, your accomplishments, or even your tastes? If it’s just physical, he may not be interested in anything more than sex, but if his compliments are well-rounded, he may want you to be his lady!
7. He Talks About the Future
This guy isn’t just making plans a few weeks out, he’s actually talking about the far-off future…with you in it! Maybe he says he’d love for you to come with him for the holidays to meet his family. Or he says something about maybe moving in together one day.
A man with his eye on the future is a keeper, as long as your desires and goals align with his.
8. He Has Opened Up About His Past
I’m certainly not saying that every commitment-ready man will easily open up about past relationships, heartbreak, et cetera, but if this man is willing to tell you what happened in the past, he’s letting you know that he feels comfortable enough with you to be vulnerable.
That’s huge. In our culture, men are often dissuaded from being vulnerable. A study found that when male leaders asked for help, they were seen as less competent and confident. So many men aren’t comfortable talking about past situations where maybe they suffered pain or trauma because they think it makes them look weak.
So if this man is opening up, it’s definitely one of the signs he wants you to be his girlfriend!
9. He Has Introduced You to Friends and Family
A man who wants to date you for a few weeks won’t bother to introduce you to the people who matter to him. What’s the point? You won’t be around for long. Plus, introducing a woman to his family communicates to them that this might be serious.
If you get that invite…know that he feels pretty strongly about you.
10. He Asks Questions to Get to Know You
As a dating coach, I’ve worked with women who marvel at the fact that they have dated men for weeks who never bother to ask them one question about themselves! Feels pretty crummy, especially if you are a naturally curious person and do your fair share of question-asking.
But if a man wants to know everything about you — from your favorite food to your passions and childhood stories — understand that he’s working to get to know you and share a bond with you.
11. He Cares What You Think
“Which tie do you like better?”
“What do you think about me looking for a new job?”
Big or small, this man wants your opinion. He values what you think. That’s a refreshing change from those men who didn’t care about anything beyond how you looked and what you did for them in bed. Be honest with your opinion and get his advice for your own situations as well.
12. You’re Spending More and More Time Together
Maybe initially you saw each other once a week…but that number increased more and more, and now you’re together four or five days a week. Maybe you stay the night at one another’s house on the weekends. Spending time together is how you bond and get to know a person better.
What you do matters as much as how much you’re together. Are you doing a wide range of activities, from occasionally going out to dinner to hanging with friends to just chilling on the couch? That’s a good sign! As you settle into a relationship, you may go out less than you did initially, but the time will be more quality.
13. He Tells You Everything
You’re the first person he calls when he gets a raise…or his grandma dies. You’re his person.
You’re confident that he’s not keeping things from you…and you aren’t keeping things from him. The two of you are like two peas in a pod, and you love sharing everything.
14. Even at Your Worst, He’s There
After a particularly stressful day, you blow up at your man. Then you’re doing a facepalm. What were you thinking? You’ll totally scare him off…only you don’t.
He accepts you at your worst, even if you’re taking it out on him. He understands that this is part of who you are, and he’s okay with the occasional outburst or tears.
15. The Sex Gets Better (But Isn’t Everything in Your Relationship)
Even if the sex started out pretty great, you’re amazed at how much better it keeps getting. The longer you’re together, the more at ease you both are with one another, and you can be more comfortable with one another sexually. You may become more okay with telling him your preferences in the bedroom, which makes for great communication and even better results!
16. He Stays the Night at Your Place
If you’ve ever slept with a man who didn’t want a relationship, you know the drill:
“Man, that was great! [Yawn.] Well, I have an early day tomorrow, so I better go.”
You know darn well that he doesn’t have an early day. He just doesn’t want to stay. Because staying the night with someone and being non-sexually intimate (holding each other close all night) intimidates the hell out of many men.
But a man who is willing to stay the night is up for all of the emotions that come with sleeping next to someone. So if he’s stayed the night several times with you, this is one of the signs he wants you to be his girlfriend.
17. He Gives You Thoughtful Gifts
He picks up a vintage magazine at a thrift store because he knows you collect them. He’s memorized your favorite coffee order and sometimes drops off a latte for you at work. These are small gifts but make for big gestures. They mean he’s thinking of you when he’s not with you, and that he wants to communicate that he cares.
18. He Gives You His Undivided Attention
This isn’t one of those men who pay more attention to their phones than to you. This guy is engaged whenever he’s around you, and he puts his phone on silent and forgets about it. He’s ready to absorb you and devote his full attention to the beautiful woman that’s in front of him.
19. He Cheers You On
When you get a raise, he pops a bottle of champagne. When you’re excited about an accomplishment, he’s right there being your cheerleader. If you’re working toward a goal, like running a marathon, he’s by your side.
This is next-level when it comes to dating because a man who is only superficially interested in you won’t want to expend the energy it takes to be a supportive partner. A boyfriend, on the other hand…
20. Even When Frustrated, He Communicates Well
He’s having a bad day, and he could lash out at you, but he keeps his cool. Maybe you’ve been with men who take their stress out on you (never a healthy thing; this can be considered emotional abuse), but you’re impressed at how this man separates his frustrations from his feelings about you.
Even if he needs time to get over whatever he’s upset about, he can communicate this to you.
21. He Can’t Stop Touching You
And he’s not just touching you in a sexual way. Whenever you’re within arm’s reach, he’s holding your hand, putting his arm around you, kissing you, or touching your face. Touch communicates emotion and also lets him connect with you physically.
22. He’s Got a Nickname for You
Whether that nickname is babe or stinky, he’s comfortable enough with you to have a private name or two (maybe based on an inside joke) that only he calls you.
23. He Lets You See Him Vulnerable
Being vulnerable isn’t easy for anyone, especially men. But if he lets you see him cry or opens up about his feelings, he’s saying that he trusts you with his heart. Be careful with it!
Now that you’ve reviewed the signs he wants you to be his girlfriend, what do you think? Is your man exhibiting several of them? Share in the comments below which signs your guy is showing…and tell us what you want to happen next!
Let me leave you with one thing you can do to get to that place of commitment sooner: be yourself. The sooner you can be authentic around this man and see that he’s okay with the fact that you cuss like a sailor and love being the life of the party, the sooner you can start your relationship in earnest.
Adam, any advice of mommas boys? This situation is driving me insane.
He z asking me to guess his birthday
Yes I date a lot of those and am with one right now he goes to his mom about everything and I don’t want her in our relationship at all.
The man I was dating, going on a year, at the beginning of February , showed almost all of these sings. Only that he suddenly stopped getting in touch with me about a month and half ago. He did tell me at one point during the summer, he needed space because at the age of 60, living with his elderly parents and trying to revive his business and not divorced yet, he felt he could not stay focused on me as I deserved. After all of this was said, he continued sending me nightly text, (sweet dreams) until our last… Read more »
Mirna, My heart reaches out to you. I guess his birthday was yesterday – whatever happened, even if nothing, I’m sure you handled it with dignity. I don’t think this guy is telling the whole truth and you are best thanking him for the few months joy he did bring into your life (never regret anything that made you smile), doing an about turn and getting on with your life without him, owning your own life. Behind this – who knows? Too immature, too afraid of being seen for who he really is instead of this image he liked to… Read more »
Thnxs for everything,,my question is I av aguy I love him seriously am in love with him but his like he don,t want dis go far at fast he was da one who crazy for me then I started fall for him slowly but they,s a time I reach wen I can,t imagine without him but now his telling me his not ready for relationship or marriage yet I love him, I av ason his 2yrs now en his also av ason 4yrs but he always tells me he love me as I do but his not ready for arelationship… Read more »
It sounds like he’s too chicken to tell you he doesn’t see a future with you. Mixed signals mean no from men. I’ve been there so many times before and a great man will never let you go or leave you wondering how he feels about you. The minute you move on- he will be back but don’t fall for it.
You weren’t a priority to him but focus on yourself and be patient getting to know men. The ones who really like you will stick around
He does
1,3,5,8,9,12,22,and 23
My guy is showing all of these ❤️
Why did you waste your energy on a man that hasn’t finished up his divorce?? That’s on you….get more focus on your self esteem and some therapy about your dating choices.
Great read!!
I’m seeing about 10 signs on average. However, my situation is a long distance relationship. Kinda complicated because my guy friend is 6.5 years divorced…and had a string of past heartbreaks prior to the marriage. Any advice?
I have been dating a guy for 4 weeks now. So it’s still pretty new. He shows most of these signs (except 7,9, and 20! With 14 and 22 I can’t really say, because we haven’t been in any situation where they were applicable). My main concern however is that there’s a huge age gap between us. I am 15 years older than him (he’s 25 and I just turned 40). He shows so many signs though that he’s into me. And I definitely have a crush on him. And a week ago we had a talk and decided we’re… Read more »
Yes, but are you willing to believe him?
Oh my god! Hello!! I think I found my friend, you, because I love a guy that older than me, Keep going!! I support you two. #AgeisJustaNumber
Hi, so this was helpful but I want to be certain. This guy that I caught feelings for is my friend with benefit, we’ve known each other for 2yrs now and during the early stage of getting to know ourselves, he didn’t waste time in showing how much he’s attracted to me and want to get down, at that time I couldn’t handle the fact that he’d want to get down with me and still do what he wants, he literally told me straight up … I felt insulted so I cut all ties with him for almost a yr.… Read more »
Hi, so this was helpful but I want to be certain. This guy that I caught feelings for is my friend with benefit, we’ve known each other for 2yrs now and during the early stage of getting to know ourselves, he didn’t waste time in showing how much he’s attracted to me and want to get down, at that time I couldn’t handle the fact that he’d want to get down with me and still do what he wants, he literally told me straight up … I felt insulted so I cut all ties with him for almost a yr.… Read more »
My guy he is showing and saying a lot but he just out of a long relationship he had
It’s scary
And I know he loves sex
That’s scares me
I don’t know how to proceed
I’ve been talking to this guy for more than a month. It’s crazy our connection was straight from day one. We have so much in common and our connection has grown so much more. He is doing everything on this list but tells me he wants to ask me in a special way to be his girlfriend. I don’t understand if that’s just what’s he is saying to get out of the conversation or he is being serious. He is a very straight up person and always tells me how it is so I feel he is being sweet by… Read more »
There’s something true, when a man likes you and he is serious about you, it’s so obvious, you don’t need to make any calculations, it’s simply obvious.
Don’t give up, just move on with the minimum signal that requires effort from you to feel he is interested in you!
But how on earth do you let someone stay over night when they are not your boyfriend!! Common now?!
The guy I’m seeing is showing all the signs but we have agreed on a casual thing. He asked me over a couple of times, which meant me meeting his parents but I freaked out and said it’s not a great time for that just yet. Sometimes he comes over, literally just to sleep with me, no sex. I sleep naked so, that’s always nice.. when a guy hugs you but nothing is poking you in the bum. Now… he wanted to invite me out for his birthday but because the Covid, he was only allowed 6 people.. so I… Read more »
We’re not dating but I love him and I can feel that he likes me too because he does all of these: 2, 3, 6, 10, 12, 16, 18, 20
And He follows me because when I look around he’s there.
I’ve been dating a guy going on 7 months now without making it official (we are sexually exclusive however). He does all the things except, make it clearly official, and introduce me to his family and vice versa wanting to meet my family. He’s dealing with some overall depression and fear in the idea of being an inadequate boyfriend, although he’s discussed that he’s open to it becoming that at a certain point. No timeline given yet. I don’t want to push it. Thoughts anyone? My idea is just keep enjoying each other and trust he’ll communicate to address that… Read more »
Hi, I have been texting with this guy as friends for 6 years and now I realize it could be love. We are both in unhappy relationships. He just starting telling me when he is fooling around with her he is thinking of me? And wants to engage in this kind of talk.
It been 5 months I’m happy he’s coming around sharing his feelings. I was concerned we always enjoy each but it just seemed like he would not open up a little. But the past 2 weeks he has been very good with communication
The man I’ve been dating right at a year doesn’t absolutely everything listed.. But says he doesn’t want to rush into a relationship just yet
there is only 5 and thats because hes in the states and im here in canada which makes things hard , how ever he wants us to be to geather
I definitely had all of this going on and unfortunately his 15 year old daughter became jealous (she played it off as if she loved me) and she lied to him saying I was seeing other people.. not only did he believe her but he never asked me or us talk about it, he told me through text and that it wasn’t going to work for him and he blocked me. I did email him on my feelings and how she manipulated and sabotaged our relationship and even would send him a text here and there just to see if… Read more »
He was texting me in the beginning though, in the middle he texted me a very open text message and said “Sorry for being ghostly to you and I will be more busy.” or something like that and we have communicated a few times after that but, not much it’s mostly me texting him and he does see my messages though he doesn’t respond sometimes.
Yes,he does all of that and then declares he wants to date other women..goes on a dating site and wants me to pick her out!
Hi Adam ..I be been seeing this guy for about a year.. met his whole family been on trips together met his friends do alot is stuff as a couple but I feel like I’m in a causal relationship.. I really like him but not sure how to bring up the relationship conversation please help
My boyfriend is my soulmate. We have so many things in common as if we were made from the same cloth. He texts me several times a day and always tell me how he misses me so badly and can’t wait to see me. He was the one who fell in love with me first, can’t wait to start living together and wants to marry me. but he’s moving a little too fast for me.
3,6,8,9,10,11,13,18,19,20,22,23 What I would like to happen next is more regular communication. He quit drinking alcohol when he was really sick 3 weeks ago and our communication has been very sparse since. When he does communicate he is very loving, complimentary and sweet but cannot make plans to see me now because we used to drink together.
there are serious errors in this article