4 Pieces of “Dating Advice For Women” I DESPISE

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4 Pieces of Dating Advice For Women I DESPISE Thumbnail


Ever since we were young, we’ve been hearing “wise” dating advice from our parents, grandparents, teachers, and close friends. All of it “means well”, but most of it is misses the mark.

My biggest beef with common dating advice for women is that it doesn’t actually help you take any real tangible action. It’s all focused on the idea that you should sit around and wait for a man to come to you.

That kind of dating advice will leave you at home wondering, “Why isn’t my man finding me?” as you take another spoon full of delicious Phish Food from Ben and Jerry’s.

So watch this video and I’ll share with you how we can rephrase the most common dating advice for women into something a bit more meaningful.

Editor’s note: Ready to attract love with a proven strategy? Watch this free video to learn the 7 powerful steps

Watch “4 Pieces of Dating Advice For Women I Despise” below:

Is there any other dating advice for women that you find annoying? Please share below in the comments section.

I’m always fascinated by the other dating advice people are getting out there.

Speak to you next week.

Your dating coach,


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Vivid Imagination
9 years ago

I don’t like advices like when to sleep with a guy; don’t be too smart, men don’t like smart women; make him jealous; to flatter him just laugh at everything he says (and look like real weirdo, they forgot to add).

9 years ago

Love this one. I am so tired of people telling me it will happen. I am still seeing a man I met last year but am no longer worrying about where it’s going. I am working on making ME the best me I can be and my kids.

9 years ago

This is also applies to meeting men threw social network like FB, Instagram, I did meet a really cute guy seems really sweet on Tinder, crazy like that sounds I know it’s not the best place..

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