8 Online Dating Profile Examples to Attract Men

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So you’ve bitten the bullet and created an online dating account…but now you have no clue what to write or what kind of pictures to post! You’re looking for online dating profile examples to attract men to inspire you, and you’ve come to the right place!

Online Dating Profile Examples to Get You Started

Look, I get that online dating can be intimidating. Meeting someone online? Ick. What happened to the good old days of meeting a guy in Statistics class?

Well, you’ve got to accept the fact that meeting a man looks differently now than it did when you were in college. Between work, home, and the occasional girls’ night with your friends, where can you meet a man?

Yeah. It’s tough.

But online dating can be great if you give it a chance. Hey, this should perk you up: 40% of couples meet online!

Let’s look at some tips to help you with your profile, as well as some online dating profile examples that will help inspire you.

1. Start with a Killer Intro

And I don’t mean, “Hey there. Just checking this out.”

That’s a surefire way to get zero likes on your profile. Your intro is just that: an introduction to who you are. It’s meant to draw in a man that’s the right fit for you.

Some dating apps, like Bumble, only let you write a short intro. Others, like OKCupid, also ask you questions to help you show potential dates what you’re really like.

In either situation, you need to draw the reader in from the start. Not sure how to do that? Browse through some men’s profiles and see what stands out. Probably it’s the ones that give you at least a general idea of what the guy is like that appeal to you.

Try to summarize yourself in a few sentences (it’s hard, I know!). Be witty if you can. Pick a few things that make you interesting. Here’s an example:

I’m a sweet Southern girl with a kick of sass. I prefer bourbon to chardonnay and football to knitting. Looking for a man who can teach me something (good luck! I know pretty much everything! :))

2. Pick Your Best Photo First

Use photos you feel good in.

I know a lot of women who agonize about what photos to put on their online dating profile. My tip? Choose ones you feel good in. You should look at the photo of yourself and be happy with how you look and how you felt when you took it.

Include 4-6 photos to show some diversity. Include:

Editor’s note: Ready to attract love with a proven strategy? Watch this free video to learn the 7 powerful steps

  • 1 selfie
  • 1 group shot
  • 1 full body shot
  • 1 doing something interesting (hiking, traveling, being silly)

What you don’t want to do:

  • Post all group shots so men don’t know which one is you
  • Post a duckface photo (not sexy)
  • Post all photos with you wearing sunglasses (men want to see your eyes!)
  • Post a pic where you’re wearing low-cut or sexy clothes. Don’t give the wrong impression!

3. Answer the Questions

The more questions you answer, the better the match!

Like I said: some sites (like OKCupid) ask a ton of questions to help find men you’re compatible with. Be honest!

There are questions about dating and relationships, sex, religion, and even politics. You don’t have to answer all of them if you’d rather not have certain things public (like maybe whether you’re 420-friendly or not). But the more questions you answer, the better these sites can show you who has compatible answers.

Typically a site like Match or OKCupid will calculate how much of what’s in your profile aligns with a man’s, and you’re given the best matches. You might or might not want to meet with any of those, but at least you know you have some things in common.

4. Don’t Write About What You Don’t Want!

Some women get frustrated with online dating and vent in their profiles about all the bad men out there (men do it too). This is a big no-no!

I understand that you may want to make it clear what you’re not looking for (a gym rat, a hookup), but you’re better off focusing on what you are looking for so you can attract it. That’s the power of positive thinking that I talked about when I told you to make a list of characteristics you want in a man, remember?

Here’s an online dating profile example of what you shouldn’t write in yours:

If you’re just going to swipe without reading my profile, then move on. I’m not looking for a guy who starts a conversations with just ‘hey.’ Show some ba!!s, men!

I get that you might be frustrated with the process of trying to find Mr. Right, but you don’t want to come off as angry and aggressive, do you?

5. Write Mini Paragraphs


It’s been a while since high school English, so you may not feel like your writing skills are as sharp these days. Add to that the fact that our attention spans are insanely short, and no man is going to want to read a wall of text on your profile.

Instead, break up the content into short paragraphs so that they’re easy to digest. You could have one on:

  • Things you like (beer, sushi, reading)
  • Things you’ve done (climb Everest, started a business)
  • What you’re looking for (relationship, man with no kids)

Here’s another online dating profile example to help you write your own:

Who I am: Artist. Beer drinker. Sushi lover. Mindful. Lover of the Oxford comma. Reader.

I love traveling like a local, getting out of my comfort zone. Browsing the grocery store in another country for gems. Reminiscing by looking at the photos I take on a trip.

Who you are: not allergic to the word “date” or “relationship.” Witty. Open-minded. Not a serial-killer (or a cereal killer!).

6. Ask a Question to Start the Conversation

So part of online dating is being okay with starting a conversation with a complete stranger that you’ve matched with. Some sites let either person send a message, while others like Bumble require the woman to get the party started.

Don’t be nervous!

The best way to start a conversation (and keep it going) is to ask a question. No, not “Hi! How are you?”

Look at his profile and come up with something intelligent you can ask. Here are some examples:

“Hey Luke! I see that photo of you on Mt. Suvia. Was that before the fire? I’ve been wanting to get back out there…”

“I see you’re interested in cooking. What’s your go-to dish?”

“That’s cool that you’ve been to Croatia! I’m going this summer. Any tips?”

Side note: don’t be disappointed if a man doesn’t message you back. Sadly, some men swipe right or like every profile on a dating site like it’s some sort of game, and it disappoints women who are actually interested in getting to know them when they don’t respond.

Studies show that when women send the first message, they get a response about 50% of the time. So don’t pin all your hopes on that hot blond fireman responding. Keep looking at profiles and swiping on anyone you think is interesting. The right man will respond to your message.

7. Don’t Be Cliché

You may want to show off your yoga moves, but find something more stand-out.

You probably don’t know what other women are posting on their profiles in terms of photos or what they say in the intro. Let me clue you in: a ton of women post pics of them doing yoga or on hiking on a mountain.

Stand out. Maybe put up a photo of you belting out karaoke or hanging with friends at a lantern festival. Think about what unique experiences you’ve had or places you’ve been that you’d love to spark a conversation and post those.

8. Have a Friend Review Your Profile

It can be scary to hit ‘publish’ on your online dating profile without really knowing what men will think of it, so ask a friend (male would be ideal) to review it and give constructive feedback.

You might not realize that you dive waaay too deep into the type of man you’re looking for in your profile, which may be a turnoff to men. Knowing this, you can edit it down.


Dating apps and online dating can be fun if you have the right attitude about them. Look at them as an opportunity to get to know different types of men and practice your flirting game.

And if you do meet a great guy, you can tell everyone that online dating does work for finding love!

I hope that these online dating profile examples are helpful as you write your own intro, post pictures, and send that first message.

Talk to me in the comments below: have you found online dating profile examples that have helped you create your own?

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5 years ago

online dating profile should be transparent, unfortunately, the online dating world has become so vague, more fake people are their, so girls just are careful and also don’t try to fake if you really want to impress or attract a guy online

5 years ago

Even If you didnt find any perfect match online then dont be dull or depressed just stay positive, online dating has much more to offer than what we think
we get to know different types of people
we get to know how to start a conversation
the only thing is dont try to be a fake one

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Last edited 4 years ago by Haselbaink
4 years ago

having learned from mistakes, I totally agree with you.

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3 years ago

Online Dating Profile Examples to Get You Started Wow, This is article is really good and I loved it. It’s hard enough, and for guys using Hobart dating services, it can be even trickier! I’m not sure why that is, but perhaps women find it more comfortable to express their relationship aspirations. Before this article, I have also reviewed How to Write an Online Dating Profile for a Man , and I liked this one too. Finally, it’s best to write your profile when you’re relaxed and don’t feel any pressure to bang out some random text to fill in… Read more »

Dira McClintock
3 years ago

Lots of good info here. I might also add that updating your bio every few months is a good idea. Change up the photos. Maybe the right guy will notice a different one than one he passed by before. Review what you wrote. Maybe you are better at articulating what you want now that have been online for awhile. Maybe you’ve decided pickle ball is not for you after all. Don’t take anything too personally. Start each encounter with a clear mindset. It took me a year but I finally found my needle in the haystack.

Dot Sundie
3 years ago

I think you Rock!! You’re info is so awesome and I’ve found spot on.&

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Jorge Parker
7 months ago

Great tips on creating an engaging online dating profile! Personal development and identity are key, much like the process in book publishing. As someone involved with Christian book publishers, I know that just as polished content attracts readers, a thoughtful and genuine profile attracts meaningful connections.

4 months ago

This is such a helpful guide for anyone diving into the world of online dating! I love how you break down the essentials, from crafting a captivating intro to selecting the right photos. Your advice feels practical and approachable, making it much easier for those feeling intimidated by the process. It’s especially refreshing to see an emphasis on positivity and self-expression in profiles, which can really help someone attract the right match.
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