5 Signs He’s Deeply Invested, But Needs Time Before Marriage

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Even when a guy is deeply invested, the idea of marriage might not be on his radar immediately.

Before you drop an ultimatum or give up on the relationship, let’s look for these 5 signs that show he’s truly committed, even if he’s not ready to walk down the aisle just yet.

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  1. He Uses “We” and “Us”- This might seem small, but it’s a significant indicator. When he’s thinking in terms of a couple, he’ll naturally use more “we” and “us” pronouns. This is known as cognitive interdependence, meaning he’s starting to see himself as part of a larger unit.
  2. He Talks About the Future Specifically- Instead of vague “someday” plans, he’ll mention concrete, specific dates and activities. For example, “Next March, we should really visit Washington D.C. to see the cherry blossoms.” This shows he’s envisioning a future with you.
  3. He Shares Personal and Emotional Stories- He’ll open up about things that are meaningful to him, like memories or experiences that have shaped him. This indicates a level of trust and intimacy.
  4. He Pays Attention to the Little Things- He remembers your favorite drink, how you like your coffee, and other personal details. This shows he’s invested in understanding you and making you happy.
  5. He Has a Positive View of Marriage- If he speaks positively about marriage in general, it’s a good sign that he doesn’t have any negative associations with it.

Remember, everyone moves at their own pace. If you see these signs, it might mean he’s just taking his time to build a strong foundation for your relationship before taking the next step.

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