The Difference Between a One-Time Girl and a Lifetime Woman
Ready to Attract the Love You Deserve?
Men are simple creatures. Outside our extensive knowledge on Megan Fox and strippers in Grand Theft Auto, we don’t know much about women. To many of us, women fit into two categories exclusively. Blonde or brunette (not to exclude red heads). Hot or cute. Low maintenance or high maintenance. One-time girl or lifetime girl.
Yes, a lot of these stereotypes are wrong and box women into suffocating labels, but that’s just how our minds work and the better you get to understand the mind of the male species, the better you can win it over.
Knowing this, how does a guy determine if you’re a lifetime girl or one-time girl?
Just like when a woman first meets a man, men get an automatic feeling about what kind of woman you are. There are certain qualities and characteristics that distinguish the kind of girl you marry from the kind of girl you take home for the night. It’s not about how high her skirt is or how much makeup she’s wearing, it’s the impression she gives off about herself. It’s the way she carries herself and the way she leaves her mark.
Within a few words and even fewer glances, a man knows exactly if you’re the type of girl he wants to get to know on a more intimate level than sex.
A one time girl needs attention, a lifetime woman keeps it
When a man first starts talking to a woman he can tell if she’s seeking male attention or just enjoying it. There’s a glaring difference between a woman who needs it, and a woman who entertains it. A lifetime woman turns the the equation around and makes the man crave her approval. This is usually done by having more interesting things to talk about than what sorority she was part of.
A one-time girl flirts, a lifetime woman talks
A lifetime woman is the kind of woman you see yourself talking to—forever. She’s engaging, captivating and most importantly, interesting. The initial greeting isn’t just small talk and coy eye games, it’s real conversation. She has things to say and points to make. Instead of just another girl he chatted up, she’s that one girl he wants to keep talking to.
Editor’s note: Ready to attract love with a proven strategy? Watch this free video to learn the 7 powerful steps
A one-time girl wants drama, a lifetime woman wants to be taken to the theater
A man knows when a woman likes the drama of the relationship more than the actual relationship. Girls look for drama, women look for stability. When you’re mature and capable of handling an adult relationship, you don’t look for complicated situations, men with girlfriends or wild nights with wild consequences. A woman you settle down with is a woman who has already settled down, herself.
A one-time girl needs a man, a lifetime woman wants a fulfilling life
It’s obvious when a girl is looking for a relationship. Nothing turns away a man faster than “boyfriend eyes.” It’s a wild look, one that’s similar to the way hunters stare at game. Then there’s that certain woman who emits the opposite of that look. This woman realizes that once she creates a life she loves, she’ll attract a man she loves.
A one-time girl hides behind her looks, a lifetime woman doesn’t need her looks
When a man is into you for something other than your looks, you’ve surpassed every model in the room. Of course men are attracted to good looking women, but beauty holds attention for mere moments, while personality and intrigue can hold it a lifetime. It’s the woman who makes a man see past her face that she remembers. Men may not be as perceptive as women, but they know that a bad personality can make even the most beautiful woman ugly.
A one-time girl will be easy to leave, a lifetime woman will be hard to get
It’s not that she’s playing hard-to-get (the kind of woman you marry is no longer into games), it’s that she’s not going to just let you into her life because you want a spot in it. She has other things going for her and won’t stop everything just because you want to come into her life. She’s the kind of woman, however, you’ll chase until you’ve made her your wife.
Soooooo Adam….why did my guy leave me for a hoe ..when he knew i was a lifetime woman? He left me for a year..started messing with crazy nut hoes..and now realizes he made a mistake, misses wat he had and states he wants to come back..tell me the mind of a male
He may not have been ready for a relationship then, and realizes what he was missing.
Seriously… there is a difference between “hot” and “cute” ? And what is that difference exactly?
Absolutely, there’s a difference between “hot” and “cute,” though it can vary depending on personal interpretation.
What do boyfriend eyes look like? Here I am with a career and have been single for 5 years and cant manage to get a man to last more than a few dates….do I have the eyes? No conversation skills? Seem needy, this article makes me feel like a one time girl when I have the world to give a man….