5 Signs He’s Dating Other Women [RUN!]

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Have you ever started dating a new guy and wondered how to know if he’s still dating other women?

It’s totally acceptable for him (and you) to be seeing other people up to a certain point.

I’m all about keeping your options open until you find someone special who is worth giving up your singleness for. 

But if you think you’re dating this guy exclusively, then it’s time to make sure that you are.

I work with so many women who ignore obvious signs that their guy is still dating other women. 

You deserve so much more than a man who is treating you like an option.

So, it’s time to find out if he’s secretly seeing other women on the side.

If he is, RUN as fast as you can away from this guy. 


Remember, actions speak far louder than words.

He might be saying all the right things, but pay attention to the little details. These are your clue to his real feelings and intentions.

Editor’s note: Ready to attract love with a proven strategy? Watch this free video to learn the 7 powerful steps

Don’t give him the benefit of the doubt—he sure as hell hasn’t earned that yet.

If something feels strange or off, listen to and trust those feelings.

Your intuition as a woman is a superpower, so start trusting it. It will never steer you wrong.

Have you ever seen any of these signs and ignored them?

How did that work out for you?

Drop me a comment below.

Your Coach,

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3 years ago

I have definitely seen him be EXTREMELY SHADY WITH HIS PHONE. He is so secretive it makes me feel so uncomfortable. I live with him though so the rest of the things I couldn’t say were true. I haven’t met his friends.

3 years ago

Virtual dating does not require much effort and is available to the most shy and humble. As a rule, correspondence begins only in case of mutual sympathy https://realmailorderbride.com/, so you do not waste time on meaningless communication.

Alice Holt
3 years ago
Reply to  TiannaHavens

Thank you .I haven’t meet his friends or his family.

Alice Holt
3 years ago

What if a man wants money all the time , and then he tell you to get lost ,and then he keeps texting and calling you for more money.

1 year ago

You’ve come this far and I think that’s great, keep chasing your dreams and one day you’ll reach the top and then you’ll see how great you’ve become .

1 year ago

How do I find out for sure. Every site cost money,I don’t have. And the supposed free site don’t give no info. My husband’s now in prison. And I can’t get any answers to my questions. How do I get the most info at no cost.

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