7 MAJOR Dating Mistakes Even Smart Women Make
Ready to Attract the Love You Deserve?
Bob Ross, the beloved painter, liked to say, “There’s no such thing as mistakes, just happy little accidents.”
Editor’s note: Ready to attract love with a proven strategy? Watch this free video to learn the 7 powerful steps
Generally, I think this is great life advice (from a true legend).
But sometimes avoiding mistakes is the difference between happiness and heartbreak!
Today I want to help you avoid those mistakes that lead to heartbreak.
They’re completely avoidable, but so many women make them because they don’t know better.
This is especially true for smart, ambitious women who have succeeded in every area of their life, but still struggle with dating.
Is this you?
Here’s the truth:
These mistakes aren’t all obvious.
Some are actually pretty damn hard to avoid unless you’re consciously aware of them.
Becoming aware of and avoiding these 7 major dating mistakes is what today’s video is all about.
Your coach,
P.S. If you’re looking to meet the man of your dreams, you’ve got to check out Attract The One Academy.
This is my brand new program that gives you a proven blueprint for meeting a man worthy of spending your life with.
Click here to learn how to attract the man of your dreams.
7 Biggest Dating Mistakes Women Make – Summary
- Texting a guy how you feel
It’s almost never a good idea…avoid this texting mistake.
Rather than always texting what you feel, be courageous and bring your feelings to real-life interactions…
… because that’s where real intimacy actually exists.
- Trying to make a bad guy into a good guy
Ambitious women bring their ambition to their relationships.
When they meet a guy who is exciting and interesting, but isn’t the type of man that will make her happy…
… rather than saying, “You know what? I’m done with this,”…
…. she goes into repair mode, doing everything she can to turn him into the right type of guy for her.
This won’t work.
If you notice that a guy is not the right guy for you, move on and find the right one.
- Looking for the perfect partner
A lot of smart, ambitious people want to take their perfectionism to relationships…
… but the more you get to know someone, the more you discover imperfections about them.
It’s actually the imperfection you discover that makes you fall even deeper in love with that person.
- Getting to know him sexually before knowing if he can keep up with you intellectually
Quite simply, do the opposite 🙂
- Expecting him to be your boyfriend before he is actually your boyfriend
It’s easy to assume that you are suddenly in a relationship with someone when things are going well…
… but unless it is explicitly clear that you are in a relationship, you have to assume he’s probably seeing other people as well.
- Assuming he’s a good person just because he’s smart and charming
Sadly, smart people can be the most dangerous people in relationships.
- Seeing what you want to see rather than the reality of who they really are
It’s so important to keep logic in the equation rather than always leading with your emotion.
Have you made any of these mistakes? What did you learn? I’d love to hear from you in the comments below.
I would have to say # 7 is what I am guilty of…….. leading with my emotions and not enough with logic.