How to Stop Giving a F#CK About What Men Think

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Do you care too much about what men think about you?

I think the image below sums up this week’s video perfectly. Click on it to learn one simple principle to developing your inner confidence around men.

Editor’s note: Ready to attract love with a proven strategy? Watch this free video to learn the 7 powerful steps

Are you ready to stop caring? Then leave a comment below committing yourself to the principles outlined in this video.

Your Love Coach,


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Diana York
5 years ago


5 years ago

This was an amazing video, we usually forget what it really matters

Sheila Lopez-Berdecia
5 years ago

Focus more on my inner score card by not caring how I look when I take a selfie! As is in the moment cause truly looking for someone who sees my inner self than outer self..When to find a confident person who values a person from a deeper level. Important!

5 years ago

Enjoyed the video! Love listening to you! You are authentic as yourself. It seems I can relate to better than any other persons video I have watched. Thanks!

5 years ago

I liked this session- it is a great reminder that my opinion and strength come from within. I need to take care of my self emotionally and physically first before I can commit to another person. Thank you for your perspective Adam!

Leslie Hillhouse
5 years ago

Spot on Adam. Need more like this.

Thanks Bunches!

5 years ago

Great video, I immediately knew I must align with my inner score card. I will start this today by retraining my thought process when I catch myself acting for the outer score card. I want this for me, period.
Thanks and I love your videos!

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