4 Awkward Signs He’s Flirting

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Way back in the day before I started coaching women, I used to coach men and help them build their confidence, learn how to connect and flirt with women, and find a long-lasting relationship.


So, believe me when I say I’ve seen a rainbow of things in my time as a dating coach. Scratch that. I’ve seen it ALL.

And when it comes down to it, men never really grow up. We might talk a big game, but at heart, we’re all a bunch of scared little boys running around just trying to get amazing women like you to like us.

This is especially true when a man is flirting with you.

And depending on how nervous he is, things can get real awkward real fast.

Editor’s note: Ready to attract love with a proven strategy? Watch this free video to learn the 7 powerful steps

So, how do you know when a guy is awkwardly flirting with you or just being an a**hole?

Here are 4 awkward signs he’s flirting.

So next time you find yourself on the receiving end of these totally awkward flirting moves, try and give the guy a break (as long as he’s not inappropriate or creepy).

Empathize with him. Call him out if he goes too far. And if you’re kind of into him too, SAVE THIS GUY already and start flirting back!

You’ve got to remember; you ladies are way more mature, sophisticated and subtle creatures than us guys. You race ahead of us in middle school, and we NEVER catch up. It’s like we’re still trying to finish a race that you won decades ago.

I’d love to know the most awkward thing a guy has said or done to you while trying (and epically failing) to flirt.

Drop me a comment below.

Your Coach,

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Margaret Leslie Mears
3 years ago

Great video! Funny and definitely educational. As for this sexy single lady, haha; if a guy asks me a question, I tend to look up and away when I answer (nervous) and I laugh a lot!

3 years ago

I ignore the guy. Not in a rude way, but just so that I can visually see who he is, what he’s doing, how he’s acting. If he’s drinking too much, or too loud, he is OUT. It would be refreshing to see a man just “be himself”.

3 years ago

I once had a guy come up to me at the bar, while I was ordering a drink and said, ” you know what they say, thick thighs save lives”. LOL!!!

Kelley Hirst
3 years ago

Oh. Flirting? Is that what that was? That explains a great deal. I’m very petite and guys think it’s hilarious to make fun of my height. I didn’t get the joke. I took it as a thinly veiled threat. Or at least really creepy.

Wendy Harper
3 years ago

I never really knew it before now, Adam, but a guy that I have been head over heels for playfully makes fun of me, in a good way though. He’ll playfully bring up things I have said and say it in context when he would see me. He says he is not interested in me but remembers everything I have said to him. He’ll continuously tell me everything in conversation I have said to him. He listened to everything I said very attentively. He always will bring up funny things I have said that in a way seems as though… Read more »

3 years ago

Honestly, I havent noticed as it’s been many years since I’ve done the dating thing. And in last five years, I havent dated much as I devoted myself to my company.

3 years ago

I am 75 years old…younger than that in looks and actions….haven’t dated in about 20 years…but would like to start again now! My problem is…sometimes I am attracted to guys somewhat younger than me…and am not sure if they are flirting with me or just being nice to the sweet “older lady” !!!

3 years ago

I laugh a lot and do the hands thing too but thats mainly if I’m nervous and doesn’t necessarily mean I’m interested. I actually tend to be more stand off fish with the guys I actually am interested in and more flirty with the ones I’m not. I need to work on that lol

Patty Dwyer
2 years ago

Real interesting and funny.

2 years ago

Many male users complain of the absence of attractive women, which forces them to have a minimal choice. But there is a platform that seems to have overcome such a trend. After carrying out our PolishHearts review, we realized that the polish hearts review dating platform has many interactive tools to offer.Many legit dating sites and those that are not scam try to introduce paid usage, not only because they want to make money by offering you matchmaking services. A paid subscription is a peculiar way to meet new people and find someone for whom the site is fun or… Read more »

Since I haven’t gone on a date in a very long time, I honestly haven’t noticed. Additionally, I haven’t dated much in the previous five years since I’ve been so focused on building my business.

1 year ago

The length of time that has passed since I last went on a date is longer than I realize. Because I’ve been so occupied with expanding my company over the past five years, I haven’t had much time for dating either.

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