4 Phrases a Man Says When He’s Emotionally Attracted to You

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There are two different ways that men are attracted to a woman.

First, there’s physical attraction.

As in, he’s purely attracted to your appearance. Most of the time you spend together is in the bedroom.

Then there’s emotional attraction.

This is when his feelings go deeper than the surface, and he genuinely cares about you as a person. And if you’re looking for a successful, long-term relationship, building emotional attraction is vital.

In a thriving relationship, he will be attracted to you in both of these ways. But the reality is, sometimes men will only be physically attracted to you, and they won’t be invested in the relationship.

So, how do you know if he has real feelings for you and isn’t just looking for something casual?

Editor’s note: Ready to attract love with a proven strategy? Watch this free video to learn the 7 powerful steps

It’s pretty simple when you know what you’re looking for.

Here are 4 phrases to look out for that will tell you he’s emotionally attracted to you.

If you never hear him say these phrases, or he says the total opposite, it’s a strong sign that what he feels for you is purely physical.

This isn’t a problem if you’re just looking to have fun too. But if you’re ready for something more, don’t overlook the power of building emotional attraction.

Have you ever heard a guy say any of these 4 phrases to you?

Let me know in the comments below.

Your Coach,

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Samara Bates-Brownsword
3 years ago

I had a man say those 4 things and more. Now unfortunately we are headed for divorce. He left me for another woman. The worst thing I’ve ever said out loud. Now he dabbles with cocaine and hookers. Great hey

Samara Bates-Brownsword
3 years ago

Oh, I should mention….he’s a narcissist. The awful financial and emotional abuse i suffered.
Now I only hope I can recover

Sandra Riley
3 years ago

You can, it is a journey back to yourself. Respect your heart and keep plugging away forward with new boundaries. I have faith in you!

me me
1 year ago
Reply to  Sandra Riley

she is a liar

2 years ago

YOU WILL RECOVER! Never let him take that from you. You are a survivor. Congrats on receiving your LIFE back. You have been set FREE! Run with it, embrace it, LIVE it! Feel the feelings, cry the tears, ask the questions, if there are no answers to some of them, that’s okay. It’s part of the process of putting the pieces of YOU back together. God bless you.

me me
1 year ago


1 year ago

I lived it Samara. It’s painful & long. Coping sometimes feels it won’t ever happen. But it will. Allow yourself to feel, get through the emotions and gain your strength back. Remember: you ARE still the person that he asked to marry him which means now…you’re simply gonna be even more attractive, wiser & smarter at picking the right guy. Pray hard and let God be your strength. And even when it feels it-know that you’re not alone!

“Do not be afraid for I am with you…”
-Isaiah 41:10

Stacie Rose
8 months ago

Turn to Jesus He loves you, He is the healer of the body And savior of the soul, There is True Hope in Jesus, God protects Psalms 91, He is the God of miracles Acts 2:21 And everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved Jesus alone saves Trust Him with your salvation John 3:16 1 Corinthians 15 1-4 Moreover Brethren, i declare unto you the gospel which i preached unto you, which also ye have received, and with wherein ye stand By which also ye are saved, if you keep in memory what i preached… Read more »

3 years ago

I get it! When a man commits in marriage you trust he is all in, invested! I was getting calls from women who knew more about what he was doing then I was privy to knowing. They were having ‘the best’ of him and I had ‘the chores’. Narcissism came across my video path and his picture was on it. Divorced and grateful to have my life back! Guys watch these videos too and know what to say to women. As long as we know who we are, and don’t give away our power, we will eventually know their true… Read more »

me me
1 year ago

not true

3 years ago

I’ve had a man say one of those three things to me. And we we are currently not seeing each other, but I want him back. Is one of them enough of an indicator of emotional attraction? I think the emotional feelings were unexpected and are what made him back off.

3 years ago
Reply to  JBS

Leave him alone! Men need to ‘think’ about where a woman fits into their life, if they want you in their life long term, and if they can make you happy by being capable to provide the things you want in life. But if he doesn’t come back, he is one of the millions you have to choose from that is not the one! On the other hand if you chase him (calling, texting, sending videos, etc) and he doesn’t want you, you open yourself up to be used and abused. Don’t do it, you deserve so much better! And… Read more »

Ruth b carris
3 years ago
Reply to  Faith'

So true thank you

3 years ago

I don’t believe any of that. The last guy I dated said all those things and I found out he had a wife at home and he was saying the exact same things to one of my coworkers. Some men know exactly what to say, that does not mean he’s emotionally attached.

Last edited 3 years ago by Annoymous
3 years ago

Have definitely heard those four statements from a man. Doesn’t necessarily mean his intentions are sincere; men often speak in the moment. And if he’s a narcissist and/or a functional alcoholic, he’ll just tell you what he knows you want to hear, for as long as he wants you around as his latest supply. The real challenge is determining a man’s true colors.

Rosalie Danielle Douglass
3 years ago

Yes, I’ve had all of these 4 things said to me. He’s talking about a future together and talking about love, in a short period of time. I owe this guy so much for what he has done for me.

3 years ago

HELP ! My problem is men are Physically and Emotionally attracted to me. – I know that sounds bad….. in one week ONE little short week. I have had 8 men tell me they want to marry me. WHAT ? They don’t even know me !!! I am seriously thinking about starting a Reality Show – Men over 50 – showing what they do and say trying to get a woman…. AND then taking them and showing them and telling them the RIGHT things to do. Men will tell me – by my voice they can tell I am the… Read more »

3 years ago

yes yes,he is incredible man.he does all the time.may be i can add something on that,if the is into it,he will need to spend every minute even a second with you….

Carol W
3 years ago

After my husband of 30 years passed away I reconnected with a past lover & friend. It was like no years had passed. He went above and beyond spoiling me, making me feel loved and wanted. He ticks all your boxes, has planned 3 months in advance of seeing me, as we live 1250 kilometers (770 miles for you Americans) apart, flying us to see each other, truly loves me and we plan on spending the rest of our lives together. I have never been happier in my life. Ladies don’t give up,hoping you to find the Love of your… Read more »

3 years ago

The Fortnite World Cup burst onto the esports scene in 2019 with a bang, with over 2 million people tuning in for the final stages of the tournament, which were played in a sold out Arthur Ashe Stadium, in New York. Some of the changes expected in 2020 include higher prize money, a different qualification structure to ensure the best players are playing and potentially with trios or squads, instead of solo and duo as it was in 2019.

2 years ago

Hi Adam…We have been going out for 1 month now, met on Match, still not exclusive, almost there, but I wanted to tell you that he just told me that he summed me up in 1 word…’Enchanting’, so I am guessing that is his way of saying that I am that special snowflake?

2 years ago

I have been with this man only 4 times in 4 months. We cook together, I give him massages, then have great sex. I am 11 yrs. older than he is and that doesn’t matter to him. In the beginning he said he didn’t want a relationship. When I asked him about FWB he said that he did not say that. We get along so well together. The last time we were together he told me to keep things in perspective. What the heck did he mean by that? Is he just playing me, or what?

1 year ago

I met a man, we are both 63 I’ve had three dates. He and I were deep talking. He complements me. Positive phrases me. How long until I know he’s not into me? He seems like he is. Or just having fun with me.

5 months ago

I know a man for two years and lately we’ve been dancing together when we meet up with the Hiking groups, but that’s as far as it goes he knows I like him. He was told that by my friend so he does act closer to me, but not enough to date me, I thinking I should ask him for a date and be ready to be rejected. He is somebody I could see myself with in that relationship. I am puzzled.

1 year ago

t a guy 2 months ago and we met the first time 2 weeks ago now i will be spending the weekend with him, he has not said the exact words but he did ask me to go on holiday with him in December to his country and he did mention he want us to move in together but not in my house he is planning to buy a house for us to start our journey together, does this sound like the real deal?

Esther Schaeffer
6 months ago

I have never been in a relationship before and I have this guy that wants to hang out with me and wants to go on walks with me and things like that and now he wants to introduce me to his mom I’m like so nervous that I’m just like unmm okay lol I just hope his mom likes me but I’m just here to try to learn how to deal with things like this

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