Do Long Distance Relationships Work? 4 Questions to Ask Yourself

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Have you ever been in a long distance relationship and wondered if it’s even possible to make it work?

As part of my Unity membership relaunch this week, I’m answering some of the most commonly asked questions.

Here’s today’s question:

Adam, I’m in a long distance relationship and I really love him, but he lives in Chicago and I’m in LA and neither of us ever plan on moving, can we make it work? – Sandra

Find out the answer in this video

Do you think that long distance relationships work? I’d love to hear your input in the Unity forum.

Your coach,

Editor’s note: Ready to attract love with a proven strategy? Watch this free video to learn the 7 powerful steps

PS. The Unity relaunch is ending the day after Valentine’s Day at Midnight. In Unity, you can access the private forum, the monthly coaching call, interviews with dating gurus and early access to my YouTube videos. Join Unity Today.

PPS. I’m throwing in a ton of cool bonuses including weekly texts with actionable “dating homework” to keep you focused on what’s most important. Check it out here.

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7 years ago

Hi Adam, I had to leave a comment on this video because my husband and I started out long distance. An important caveat about long distance relationships is that the “long distance” part has an expiration date. To make it work, at least one of you has to move, and it’s important that the date is clear and communicated. My husband’s Australian (from Sydney) and I’m from New Jersey. When our relationship developed I was the one to decide that I was willing to move to Australia and I was very clear about the “by when” (this was in 2013)… Read more »

7 years ago

Dear Adam, I have to say this. Both one of my best friends and I are in long distance relationships. They are perfectly capable of working (another good friend recently married the guy she’d been in a long distance relationship with), but they require dedication, effort, and solid communication skills above and beyond what you might experience in traditional dating. My best friend moved to pursue work in television right after finding her boyfriend and mine is a case of circumstances as I’m in grad school and he is fulfilling an oath he took that nobody guessed would ever take… Read more »

1 year ago

The individuals involved, their dedication, and their capacity to handle the particular autistic test difficulties it provides all play a role in the success of a long-distance relationship.

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